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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I don't think it was the water. Water is the one thing in this world that is the same in liquid measure as weight. Besides, the minute amount of difference from the measuring cup shouldn't affect the soap that much. I would listen to Robin on this one. I have made a soap that was 37% shea butter and it isn't brittle, but I think I lucked out with the other ingredients I added.
  2. The only time I got that crack in the soap is from over-heating, I think. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Mystical, have you made soap yet. LMAO I say that post that said "I made soap" and saw your name by it. I thought you made it. Congrat Slow burn. It won't be nearly as stressful next time. You may even remember the FO.
  3. Here it is http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4247
  4. Go to google and type in soap dish forum It is the first one that comes up.
  5. Where's the picture of the fish in the clamshell? That one is awesome.
  6. Can anyone tell me anything about this gel? I bought it several years ago and have at least 20lbs left. I haven't even opened the bucket in so long. Is this decent stuff? I bought it from Cierra Candles about 4 years ago. It is a little separated. Would it still be good? I don't want it, do you think it would be safe enough to offer cheap on the classifieds?
  7. It is a recipe from the soapdish forum.
  8. I tried the Holy Grail and I liked it, but not as much as the one I make. I did find that if I sub out some of the regular oils and use FCO, it stays soft. Next time I'll try putting it in a malibu.
  9. I just went to the WSP site and it tells you how to add eo or fo and how much to add. As far as adding other things. try it and then test it. If it's good, make more. The first place I check for help with a product is with the supplier. I like WSP because they have a page with ingredients, directions etc for most of thier products. http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/ProductDetail.aspx?Tab=1&CatalogID=2&CatalogTitle=0&ProductID=4640#Directions
  10. It's under liquids. It comes in 5 gallons and 55 gallons or a one time sample. http://www.sficcorp.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=203
  11. HELLO!!!!! Anybody home? Where's your soap? Did it turn out, does it look like e's soap she posted? Come on, we are waiting here...LOL Inquiring minds want to know? We have the dancing baby waiting.......... Come on already, Oh well, guess I'll have to wait, just like everybody else.
  12. Camden Grey has a few of those. They have comfry, chickweed and plantain. I think they are having a sale right now also.
  13. I like to color mine, not that I make tons of them. Tonight I tried a new recipe and made Tangerine in a nice light orange color. I made Huckleberry in a nice shade of pink because I didn't have any lip safe purple. I made natural color lemon flavor. I made cafe latte and infused it with ground coffee then filtered out the coffee. It made it a nice shade of brown. As I only make a few at a time right now, coloring is fun. If I were making 100's at a time I might think again. I think as long as the color doesn't show on your lips, people find it fun to use.
  14. Anyone use it? Five gallons for $45.00. I think I'm going to order samples but just wondered what others thought of thier liquid stuff?
  15. I made some of these and then my sister took them to work and gave them out. One lady told my sister today that when she used it she broke out in a rash. She did say she is allergic to tons of stuff. She doesn't seem to be allergic to citrus, she peels and eats an orange everyday, she can eat chocolate. What could make her break out. The only ingredients were cocoa butter, citric acid, corn starch and baking soda. No FO or EO and no cocoa powder. Anyone have any similar experience or any ideas?
  16. I believe that is ash. Some of my bars get it, mostly the ones that don't gel.
  17. I'm intrigued by the EO also. Sounds yummy
  18. Occasionally I will make a batch and put most in a log mold, and some in individual molds. The last batch I made, the individual soaps are creamier looking and bubbled better than the soap that gelled in the log mold.
  19. I have used 30% Shea. Yummy bar, a little expensive, but I'm worth it.
  20. MMS is in Utah, Brambleberry is in Washington State. Not sure which one you meant.
  21. I've used it when that's all I had. It works just fine.
  22. Really, it's that far. It's only 2600 miles from me, LOL I should do Ohio, then I could fly thru Denver and visit my Dad.
  23. Oh, I have family near Akron, no, that won't work, I hate them. I vote for NY. I have a friend in Brooklyn and I've always wanted to tour the city. I've never been to the northeast.
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