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Posts posted by NattyCat

  1. Hello!

    I have a range of soap that is poured in a deep round dish, and then wedges are cut out, like slices of cake. Up until now, I shrink-wrap each slice, and then label the bottom with scent and ingredients. However, I don't have triangular labels, so I have to print onto square labels and then cut the edges off, and I never can get them even.

    This is laborius and time consuming, so I am trying to come up with different ways to label the soap.

    I tried round labels, but couldn't get all the legal info on it, I tried to buy triangular, but these are horridly expensive. Tried wrapping it in a cigar band, but triangles don't like to be banded. They're too small for the clam-shell pie thingys that I use for pie-shaped candles.

    Any ideas?

  2. purely from another perspective, some people tend to "attack" when they're feeling left out or abandoned. If you were friends, or at least friendly associates, she may be feeling rejected and brushed off by you all of a sudden. The same thing can happen in relationships - how many times have you heard the complaint "we used to be best buddies, but since she's got her new boyfriend, she never has time for me and can't wait to get off the phone when I call her".

    I guess your candle business is your new boyfriend, and friendships, or even friendly associations could be suffering.

    Maybe she isn't jealous, and could just be feeling a bit miserable that you don't have time for her anymore. Perhaps the time you spent on here mentioning about her being jealous, and then replying to our replies on the subject, could have been spent having a friendly chat with her on the phone...seeing as you weren't too busy to post this thread?

    I think we're all a bit guilty of being totally insular when we're trying to get a successful candle business off the ground or any other important project for that matter, but I feel it would be wise of us to sit back and realise that in 50 years time, when we're no longer making candles and have happily retired, the only thing we have left is our friends and family - if you don't water the seed of friendship now, you won't enjoy the fruits of your labour in the future!

  3. I love Just Scent. I think Becky has some great oils, and is reasonably priced. She ships to the UK, which is good and I've been pleased with the oils I received so far.

    However, I am getting sick to the back teeth of the "sale" emails. They come so thick and fast that when one "sale" ends, another begins. How many sales can one company have?? It seems to me she may as well just reduce the price of every oil she has and be done with it, cos just about every oil she sells is in a sale at some point in the space of about a month.

    I DO want to hear when there is a good offer going on when it comes to FO sales, but it's got to the point now where I just don't bother reading her emails anymore (not only because they're always so looooooooong) and I've just removed myself from her mailing list.

    Now it's an "all or nothing" situation - I either get spammed spammed spammed with the NEVER-ENDING sale at Just Scent, or I don't hear a thing and could miss out on one of the very few sales they have that is different to all the others.

    Yea, I know, you gotta try and get ahead in the fiercly competitive FO market, but hey - stop bashing my inbox with HUGE emails, telling me about the amazing sale you're having which is exactly the same as the sale you had last week, and the week before, and the week before that..and the month before that...etc etc.

    Phew, sorry - rant over.

  4. if you're going to have the option of "enlarge image" then make sure the picture that comes up is a larger, clearer picture of the product. That's my particular bugbear - when all you get is a tiny photo and the so called enlarged image is exactly the same size so you can't really see the product at all (and probably won't buy because of it).

    As previously said by others, the font size is far too small.

    Good work on the products though (as far as I can tell with tiny pics!)

  5. Did a search on soy bloom but didn't find anything so here goes...

    During hot weather, chocolate bars get a white bloom on the surface as the fat separates from the cocoa...or something like that. Well my candles are doing the same. They've sat for months and months, perfectly smooth, frost free and flawless - I've taken them up to the store that I stock, and after only a couple of weeks, the surface of them are almost pure white with bloom. There is no change in the throw or burn, so really its just asthetics we're talking about here. It doesn't look like "frost", like the frost you can get from pouring too hot - it's a definate bloom. There is no oil seepage either so the candle isn't sweating.

    Is there anything you can add to CB135 or C3 that will prevent such bloom? They are NOT in direct sunlight at all, and the wax is sitting in tins with solid lids, or glass jars - both blooming after a few weeks in this current 35 degree heat.

    Thanks oodles,


  6. I found it!

    I got a whole 2lbs of it delivered to me today, direct from the manufacturer. To me, it smells a bit like baby powder, but more floral. It's beautiful!!

    I'm in the UK though, so unless you wanted to pay for shipping, I can't get it to you. I usually buy ALL my oils from the US and pay the shipping fee, but I've now found a huge oil manufacturer in the US who has a facility here in the UK. I'm now buying my oils from them but because they have a large minimum I buy in a co-op with a few other soapers/chandlers/suppliers so we all get the oils we want but don't have to buy 25kgs of each FO.


  7. do you have any friends who share the same interest in candlemaking?

    If you do have a friend who is interested, or even if you just have a good friend who knows how you are with crowds, take her to a craft show and let her be the "face" of your stall, whilst you stand back and answer your customers questions THROUGH your friend.

    That way, it will seem like you are talking to your friend about your candles, and not to a complete stranger and should lower your anxiety. Once you've been there for an hour or so, you'll find that if a customer is asking questions, you might join your friend in answering them - and this is because you won't feel like YOU are in the firing line, your friend can be your buffer, allowing you to retreat when you feel it is getting a little too much for you.

    Perhaps you may be nervous about your products selling - I think we all feel that way. All the time and effort that goes into our candles means that we have a great deal of pride in them and feel "pre-show" nerves just in case nobody feels the same way that we do about our products.

    Perhaps, your fear of your candles being snubbed may be outweighing your desire to show the world how creative you are and how wonderful your candles are. All you have to remember, is that candles are loved worldwide and people love nice smells, so your candles will be appreciated and admired.

    If you have a strong belief in your own product, and you have a friend who can be your voice whilst you relax and allow your anxiety to fade, then without even knowing it, you'll soon find that you're enjoying yourself, answering questions more often and showing the world how proud you are of the candles you've worked so hard on!

    Sorry if I've blabbed on, I'm not really experienced in motivational speeches but I too used to be shy so hope that what I've said helps in some way.


  8. Thanks! It's got a definate "fresh" smell just like the beach, but with pineapple, candy floss and strawberry thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately, NG don't ship to the UK, so I wouldn't have got it from there and couldn't buy it from there even if I wanted to.


  9. french sounding is good - my own company is based on the french word for Magnificent (Magnifique) - I added the word "Scent" to it and my company is called Scentifique. I, like you wanted a non-prim, sophisticated sounding name and I'm real happy with mine. Perhaps you could blend two words together with a french influence AND an english one?

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