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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I melt my shea completely whether for butters or soap. It gets grainy on me if I don't.
  2. Have you tried www.thesage.com The have sealing disks, both the ones that fit like you describe and the foamy ones. HTH See if this works for a picture
  3. Doesn't Nuetrogena have a dandruff shampoo with pine tar in it. Is it called T-Gel?
  4. Local health food store or the health food section at a larger grocery store. That's were I get some of mine. As for your second question. Personal preference, I prefer spearmint, my sis prefers peppermint. Send me one of each please? LOL
  5. I don't think I could have said it better.
  6. Thank you all very much. Carrie
  7. My sister's leg is terribly itchy. There is no blotches, no dry skin, no bumps, just terribly itchy. She wants me to mix up a batch of magic to make the itch go away. With no visible problem I don't have a clue what to do beside tell her to go to the Dr., but he'd just give her a steroid cream. Any suggestions?
  8. If the soap is for personal use, use a bath poof or shower gloves. They won't stain. .
  9. Thank you all very much. I think I will add the color before the EO. Thanks for the heads up, I hadn't gotten that far yet. I have some silk powder that I think I'll use instead. I'll just add it to the lye. Thanks again.
  10. Anybody know if this will change the color?
  11. I am making a special bar for my mom. She wants it barely pink and scented with Rose Geranium EO. No problem. I am using Lard, PKO, Coconut and Castor. That should make a white bar, conditioning with lather. I can make it barely pink. So my problem is, I want to use powdered GM. If my recipe calls for 12oz of water, can I add 2tsp GM powder to 2oz water and mix it with my oils. Then add the lye water (with the 2oz water subtracted out). Will the GM discolor the soap, at all. I read that the lye water turns orangey when lye is added to GM. Should I forget the GM and add silk instead? Thanks in Advance, Carrie
  12. Did you try emailing SFIC for recommendations?
  13. I just assumed that the goat fat on the MMS calc was similar to Lard or Tallow but made from goat. It is my understanding that the fat in GM is a saponifiable (is that a word) fat but that it is used as a superfat. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.
  14. I tried running this thru a calc but don't know the size of your batch. I put your oils in sooz using percents for a 2lb batch. Then I transferred those oz to mms. Sooz had the lye at 4.53 for a 2lb batch and MMS had it at 4.51 for 5% superfat batch. When I removed the castor the lye amount went down to between 0% and 1% superfat. Cindy is right, the GM may have been your saving grace here. There might be enough fat in the milk to kick you up to a little safer range. Don't forget to tongue test this one. HTH
  15. I got a sample of silk powder. I wonder how this will work in soap. Should I add it to the lye water?
  16. It was up yesterday, really. At least it has a different error message today.
  17. I was just there, I could post and everything. Yeah:yay: :yay:
  18. I try to get into the site a few times a day. Everytime I get an error page. I know you can still get into SoapSaver and the Archives but the Dish is still down.
  19. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3164 This is the link to Bunny's How-to build a soap recipe. If that doesn't help maybe you could list the oils you do have. Maybe some of us could give you some suggestions. HTH
  20. Lorrie, I have about a pound of it you can have for shipping. It is about 6 months old I think. I bought it in a coop that Heather did (I think) from the chemistry store. This is all from memory not notes but I think it's correct except maybe the 6 months. Let me know, I'll pm you also.
  21. I thought it was epsom salt that was bad for salt bars. I hadn't read anything about dead sea salt.
  22. I like how the table cover is pulled together. Maybe you could have done that with the other table. I would have been afraid someone would have caught a foot on the hanging cloth and pull the whole thing onto the floor. Just a thought.
  23. Don't they have great eo's? I'll go look, I need some lavender.
  24. I use wick pins from the outside and a level. Before I pour I make sure the mold is perfectly level. I haven't had a problem.
  25. Finally finished the last of the products in the swap. TexasBrat I like the pink sugar smell, very nice. It had nice bubbles and lather, not drying at all. mysticglow I love this bar of soap. The scent was pretty mild but that was fitting for the scent. However, this is the first time I've used an OO Soap. Wow, I could feel the difference immediately. I'm definately saving this recipe to try soon. Lorrie I really like the scent of your bar and it stayed on for a while after the shower. No dryness and good lather and bubbles. KJBell Very mild scent. I really like the feel of lard soaps. Krystal Kreations I really like this combo of lavender and chamomile. Where did you get it, or did you mix it? Nice lather, not drying. Blue Skies I had some trouble getting this soap to lather or bubble. I was nice on the skin, just almost no bubbles. The scent was nice and it wasn't a bit drying. I am looking at the bar right now and it is so shiny. It's dark right now and the only light is from the monitor and this bar is totaly shiny. Kinda neat. There, done. Wow. Sorry it took so long to get all these done. Now I need to finish the last batch of votives from the summer swap, oops.
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