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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. I have always found guys like Black Cherry or a vanilla scent. Otherwise a Drakkar or Cool Water or Clean Cotton scent just call them something else like

    Silver Bullet

    Black Ice

    Black Gold

    Gold Steel

    Gold Rush

    I'm not good with names but it doesn't have to look like the scent.

    I would make it their gold color with some kind of black tie

  2. is this a good scent??

    i was gonna get country christmas...someone said it smells like bayberry

    which i'm not fond of....

    now is this one tops??




    Christmas Splender from NG smells like Apple Jack and Peel with maybe a little orange. IMO I make it red, I don't like bayberry at all and this smells nothing like it. Maybe Country Christmas is different. Another one I did not like was Hard Christmas Candy from TW's, yuck....

  3. Sharon there heated expanded volcanic rock. They are light lol. You can aslo sell them as vacuum cleaner freshners. They vacuum up like a dream.

    Works for all vacuums. people will spend 2 to 3 bucks for a tablespoon full.

    Kayle, have made some but haven't had much time to test. I really think these rocks need to soak longer even though they soak up the oil right away. Just so every bit of scent is in the fibers of the rocks. Plus I really like the looks of the white rock. Thanks for info. I also like the Perlite because it won't go bad, cause I keep things a long time.

    After re reading the intire post I see what a re--tard I am for asking the same question and getting an answer. Just never went back over the whole post again to find the answer. Sorry fokes...

    I looked locally for the "Vermiculite" but could not find it. And after reading the post I want to make sure I get the larger size when I do.

  4. I use soy container and have tried... Clean wax, KY's Perfect, natural votive blend/Stra & Pitch ? and J300. Have found when I mixed J300 with soy it makes a great icing and mixing Clean wax with J300 it makes good embeds. Neither is perfect but it's better than what I had. Since I have trouble with my soy looking dry after awhile adding the J300 to the topping really keeps this from happening. Right now I have a batch of soy that is not as drying so for the holidays I'll be ok but still adding the J300 for the icing.

  5. Thanks Country Gal for your input. :) I am in a dilemma. Now that I work out in the shop (not in my kitchen anymore) there is going to be a lot more problem with frosting. I do not mind frost but not if it is overkill. It has been cool the last couple of days and the last couple of nights got down to 40. I made a Caramel Cin. Latte candle last evening in my frosted jar and woke up this morning to bad frost -- way more than I like. Even if I make them earlier in the day, it will still be a problem because I do not want to sufficate myself in the winter with FO fumes with the heater constantly running and no circulating air. I do not want to leave it on all night either. It would cost a fortune even though it is a economical one. So, I thought since I was making some changes anyway with the jars I am using for my soy and style of label/tag, etc., I thought it might be ok to go colorless. I am just afraid that people will rather have color. I will be offering another line with a soy/paraffin blend which I will still color. However, I will not be offering all the same scents in each line. I would not want people to be discouraged to buy the soy candles over the soy/para blend just because they are not colored.

    I will ask around and see what people around here think. I tend to like color unless I am looking at those higher end candles in the stores. I will see. Thanks again. :)

    Holli, are you still using the Frostop? Would like an update...

  6. I get the same thing, the cooler I pour the less mini craters. Then when I do a repour I have bubbles coming from the mini craters. So they must be tiny air pockets, still haven't figured out how to prevent them. Push down on the top really good with your fingers before doing a repour or heating, it will take care of some of the air pockets. Let me know if you find a cure. I don't use Vybar and they look the same...sometimes????

  7. Years ago I had a candle in a coconut shell. Let it burn all night, forgot about it, was in the bathroom. Well the smoke alarm went off, smoke was bellowing out into the hall. The shell was on fire and flames were licking my shower curtain. Thank God for smoke alarms or we might have all been gone. Maybe some sand or something to put flame out when it gets to the bottom.

  8. I've never seen any except the ones I have printed. But my printer lady was about a hundred years old and last time I rode by her shop it was for rent. Never knew her name so can't even call anyone. I have craft paper that is a tad thicker that reg. paper so I may have to start printing on it. Sorry, let me know if you find something.

  9. I would ask, do you know when the sample was made? My batch from March or April was fine. I would ask and see what they say. Also if adding bees wax I would think it would harden the wax up enough to shrink wrap just fine. Just keep an eye on them maybe heat from the bottom. I don't shrink so I really shouldn't give advice.......

  10. I really don't think they are drying out because of the containers. I use and have used these types of containers for years. And depending on the batch of soy I get the wax will dry out. Since you use bees wax I would up the amount while you have this batch of wax. Just got a new batch from Aug. and it so nice and moist/oily. I'm sure I will have no trouble with it. The way I can tell if it will be a drying batch is if the flakes are kinda crunchy. I never noticed when I got a new skid in March that some were from Dec. and really those should have been used first but they were on the bottom and I just got into them. So my tarts are drying out and ones I have had made for months are still pretty. Hope you don't have too much more in stock. Also when you order make sure it is a newer batch.

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