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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I get so very little corruption these days. I'd love to. I was actually thinking about the Chicago convention thing this summer. Although I've never been to the northeast, that could be fun too.
  2. I have. I got some 8oz masons there because the shipping was free, but the jars are expensive. I have ordered several times from them. PM if you have questions
  3. Take it to the cleaners. If they can dry clean it, the wax will come right out. The color maybe not.
  4. You're welcome. That page has years and years worth of experience in it. I refer to it often.
  5. First things first. You haven't made soap yet. Worry about making a good, safe product, then worry about how to display it. Just like candles, you have to make safe candles before you can display them. Second, when you are posting, just above the smileys is a button with abc and a check mark. It is spell check.
  6. Anna, there is also a thread here http://www.candletech.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=27 that tells you step by step how to make a soap recipe.
  7. LOL, try one of the bands you have if it works you know where to buy more.
  8. I tried some the other night. I added 7oz of tap water (I know, I was just playing) and 1tsp fo and 1tsp of the water crystals. It filled up the little square masons nicely. I think an oz of FO is quite a bit. There are very smelly for just a tsp.
  9. I made up a CP new recipe about a month ago. I made the soap and put some in a log mold and some in soap clamshells. The log gelled and the clamshells didn't. They have a very different appearance from each other. I'll try to take a picture later and post it. The big difference is lather and bubbles. The bar made in the log that gelled has no lather and no bubbles, well, almost none. The bars made in the clamshells have bubbles but almost no lather. Why would the non-gel soaps bubble better.
  10. I got a little crocheted soap bag in an auction box, I put little pieces in it and use them in the shower.
  11. The archives are huge, sometimes it takes a few minutes, real minutes for the search to complete. One other tip about searching. When you want to look at a thread, hold down the shift button (in IE) and then click on the thread. It will open in another window. When you've finished reading it, close the window and click on the next one. If you don't do this, you can't go "back" to the search screen. Also, any recipe would work for you. I don't do HP, but I don't think there is any difference in recipes for HP and CP. Someone correct me on that if I'm wrong.
  12. You might try searching the archives, there are so many great recipes there. That is always one of my first places to look for any type of recipe help.
  13. I'm going to try to post a picture of a palm pillar. I finally got this one wicked right and it has burned almost all the way down. The walls are paper thin and melt down slowly as the candle burns. When someone said this stuff is brittle, they were right. The building owner where I work decided no lit candles so I couldn't burn this one anymore, but I'm afraid to take it home because it'll probably break. I admit, I got lucky wicking this thing. Too bad I can't remember what wick it was that finally worked. I think it's a 1/0.
  14. I got mine at Safeway in the medicine aisle, on the botton shelf. HTH
  15. LOL Brenda. You send whatever you want. That is gorgeous soap. Don't worry about sending both, the ginger looks incredible too. This swap will be a treat.
  16. OH, is that what you're sending in the swap? Oh please, please please. That is gorgeous.
  17. I saw bath puffs on sale with the Christmas stuff at Wal-Mart today for 4/$1.00. They had boxes and boxes of them. They are pretty large size in red, green, gold, silver, and several multi-color of the above . HTH
  18. You might try foaming bath butter with sugar, or MMS, I think, makes a glycerine scrub you just add sugar and fo.
  19. I have a recipe that I just love, but I've never had a problem with it when I sub some of the soft oils. I got some FCO in this week and used it instead of sunflower. I followed the recipe correctly but it isn't as solid as usual. It is an emulsified scrub with shea and is usually fairly solid, this is soft like room temp butter. Any ideas why it would be softer?
  20. The government is paying me $.43 cents a mile for work I do for them in my other job. I'd ask your accountant exactly what you can claim.
  21. This is from a book that Bunny published here on CandleTech about preservatives. If you want the whole thing you can search for posts by Bunny with the keyword preservative and it should come up. If your formula contains water, you can use: Germaben II - less than 25% oil Germaben II-E - more than 25% oil Germall Plus Liquid Germall Plus Phenonip Liquapar PE Liquapar Optima - ph restrictions Optiphen Optiphen Plus - ph restrictions See Bunny, I told you I'd save it to my computer.
  22. I'm not laughing at you, and GG, you're right, bubblage is a word. If spoilage can be a word, bubblage can be a word. LMAO Again. (At myself this time)
  23. LMAO Bunny. Here you go Grumpy Girl. hehehe Bunny, we posted at the same time. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3164
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