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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I agree with Cindy, make a new batch.
  2. Thanks for saving me from that disaster. So sorry for your umm....soap...LOL I was going to soap lemongrass next. I've given up on cpop, I don't like the texture of the soaps. I bought a Kelsei mold and I just cover it with a towel. It doesnt' seem to get hot, yet. I also soap in a 60* basement. That probably helps.
  3. Go to the crayola website. They tell you how to remove crayon from everything. WD-40 works on most surfaces, but I don't know about carpet. That is where I always go first for crayon clean-up.
  4. See reply #8 in the post directly below yours. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15720
  5. Bohunk posts at the the Dish. You can find her recipe there. HTH
  6. It is obviously a joke people, lighten up. You think a cheap ass garter on a candle is wonderful, a sundress on a candle is just too cute, a mardi gras mask on a candle is funny but a candle with a diaper on it, posted as a joke, is in poor taste. I guess it just depends (no pun intended) on who posts the picture if it is acceptable or not, huh?
  7. Actually that was a very graphic description. I can well imagine the odor. Good thing I wasn't eating breakfast...LMAO
  8. Wow, very nice first batch. Wheres the dancing baby?
  9. Come on now. Let eugenia have a moment of glory before you try to out yuck her. Tsk, Tsk.
  10. Why did you put sand in the candle. I guess I've missed something or a post somewhere. I've never heard of this. I've heard of making a sand candle in the sand, but never adding sand to a candle.
  11. OK, go to the Sooz (soapcalc) calculator and click on Soap Qualities at the top. It explains a little bit about each one. http://www.soapcalc.com/soapqualities.asp
  12. My slab mold has a lid. I put 3 layers of freezer paper on the lid and when I put the lid on the mold, it sits on top of the mold instead of inside the mold. I never get ash when I use the lid that way. I also do the same with my log mold. I really don't have a problem with ash and I soap in a cold basement. Right now it is barely 60*
  13. I finally figured out, the liquid dyes I have are LabColors. From Brambleberry.
  14. Go here and read the scrolling banner. LOL http://millersoap.com/ I love that banner. I may just put it in my sig line.
  15. There are liquids that are really really really concentrated. I colored 1 cup of soap a dark pink with 3 drops. I thought that was pretty good. I like micas because of all the wonderful colors. Make sure they are soap safe! I have 1 UM that I use and I like it, but I have to use a lot of it. I use about a heaping teaspoon for 2lbs. I've haven't used oxides or clays for colorants yet.
  16. Unless of course you are Hawaiiansun. Hers is almost always liquid...LOL
  17. Are you hooked yet? Nice looking soap. I've started mixing my colors with the stickblender. I pour some light trace soap into a bowl, add color and sb for a few seconds. Then add it to the soap or swirl with it. It works better for me.
  18. Personally, I'd change gears and go with lip balm. It is way more non-gender-specific. Both will use it. The lava gloss is shiny and more of a girl thing. JMO
  19. Personal preference. Try both and see which you like better.
  20. I use white because I don't like to have to try to cover the brown color with something else. I use granulated sugar and sanding sugar. The sanding sugar is just like turbinado but clear instead of brown. As far as following the recipe, I usually follow it exactly the first time, then make changes after that.
  21. Mine has a stainless steel bowl that will wash clean. I use it for B&B then wash it up good and used it for food. I haven't had any problems.
  22. Thank you for the appology via pm. I hate to break this to you, but you are not a mod. IMO, it is not your job or your place to set up a "sting" to try to trap someone. You are as bad as those you are out to get. I read the greenleaf stuff where you popped in only to stir the pot. If you had left well enough alone you wouldn't have had to go crying to the mods about why they don't ban certain people. If it doesn't directly affect you, stay out of it. I think your prank was in very poor taste.
  23. Don't you dare pm me and call me "mrs perfect" and tell me not to post to your threads. By posting your original message you opened yourself up to the opinions of the entire world wide web. You laugh about your near tragedies then get mad when someone calls you on it. Don't you dare pm me and call me names. You are the one who was wrong, don't turn it around and try to make me look bad.
  24. Anna, switch the soapcalc to ounces instead of pounds and it will make more sense, hopefully.
  25. I have been making candles for 5 years and found CT about 2 years ago and learned safety here. I can tell you that the closest I've ever come to fire was leaving molds in a cold oven and someone else turning that oven on and burning wax. I have never, and most chandlers never, come as close to forever as you do. You are continually posting about this accident that accident and then laugh it off. When your house or your family burns then it won't be funny, it'll be more like "I should have listened". You aren't learning from your mistakes, you keep making them, posting them, and laughing about them. Please do us all a favor an back away from the wax until you learn to pay attention and care about your home and those in it. Also your smart ass remarks don't make it all ok. Have some respect for those that have tried to help you.
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