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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. LMAO. I didn't even notice you spelled poppy seeds wrong. I had to go back and look. Hopefully Robin will pop back in. I've been thinking about soaping vegies also.
  2. Robin, if you add a tablespoon of cucumber at trace, can you tell the difference in the cured soap? Can you even tell the vegies are in the soap at all? Are vegies added for label appeal or for a real skin conditioning effect? Thanks
  3. Oh yeah, pink and purple rebatch. That is bringing back more memories. Dang that soap smelled good!
  4. Whatever, I like it. Was that rebatched. I don't remember. I just remember I liked it.
  5. You can get poppy seeds in the spice aisle at the grocery store. I think bunny posted how she made the cucumber soap, that was just 1-2 weeks ago, that thread can't be that far back. I've seen people use baby food carrots but not fresh carrots. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, just haven't read about it. I know I've seen something about Avocado, you might just search that word here and in the archives.
  6. That would be the final straw. I can see helping with legs and other triangular shaped patches of hair, but not the back. That is way over my line. Unless of course I was pissed at him, then I'd have to pull those strips really slowly.
  7. OK Stop. I'm laughing so hard I can barely breath.
  8. WonderfullyWicked soaped it. What a wonderful scent for soap. It was a pretty nice bar also. She'll probably hop on here and tell you more about it soon.
  9. LMAO. I shaved my legs this morning. It's the other place I hadn't shaved in 2 months.
  10. I waited to shave my legs for 2 months and you never sent my ripper stuff. Oh yeah, I wasn't in your ripper test thingy and I always wait 2 months to shave my legs. Maybe next time.
  11. Oh, shutterbug, I have some of the zen tea. Remind me and I'll throw some in your box.
  12. I can't wait to see it. Good Luck!
  13. I just got a Kelsei mold and love it. It makes perfect bars. They sometimes need a little trimming though. I can't seem to cut straight down. It always angles a bit. That is why I chose the Kelsei. The upland has the cut marks on the liner but I wouldn't be able to cut perfectly every time.
  14. The inside is coated with a plasticy/rubbery stuff. I remove the can like a can of bisquets, only starting at the top, not the middle. Unroll the edge and find the seam and rip the sides down. Also, sometimes the soap grows. Don't pour all the way to the top. I've seen some pretty phallic looking pictures of what soaps look like when they come out of a pringles can. None of mine have heated up like that, thank goodness. Here's a good picture, if you can see it. http://www.the-whisk.us/forum/album_page.php?pic_id=3021 Remember, we want pictures..
  15. Janis, I just checked the Archive thread about Peak fo's in CP. It's here: Peak FO's I didn't read far enough to find out what happens with it HTH
  16. Sorry, I can't help except to tell you that I made a soap the other day with chamomile tea. The tea was still kinda hot and when I added the lye I got a volcano. What a mess to clean up. That is the perfect reason that I don't let my son even come into the basement when I'm soaping. Please make sure the tea is cooler and add the lye slowly. I made chamomile, milk & honey soap. It did discolor a little but not bad. It is kind of medium tan color. That could have been a combo of all of the above though.
  17. I love the mosaic idea. I really hope this turns out. I wanna see what that slab looks like before it's cut.
  18. LOL, how much was the shipping? That is too funny. I buy it online. Anybody know who is taking over the supplier portion of Sarah's Spa Creations?
  19. That's what I've done. Roll a towel around it, just like insulating molds when making palm pillars, that's where I got the idea.
  20. Yes, butters can be crumbly. Cocoa Butter is hard, like rocks. It doesn't just sit there nicely one day and the next day decide to break into little pieces. Shea Butter can be crumbly, I like it that way, it's easier to get out of the bucket. Mango butter, is sticky. If it was 80 degrees when your oils arrived and the inside of the UPS truck was 110, then I can see why your butters weren't hard when they arrived. The cocoa butter that I buy comes all broken up into little rock like pieces. It is shipped out that way, it doesn't do it by itself when I'm not looking.
  21. Sorry, cocoa butter doesn't break up into rocks all by itself. Jenniejr is right. The others are solid at room temp. Are you sure you checked them when you got them?
  22. http://crayola.com/canwehelp/staintips/action_tip.cfm Here is the tips from Crayola.com on getting regular crayolas out of carpet. To find this, go to the parents section, then helpful info then stain removal. Pick the type of product, then where the stain is. I put regular crayons in carpet for the above link. LOL, we posted at the same time. Hope it helps.
  23. I use them to make shaving soap. I was going to start using them for test batches but I bought a 9 bar Kelsei that I'm in love with. It holds just about the same amount of soap. 2lb batch fills the mold 1" deep. The bars come out between 4.5 and 5oz.
  24. Oh yeah, how in the world is it possible for a can of pringles to last more than 1 day?
  25. Just under 2lbs for me. I use a pringles can and 2-3 2oz bars left over, depending on the water discount for 2lbs of oils.
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