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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. Ummm...Am I allowed to post in your thread? We haven't had a good shouting match on the new CT yet have we? Sorry to interupt... Carry on.
  2. Didn't I see this almost exact same thread just a couple of topics down? I did just a quick search and came up with this. http://www.candletech.com/cgi-local/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=bathandbody;action=display;num=1113417330;start=2#2 http://www.candletech.com/cgi-local/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=bathandbody;action=display;num=1110089573;start=3#3 http://www.candletech.com/cgi-local/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=bathandbody;action=display;num=1107444672;start=5#5 http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9602&highlight=soap+kit http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6458&highlight=soap+kit I only had to type soap kit and tons of threads came up. Try it, you might find even more good threads. When I wanted to start making soap and B&B products I went to the B&B section and read every single thread, and all posts in every thread. I learned a ton. I highly recomend it.
  3. No it's not really that wierd. Each oil we use has a range for SAP values. Each calc is using a number in that range, not necessarily the same number. I use 2 different soap calcs. I use the one from MMS when I have a recipe with ounces. http://thesage.com/calcs/lyecalc2.php When I only have a recipe with percentages I use the soapcalc. http://www.soapcalc.com/calc/SoapCalc.asp I also like that you can save the soapcalc on your computer to use offline. Click on file, save as, and then I saved it on my desktop so I can always find it.
  4. Does the ebay site say how many pounds it will hold? When I figure it, it comes out to a 2 pound mold. Your recipe is for almost 4 pounds with the water. I'd say that recipe is either too big or the mold is too small. Also, it has over 33% coconut which may be too drying. I didn't run it thru a soap calc so don't know if the lye is right or not. Mold volume is L x W x H x .4
  5. If you want a kit, I have good things about the kits from Southern Belle Soaps. Here's a link. http://www.southernbellesoaps.com/ Good Luck
  6. I don't have soy protein, you think I can get that locally?
  7. One of the local soapers that I know cuts them into peices about 1/4 inch thick and 1" x 1" and puts them in little zip bags for free samples.
  8. Wouldn't a coffee can work, or one of those dipping vats from Peak, like this http://www.peakcandle.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=PCMS&Product_Code=ACC-DipVat4
  9. Actually, I started to order lye online before Red Devil's announcement. I bought 10 lbs online and with shipping it came out to about $2.50 a lb. I was buying the Red Devil for almost $5 for 18oz.
  10. Landa, did you see the thread at soapzine about using shea on your hair. There was a lot of feedback on it. Some good, some not. It was worth reading if you can find it.
  11. I'd say one good place is the Candletech archives. Go to the recipes section and browse every topic. Many have recipes for shea stuff and directions. I'd go there first.
  12. I had no clue how to make them, but I mixed dpg with FO and used a toothpick amount of candle dye right in the DPG/FO mix. The colors were consistant, but the scent only lasted about 2 weeks for me. I may apply the FO mixture twice next time and see if it lasts longer. I was only making 1 at a time for a few friends to try so I mixed the FO in metal tealight cups. They are cheap and the FO couldn't eat through it. The only other small cups I have are plastic.
  13. Landa, Did the red start out pink then darken?
  14. Try it. It won't hurt. I've been known to get a batch in the kitchenaid and go upstairs and make dinner. Go down just before we eat and check on it. Come back after the dishes are done, etc
  15. Wrap them in newspaper. Take them outside to the cement and roll them back and forth with your foot. Make sure you are wearing shoes. Pick them up once in a while and remove the loose ones. Wear leather gloves. After they've been used once, they shouldn't stick together any more.
  16. The solid in the vanilla fo sounds normal. Have you tried heating it up to see if the solids dissolve. Loosen the lid and place it in a bowl of warm water. Any fo with vanilla in it is more than likely to do this if they get cool. Glad you got it taken care of. It may leave a bad taste, but the girl you are angry at did go to her supervisor and notify her that you were unhappy. She was at least willing to help after the fact. She deserves some credit.
  17. Yikes, it isn't there. I'd pm Robin and ask her for the link. If I'm not mistaken wasn't she hosting it on her website?
  18. Thanks Michi, I got them today. Which reminds me, I need to pm Carmen...lol. I made sure I had Robin's tutorial printed out and on the work table while I was making the soap. It helped tons. Good luck,
  19. It's really not that scary. Just make sure to have the little ones out of the house the first time so you can concentrate fully. After a while it will be no big deal. Good Luck. I want my oils from Carmen. They were shipped on the second and you are furthur away than me.
  20. I use the agbanga shea and it just has a very mild scent. I don't try to mask the shea scent. To me, when you rub the shea in, the shea scent goes away and leaves the fo scent. I am only going for the amount of fo that is needed after the shea has soaked in. Does that make scense?
  21. I think the norm is not to go over 1oz of fo per lb. Many soap with less.
  22. Here get some of this: http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/Product.aspx?Tab=1&CatalogID=2&GroupID=332&CatalogTitle=0&CategoryID=686&CategoryName=Foaming+Body+Scrub Then add some of this: http://store.scent-works.com/gingerlime4oz.html That should do it. Or do you want a recipe from scratch?
  23. Just Scent sells it. I got a bar of CP soap in that scent and OMG. Very nice in soap. I'll have to try it in candles one of these days.
  24. I haven't tried it, but isn't it funny that it says "No Liner Soap Molds and Cutters" right above it then it tells you to line the mold.
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