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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. I've noticed that the different suppliers often have the same name for fragrances. Do people generally find the fragrances smell the same from the different places and test the same? Just trying to compare prices and postage costs to the UK!

    Thanks :cool2:

    I have found this but they are not always the same strengths. I thought there was a page with the same scents, different suppliers. Just can't remember where... Sorry maybe someone else can help.

  2. Janet, does UV work? I have tried it and didn't help but it might have been from the wrong place. Since I have gotten from several companies and they all look different. Could you tell me a good place to buy it from. Thanks

  3. I have never known GB 415 to be peletts or big chunks of wax. Their's is in flake form, some flakes are bigger than others. I was told that the 435 I use was going to be different but can't remember what form it is going to be or when. Maybe this pelet stuff is the new GF wax. I'll have to ask Jason. I'm getting a headache just thinking about a new batch. I'm so glad I got a good batch in 8/06 and have enough to last through the holidays.

    Need to work on a miracle additive that will make each batch of soy the same and still cleans up with soap and water and no paraffin. Just a little prayer I'm send off ...again....

    And then I'll be rich enough to retire!

  4. SW's PS turns CP soap a very dark brown. Smells great but it sure is ugly for such a pretty name. Maybe call it Spun Brown Sugar. I would only make it in a M&P with the vanilla stablizer so it would stay pink or light unless you find one from another company that doesn't turn. I just hate brown soap.

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