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Posts posted by NattyCat

  1. does the white look like it's been dusted in talcum powder? That's ecosoya for you.

    Also - try doing two pours. Pour 3/4 of the way up the candle first, let a skin form and poke a relief hole. When the candle is almost set up (not stone cold but a definate firm skin on the top and the wax has receeded away from your relief hole) do the second pour hotter than the first so that it melts a fine layer on the first pour and the two layers blend together. This stopped all my cracking issues.

    If this doesn't work. Try adding half a teaspoon of castor oil, or a teaspoon of beeswax while your wax is melting - to soften the wax slightly.

  2. Eco, RRD, CD and Hemp burn soy nicely. 'shrooms sometimes just have to be accepted. I sometimes get them as I use 9% FO and a lot of dye, but I tell my customers that if they SHOULD get one, to take it as a reminder that the wick needs to be trimmed. I tried so many times with the same combinations of scent, dye and wax and the results varied to no mushys to ones the size of mouse poo - there was no rhyme or reason, they just happen sometimes.

  3. Hi Gaynor. A Euro Co-Op seems like a good start, but I'm not sure people are going to be able to buy enough to take all the glass off my hands. What sort of quantities were you looking at?

    OK - all you UK & Euro people - tell me what glass you are looking for? I'll see about pallet prices and see if it's viable to do a co-op.

    I will post a co-op announcement in the Co-Op section to try and gather information in one place.


  4. 4oz is the weight of the tin when it's FULL. try 3.5oz. You'll use just over 3oz for the first pour, and if the top is lumpy, you can heat the little bit left over in the microwave for 20 seconds and do a re-pour.

    Yes, use the double boiler method - never melt all your wax in the microwave - it's only OK for tiny bits and not for too long as if it's scented wax, it will evaporate the scent off plus you have NO control over the temperature - do it in quick, short bursts and use a thermometer. You can also "burn" soy (as I found out) and it goes a yucky wee colour if heated too high.

  5. Anjie,

    I never know what the Duty is, I still can't figure that one out. If a parcel is sent via USPS - as soon as it gets on the plane in the USA, it then becomes the responsibility of Royal Mail or Parcelforce. 9 times out of 10, it's parcelforce - there are no USPS representatives in the UK, if you think about it - the United States Postal Service, is just the USA's "standard" mail service, whereas in the UK it's Royal Mail and Parcelforce.

    Also - if you happen to be unlucky and your parcel is delivered by FedEx or UPS - they are complete buggers with the customs or duty. OK - here's how it works. SOME parcels go through customs - it's like a "spot check" so you could be lucky and your parcel slips through the net if you're using usps/parcelforce. However, if your parcel is sent via UPS or Fedex - they ALWAYS charge you customs and duty on "behalf" of HM Revenue & Customs, EVEN IF YOUR PARCEL DOESN'T PASS THROUGH THE CUSTOMS CONVEYOR!!!!! Why? They say that they collect the charge to make your parcel arrive quicker. However, the real reason why they do it is so they can slap a £16 "admin" fee on to your parcel. So you will always pay customs and duty on parcels via UPS or Fedex if the value of the parcel is over $30, even if a customs officer never actually claps eyes on the thing.

    Ubure - I know it. But then I still have to figure out how to get this stuff to the UK without being charged so much that for me to make a bit of money for my time, I have to charge a fortune for the products.

    I was thinking about starting up with just FO and a few other useful bits that I've found for myself. I've been dealing with a major glass manufacturer and have found glass super-cheap, BUT the problem is that I have to buy each style by the pallet (around 700 jars) I just don't have the space OR cash to buy that much even though in the long run, I'd save so much money and could offer it cheaper than ANYONE else in the UK.

    I'm seriously thinking about it - I just need to find the time.


  6. noooooooooo it's 17.5% VAT, and DUTY and THEN, parcelforce will add £8 to your charges for their admin fee.

    So just when you think you can handle a £20 VAT & Duty fee - parcelforce go and make it £28 for delivering your parcel....which is like THEIR JOB!!! bloody money grabbing gits.

    It's beautiful when your parcel slips through the net - but devastating when it DOES get caught.

  7. perhaps next week. It's the "calm" before the storm here at the moment - all hell is about to break loose as I have to pour 300 tealights, 50 tins and 100 votives for a wholesale order - but that's in just over a week's time. I'll check and see what orders I have to get done etc and let you know early next week. How much notice do you need?


  8. If this is going to be a lotion candle - who is going to take responsibility for ensuring that it meets european safety regulations? If the company supplying the perfume say they're going to do it, but they don't - and then that candle causes an allergic reaction in somebody - it would be YOU who was sued as you are the manufacturer and you didn't get the product certifued. If I were you I'd ensure they were certified before they left your door - but add the cost in to the quote you give them.


  9. Oh sweet jesus. I've just poured the bacon candle and it's totally

    hurl-tastic. Although, it really does smell like bacon - so much so that my dog came running into the kitchen the second the wax hit the scent.

    bleurrrggghhhh. Add to that a pie crust candle, and a fresh bread candle, and my house STINKS of bacon sandwiches.

  10. oh how fabulous is this? I just received an order for a bunch of candles in fresh bread, pie crust and bacon (I got the bacon from the co-op)

    The lady then emailed me and asked me to hurry in the dispatch, because they are beginning a production of Sweeny Todd next week, and want the audience to smell meat pies baking in the second act!

    How funny is that? Pretty cool too!

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