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Posts posted by NattyCat

  1. only got eco's and lx's nat.

    Theres far too many wicks and abbreviations around' date=' I got totally confused and picked one lot for paraffin and one lot for soy lol.

    I've got ECO 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8. Haven't got any bigger. Darn![/quote']

    Try Eco 6 first. at least 2 burns worth. Then try 8.

    Metal tins get much much hotter than glass, so the flame heats the tin up fast and the wax melts across the container faster than it would in a glass container. You'll be surprised to find that you need to wick down than the size you'd normally use. I would say an eco 8 is perfect - you don't want too hot a flame as that tin will be RED hot - you need it just enough to get to the edge on the 1st or 2nd burn.

  2. Update:

    CD18 did nicely. Not quite to the edge on first or second burn but very good scent throw. but to be honest, I am using such nice oil, i'd get a nice scent throw if I used a bamboo skewer!

    So anyway. Next test was Hemp Super Large.

    Burns all the way to the edge on first burn, lovely scent throw, flame a little large but sorted with a quick trim of the wick.

    BUT. my god the shrooms are HUGE! I know it's not my wax/fo blend as RRD and CD didnt shroom at all.

  3. lol' date=' no ask please scented, it'll help me learn hehe

    now, I think I may mean something different with wick pin.

    I'm after something that looks like the votive wick pin, round at the bottom, spike sticking up thru centre, at least 6.5inches long. You put it in the mould first (like votive) and remove when candle set.

    what are you wrapping your mould seal around?

    I'm still using some mould seal that someone kindly sent me ;) and there were 2 little screws with it, never did figure what they were for.

    I'm just slapping a piece on about 1 1/2 wide all around the hole and over the wick (leaving a horrible grey mark!) and flattening it out as much as i can around the edge.[/quote']

    no, these wick pins are used outside the mould - just stick a wad of mould sealer round the base and then stick to the bottom of the mould.

    But first - try this. Wash the outside of your mould in hot soapy water, possibly rub some alcohol round the base also. the mould sealer won't stick of there's melted wax or fragrance oil that's leaked onto the outside of the mould - it needs to be super clean and dry and not greasy.

  4. What is Nattycat's website?

    Hi Lemon. I don't have a supplies website. I am a candle maker but buy in a lot of supplies, so offer them to other candlemakers in the UK.

    If you let me know what you want, I can see what I can do - but to be honest I would feel a little uncomfortable selling these items to you without having spoken to your mum first so she could listen to safety advice. Wax can cause serious injuries, and fragrance oil can damage your kitchen surfaces and plastics as well as the issues you could have with a candle you have made being unsafe. I would feel terrible if you injured yourself with supplies I had sold you.


  5. talking of wax. someone emailed me for some paraffin but my inbox went haywire and I lost the email - I can't put email address to names on here so was hoping they'd email back - so if yer reading this and you asked me for some paraffin, get back to me - i fixed my email inbox now so I should get it.


  6. Still smiling, Just recieved an email about the wholesale account as he promised he would send which is fantastic not thinking he would get back to me!!!

    Hes very speccific about what he wants, it worries me slightly because he is basically aiming at the high end market and it sounds like he wants me to make some plain sophisticated pillar candles with a 'luxry' scent- Whatever thats classed as!! Thats the good bit he wants me to leave the candles as they are with no labels so he can do his own and also un packaged so that he can add his own. I know people do do this but it seems unfair if he gets the reputation for my candles when ive done the hard work???

    His next request is candles poured into glass beakers/jars,which he wants to find himself and doesnt have a clue what hes looking for! There is no way im going to do that as it will all fall back on me if the container is wrong or unsafe. It will also take me all the testing and retesting which i dont think he understands?

    So although it would be great to work with this guy as his plans for my candles sound great and its not every day that you land a wholesale account that actually contacts you after showing interest, i think we have a lot of ground work to cover first and ive a feeling that im going to have to set some ground rules in a nice way about my do's and donts!!!

    I will update you all and thanx for your kindness,

    Oh and by the way the craft fair was okay,didnt quite make my money back on the table because it was so quiet but made so good contacts for now and the future.

    ;):wink2: :smiley2:

    Unfortunately that's how wholesale works a lot of the time. All of my wholesale accounts have their stuff unlabelled for labelling themselves. I don't really care if my name is on it - I am certainly not going to turn down a £5,000 order just because they don't want my label on the packaging!

    Do you have insurance? If you don't have insurance you need to get it now if you want to wholesale to this guy. It won't be "out of your hands" once he gets your candles - any issues, faults or claims will come right back to you so you need to protect yourself.

  7. CD 18 is doing a good job - didn't get quite to edge on first burn, but did on the second and scent throw is good.

    However, I put it in my bathroom, shut the door and left it on "power burn" for 5 hours - when I opened the door the room was misty, not quite smoke, but misty - and there was a big black soot streak up the tiles.


  8. tried all the RRD range and still no joy. wax is un-dyed and no additives. Just 70% CB135 and 30% standard soy.

    Trying RRD55 again - still doesn't work no matter what oil. RRD 47 just doesn't cut it at all. Going to try hemps again as my CD wicks got mixed up and now I can't tell which roll is 12, 14 or 16. Doh!


  9. Giving up on Ecos - they suck for fragrance throw - the RRD did so much better. I don't really know eco wicks that well so think I'll leave them.

    I used CD wicks a lot a while back - but decided their scent throw wasn't that great but am going to give them a go in this tumbler. Then I'm going to go back to hemps and give them another go - even if i have to use the super large. So far, the eco got to the edge on second burn but scent throw was poor - the rrd got to the edge on 4th burn (just about) but scent throw was awesome.

  10. I wouldn't try to wick it. the mouth is too small. if you use a wick large enough to cope with the width of the jar at it's widest, the heat at the top of the flame near the narrow opening will a) turn the mouth of the jar black with soot and B) possibly make the jar explode due to the excessive heat trapped inside.

    That's not a good container for candles. the left and middle ones are OK.

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