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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. Are you allowed to say healing without it being a medical claim?
  2. Ummm, Scented, did you line your mold. I see plastic but I don't see that the mold got lined. I don't see a liner.
  3. OMG, you actually did it. WooHoo. I have a congratulatory bar of Strawberry Musk gelling just for you, as we speak.
  4. I still have about 4lbs from her, I should be set for while longer.
  5. Yeah girl. In honor of you I made Strawberry Musk soap today with a nice swirl in my brand spankin' new Kelsei mold. Thanks for the input on that strawberry musk. What a beautiful scent. I'll send you a bar when it is all cured.
  6. She made 2 1lb batches. Here is the link to her question about an all palm soap. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14422
  7. I make a chocolate cinnamon shave soap that everyone who tried it loved it.
  8. The dry-flo sample? Yes, it is big. If I add a teaspoon to every batch of whipped shea it will last a very long time.
  9. If you are in Philly, you have to have some ethnic grocery stores around. You can get coconut oil in any asian market. Lard is at any grocery store, try a big chain store or go to an hispanic market, they will have lard, guaranteed.
  10. When I have a recipe that is in %, I use the soapcalc/sooz http://www.soapcalc.com/calc/SoapCalc.asp When I have a recipe that is in oz, I use The Sage http://www.thesage.com If I need to enlarge or reduce a recipe, I enter it in to whichever calc above, calculate, then reduce or enlarge it. The nice thing about soaping is that you still use between 3% and 6% FO. If you can figure that for candles, it's the same for soap only it is oils instead of wax. HTH
  11. Where's the sour cream soap? Wasn't today dairy day?
  12. You go girl. Congratulations. I saw your name in red and had to come look.
  13. Yeah, it's not bright orange. Way to go, they just keep getting better.
  14. I have no idea why. I know you can buy lard at any grocery store. It is usually on the botton shelf in a bucket or a box just below the cooking oils. HTH
  15. Slow-burn--- I made a soap a couple days ago with milk and honey and it turned dark orange. You know that pic in the gallery of my swirls, go look at the light colored soap. That was the dark orange soap. It lightened up. FYI, I added the honey to my warm oils instead of warming it up. Then I put the SB in the oils for about 30 seconds before I added the lye and I didn't get any accelleration. I didn't add FO.
  16. LMAO...No sh*t the soaping bug bit you over and over and over and over and ... They are getting better and better. Keep up the good work.
  17. Egg Salad Soap. Eggs, mayo, a few diced pickles? Didn't you say you wanted to soap cucumbers?
  18. I bought some of those a couple of months ago. They are hard and solid like a pill, but way bigger than I thought they would be. I think it was about 1.5 inches across. It worked ok, I definately wouldn't spend almost $5 for 3 tablets again!
  19. I got my shipping notice, I'll have my mold on Friday. Less than 2 weeks after I ordered it. Yeah!!!!!
  20. I used to love Irish Spring. Great looking bars.
  21. Sorry, I really wanted to do a swap but I don't do HP. Next swap I do will be CP and HP.
  22. Here is another picture, this one has all of the packaging. OMG, I just realized that this picture doesn't have mine in it. LMAO. Oh well.
  23. Well, I'll tell you. The first one I tried was Grumpy Girls salt bar. I've been reading about those for almost a year and really wanting to try one. I'm not ready to review yet, I like to use a soap at least 2 times before I review it.
  24. I've seen quite a bit of discussion about using tallow from deer and other "wild" animals at the dish. You may search there or ask.
  25. Well, I just got back from cutting the soap. It's kind of a let down. It looks funny. It isn't smooth and wonderful, its well, look at the texture in the gel pic. It's still that way. The swirls only go 1/2 way thru. It smells great, but I'm a little disappointed. I'll post pics later, I didn't have my camera with me.
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