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Posts posted by Livelovebath

  1. they all look good.. the pic is small I cant wait to see cut pics.. you must try to get them bigger lol.. and yes I am now awaiting to see if your v.s. works too.. I need to get some of that lol!!!

    Great job hun!! Doesnt it feel great to have a table of soap like that!!!

  2. Well sort of.. I played and tweaked a bit, and did them in half balls so that I could call them gum drops.. (and I loved using the 1/4 cup measuring cup instead of the meatballer lol)

    I love these babies.. they make me want to bathe over and over agian lol.... I know doesnt take much to excite me eh...

    Thanks for Looking



  3. ha ha well I guess I was just impatient or, possibly too early as they are ROCK hard now lol... thanks for the reply! I am loving these its all I can do to stay out of the tub lol.. Definatly adding them to my love list lol... I will keep my other recipe for bubble bombs and do this one as regular. I tweaked the oil though to include coconut oil and grapeseed...and added some dead sea salt to the ones I just made... its wonderful!

  4. Yep I use a plain old Popcicle mold too for a few years now. Its not quite as fancy but I love them and so do my customers. I also have more play with the colours and flavors I choose lol... not that you should eat them.

    PS as added 'b&b ishness' lol I use an emory board in place of the stick. Simple replacement that many people love. I also get them at the dollarstore for a pack of 30 or so for a dollar. (Canadian but I am sure you have them in yours too).

  5. ok silly question. I made some of these yesterday (to switch up from my normal way and try something new) I was just wondering how rock hard they get. Mine are dry and hard.. but would crumble with pressure i think. I just wanted an idea to compaire to.. are you air tight packaging them to keep them from crumbling etc... sorry for all the questions. I love the feel of them in the tub and they were so simple that I can see this being something that I could definatly work with more often. I am just wondering if my end result is the same as other peoples.

  6. Thanks so much for the reviews.. I just got Butt Naked in this week too.. OMG I love it.. I made bath bombs with it today and my whole basement smells lovely. Its funny that you think tropical too..thats what I thought, but then I looked at the discription and theres nothing really tropical in it.. granny apples, pears, strawberries.. I smell coconut too though.. I am trying to rename it.. I was thinking Island Paradise or Island Sunrise.. but then I looked at the discription... I am boggled now lol.

  7. ha ha ha bunny farts... oh goodness... thats too funny!! I dont think that I could write that on a label.. right now i am finding my self having to change the name butt naked but i dont know to what lol

    Thanks for all the ideas everyone. I am sure that this thread has helped more then just me out!!

    Yes creative names are a must.. I think I will be working with the ideas here as a base and then trying to get creative to change up some names. I love the Easter Dress Idea for the cotton scent, And I am going to do an Easter Bonnet, I hope to get more creative with some other names though lol.. hum.....

  8. OH dear.. that looks wonderful!!! I so need to get off my bum and make some!! I am suposed to wait for jars but man it looks really good!

    and Italian Granita Ice oh dear i feel a google search of that FO coming on i think I MUST have it lol.. I really need to get off of here lol!!

    Great work girl.. keep those pics coming!

  9. I know AH/RE has a scent thats supposed to smell like a cadbury egg havent tried it though

    Oh dear.. my 30 week preggers hormones ready that and its all I can do not to whip out the CC right now!! I have to get some of that oil!!! lol

    I was thinking maybe Easter Bonnet- do a mix of florals - do you think anyone would want florals in their car lol (sorry i am very against floral scents in my everyday life lol but trying to offer a variety)

    hum i love the Easter Dress coreation to clean cotton.. Ah you guys never fail to help me with the creative juices!! Hum back to my thinking chair lol

  10. :embarasse First thank you! lol

    Second here are my 2 cents for what they are worth.

    I never make anything with a real candy on it with out putting on the label that it should be removed before use, that it is just decoration kind of thing.

    As for products with candy sprinkles, I have done that a time or two.. but mostly I just colour salt and then use that instead, same effect as the coloured sugar but no sugar. Also MANY people use those 'quins' in bath products and I have yet to hear a problem.

    Personally I make a stash of goodies for my own use that have 'quins', etc on/in them. I have never had an issue.. I have a big old tub and I think that the amount of sugar in the products is so minimal that its like going in with sticky hands as a kid.. or less. I also use sugar scrub in the tub with out problems.. lol again this is what I PERSONALLY do, and I do not recomend that people go out and do that, but i think people for the most part wouldnt have a problem with a little sugar in the tub and most people that use things like sugar scrubs etc probalby have been exposed to it regardless of label warnings and have been fine.

    Take it for what its worth I guess lol.. mostly rambles.. but I guess my point was that for retail use as little sugar as possible (use subs where you can) and if you do use candy etc label that it should be removed.

    and alas no camera yet.. just to lazy to return it sigh...

  11. Thanks ladies! They are nothing super out of the ordinary but I was happy with the results.. and they seem to have caught the eye of my Facebook group members lol.

    The hearts are actually plastic rocks... I have the workings of a new way of marketing Tub Truffles with these jewels in them.. and some accessories to go with them.. lol.. ah the ideas

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