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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. When are you gonna do another babbasu coop shutter? Ya'll have everyone talked into using it, now make it available. LOL
  2. Thanks for the link. I beleive Agbanga has an office in Seattle, shipping should be decent. You might call and ask for a sample. Also, I don't know the name of the company that took over TDF butters, but when the dish comes up, that's where I saw it. Or email TDF, they'll tell you. HTH
  3. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2905 This is a picture of eugenia's forhead after she burned it with lye. Be Careful!!!
  4. Hey Gerrie, I got some from Keystone also. I got smileys and flowers. They are much larger than I thought they'd be. They seem too big to hang from the mirror in the car. I also ordered some of the sheets to play with making my own designs.
  5. I heard they stopped selling butters and another supplier in the same area is handling thier butters now. I also heard the prices are a little higher.
  6. My dream mold is a log mold that I can swirl in, then put the inserts in, like a kelsei, but log. I would also be able to change it from 2 to 4 to 6 lbs easily and it doesn't need to be lined. That's my dream mold. I bet it doesn't help you though. Personally I like log molds, I like the shape of the soap that comes out of them. I also like that cutter that was like an egg slicer. All the wires and it cuts logs all at one time. But again, I'm dreaming.
  7. I looked at it but don't know enough about soaping to just know when a recipe is good or not. That's why I didn't respond. give it time, it's only been posted for an hour. There aren't as many soapers here as at the Dish, sometimes it can take a little while to get someone experienced to see your post. Patience Grasshopper:p
  8. I just bought some from Kangaroo Blue. http://www.kangarooblue.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=204&zenid=5ea7861f6afc3835092b02527b3da50a HTH
  9. I always check mine for zap when I cut it. Sometimes there is a tiny zap and that goes away in a few days. Only once did I get a big zap, yikes. Congratulations, BTW. Edited to add that.
  10. I went to the store and bought sheer curtains then melted the beeswax and strained thru the curtain material. I folded the material 3 times, so 8 thickness. I had to strain it 2 times to get most of the gook out of it. Good luck, it was a sticky gooey mess when I did it.
  11. Try this page. Lots of samplings http://www.sks-bottle.com/340c/SampleIndex.html
  12. You're kidding, right? Next time just warm it in a bowl of warm water and don't forget to loosen the lid a bit.
  13. Wow! We don't have any Sam's Club's around here, only Costco. I haven't seen any deals like that. Way to go.
  14. Want my newbie, maybe not good advise? I have rebatched 3 times. The first time I did it exactly like I was told. I didn't add any water. The soap was like marshmallow cream when it was melted and I hated the end result when it was unmolded. Threw it away. The next rebatch I added distilled water. I don't know how much, I just kept adding water to the melted soap and using the SB until it was like medium trace. It was a beautiful rebatch, it looks and feels just like regular CP, only better looking than the original ugly bar. My third rebatch was 3 days ago. My SB was at my moms so I used a whisk. I don't advise a whisk. I got suds and more suds. It was ugly. I finally got it un-chunky and poured it into muffin pans. I put it in the freezer the next day to get the soap out and it wasn't coming out. I ended up having to pry it out and now they are not only ugly with dried out suds on the top, there are holes in the sides from the knife I used to pry them out of the mold. If you have learned anything from this it should be not to take my advise on rebatching anything. HTH Carrie
  15. For those in the Northwest, I bought the OO Pomace at Yokes Pac N'Save. Top shelf in the bulk isle.
  16. I went to a a local grocery store chain I almost never go to today. I found Olive Pomace in gallon tins for $13.26 a gallon. I bought some because I hadn't been able to find it anywhere else. I got home and looked online for prices. Soapers Choice is $13.72 for 7 lbs and WSP was $18.60 for 7.5 lbs. I think I found a pretty good deal.
  17. Maybe the rumor was started by someone who was selling the warmers that melt from the top, the ones with lights?
  18. Not an expert here! If you've decided it isn't lye then I would cut a thin layer off the soap and see if the white spots come back.
  19. Is Kimberly the only one who can fix it?
  20. specks of the paper maybe? Is there dust in your curing area, or a fan that could blowing stuff around?
  21. These are great. I'm still waiting to burn the gourd you gave me. I love it.
  22. I swear, I kept looking at the pictures and I see alien heads. What are the pink and green things supposed to be. Sorry, I'm not trying to be mean, but all I see is alien heads.
  23. I buy mine from Issaquah candle and supply. An 11lb slab is $10. I'm only a state away and the shipping parcel post on a case is only $15 with insurance. A few people have complained lately about his CS and shipping. I've never had a problem. HTH
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