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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. Does your mold have a lid? I cut a large piece of freezer paper and place the lid on it, paper side up. then I trace around the lid. Then extend the lines out 4-5 inches, all of them. I then cut the corners out. Fold the flaps in, shiny side in. It should fit down in your mold perfectly. Then just tape the sides to the outside of the mold. I also line the lid. HTH
  2. Michael, I might think about switching jobs for a day, sometime this winter. When it's 10 degrees and snowing like hell and I have to drive up a mountain on unplowed roads, I'd give anything to come to Dallas, work at the school for a day, then go shopping, out to a good restaurant, much warmer weather. Right now, it is summer, temps around the mid 80's with about 50% humidity. This is perfect weather. Why go anywhere else?
  3. Michael, are you trying to be the teachers pet. These things aren't due for what 6-7 weeks? J/K I haven't even thought about what scent yet. Hmmm, off to the FO cabinet.
  4. A slab mold? Try here. I got the one with hinges. It makes it easier to get the soap out, IMO. http://www.candlesandwoodcrafts.com/woodensoapmolds.html HTH
  5. Sorry, I have to ask. If the suppliers don't sell them separately, how did you get 300 without lids?
  6. What I do when putting lotion or butter on my hands only is to put a little on the back of one hand then rub it in using only the backs of my hands, not my palms. This keeps the oils away the palm and greatly reduces the greasy "feel" of shea. If your palms aren't greasy you really don't notice it. Besides, the palms of your hands rarely need moisturizing, only the back of the hand and fingers.
  7. My guess would be silicone mold, poured upside down, just like a candle. Donna, I don't think it's too dark, it really does look real in the picture.
  8. I went to Target yesterday. No nice wooden soap molds (organizers), lots of plastic ones. I did get my son a couple pairs of school shoes. I just love the shoe styles and the prices of the little kid shoes there. They are nice leather, nice styles. I hate shoes at walmart, all plasticy etc. A little OT, but oh well.
  9. Sawyers Moon Cranberry Yuzu- OMG I love this scent. I used it in the shower and it seemed to bubble and lather just fine. I do use shower gloves so that may have had something to do with it. I didn't find it drying at all. I didn't get the recipe, is it posted on here or the old board? Still working on the others. More later.
  10. Someone posted pictures of that on the old board, I remember seeing it. Try looking there.
  11. I got two of the molds from the place e posted. I like them. The first time I used the slab mold I was sure I wouldn't like the hinged sides. I found that I really like the hinged sides. The prices are good. I am going to Target tomorrow to see if they have the drawer organizers there. It's 40 miles from here, so I guess I better go to macy's, costco, olive garden, kmart etc while I'm there. Darn it!
  12. Here is a picture from the spring votive swap. There is a wide assortment of packaging. Some are shrink wrapped, some have tissue, bags etc. Whatever you package them in will be fine. http://www.geocities.com/dolphin22675/pic1.html This link is from the review site that Moochelle set up. It was very helpful and easy to navigate. Maybe if we ask very nicely she will help us out again. HTH
  13. It depends on the FO. I have been using 1oz per lb just to see how it works and smells. If it is too strong, I know to cut back the next time. Scents like Lavender and Lilac would be way too strong at 1oz/lb. I did a batch with Lavender EO at .7oz/lb and it is very nice.
  14. I'm open to suggestions Brat. I was thinking 2oz. Sending you a PM Brat. The idea for this was to be able to not only give reviews of peoples soaps, but also to have the information for soapers about FO's from different suppliers. This time it is JS. There is already a huge amount of info on Peak scents so I didn't want to do Peak this time. There is very little information out there about some suppliers FO's in CP soap. Some of the suppliers don't even have the info. This would help all soapers, IMO.
  15. A Supplier, Just Scent.
  16. Hey all, I'm hosting a JS CP soap swap. PM me if interested and I'll give you the detailes. Carrie
  17. I have seen a couple of threads about this on the Dish I believe. Might search there. HTH
  18. Yes, it does look right, but at Walmart they are $19.97 everyday price.
  19. I get it at walmart, same aisle as foil and such, bottom shelf.
  20. Woohoo! You are brave to swirl on your second batch. I made batch #7 a couple of days ago. I'll have to take a picture. I did an in the pot swirl. It was pretty soft, as I didn't take a water discount. It should be hard enough now to cut. I'll try to remember to bring the camera home from work.
  21. My oven won't go below 200. If I wanted to try this method, how long would I keep it in the oven. Until it gels, until it is done gelling?
  22. Lavender Bergamot Anise My three favorites
  23. Did the box look like this? See the temp. control dial on the plug?
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