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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. I'm going to make a couple up. I'm donating some candles for a Breast Cancer fund raiser. This looked so pretty in pink and did you say it throws better after curing? Since this burned so good in this jar I'm going to try these wider jars that I bought a couple of years ago. They're a wide frosted appothcary, 10 oz. Maybe I could get by with one wick.

  2. I have never messed with Palm wax so in general does it throw well? This candle is almost done, 72 hrs straight and still no soot, never trimmed the wick. I'm impressed.

    Poured one tart .7 soy/cottonseed and .3 S&P, Sun Rippened Rasp several drops pink. Just reheated the top and it dried smooth and no white haze. Just got a new batch of GF435 so maybe it's just a good batch so going to try adding S&P to some soy I have already made up that is drying out.

    Poured 2 candles 1 tart with 1 oz of S&P to 16 oz new Soy. Poured hot 185* no frosting, and 100* it has frosting, go figure??? Burning the frosted one to see if it gets a lighter burning line. Already heated the tart and it didn't get the whitish look.

  3. Say's it's "all natural crystalline container blend". Have had it for a couple of years and just poured a candle. NG Raspberry Zinger at 1.5 pp 1 d pink into 8oz statis? jar, CD14. Been burning for 3 days straight. No soot, no mushrooming, no need to trim, very cleen jar only a thin trace here and there. This is the best burning candle I have ever seen. The wick in great, I can smell it but I'm no judge of throw but going to give to my tester and see what she says. When I poured, hot, it had the lines etc. like the one from Peir 1. and got all crystal looking. Has anyone used this wax?

    Mixing it with soy to see what it does.

  4. When I measure FO in to a cup I next pour my finished wax into the cup a couple of times back and forth into the pot. Then I use that cup to pour my tarts. When my bottles are empty I either let them drain in the empty mixing pot for several days, I have one for each scent or add the corn cobs to the bottle and cap shake and keep in bottle untill I think they have absorbed all the oil. Also after pouring the last drop out of FO bottle I have cut top off and used to pour candles and tarts. This is when I didn't have as many cups as I have now.

  5. Save on Scents is a no go... I ordered it and received yesterday afternoon.... ilk.... it's a nice candy scent but nothing corney about it..*tee hee hee*...I'll go with Bittercreek.....

    Any takers on a Butterscotch? I like FNWL's but it's not strong enough....

    For Carmel Corn go to Tenn it is the best. Butterscotch Brulee try Tenn and BG smells and throws great in soy.

  6. $1.00 of per lb is pretty good when your price is $14.99 & $16.99 per lb. Last time I ordered 29 1 lb bottles and got $29. off. This is all the time. One thing I like is they ship in 1 lb bottles instead of a gallon jug. Easier for me to store. Tenn, JS, BG are like that too, and others I'm sure.

  7. I love the ideal of a lotion candle. You just have to assume all companys test their products, otherwise don't buy. They tell you put out the flame before pouring. If customers don't follow the CAUTION label then what's new? All the ones I have read about or seen in person have no color so dyes don't apply. And as far as scent goes my recipe says 1 tablespoon, 1/3 oz for lotion, not enough for a room but will scent your skin nicely. Then again a lot of people on this board use less than an oz to scent a candle. Just because GF found another outlet for their shortning doesn't make it bad. I have used my soy wax/shortning for lotion bars, solid perfume and soap. So a soy lotion candle is a good thing.... JMO

    How many put Vicks in their candles? I'm still looking for my gimmick!

    You've got to have a gimmick!

    You're more than just a mimic

    When you got a gimmick--

    Take a look how different we are!

    If you wanna make it,

    Twinkle while you shake it.

    If you wanna grind it,

    Wait till you've refined it.

    If you wanna bump it,

    Bump it with a trumpet!

    So get yourself a gimmick

    And you too

    Can be a star!

  8. Good thing you have a large area to put your warnings. Yankee's tarts are .8 oz. so I don't think the tart is the issue. I'm sure it is your tart warmer or t-lite. T-lite burns too hot or not enough space between top of t-lite flame and bottom of wax pot. I had such a cute red, white & blue t-lite warmer but it was too short and the wax got so hot, I had to toss it. Check the flame when it's burning to see how close it is to the underneath.

  9. I absolutely LOVE BCN's Granny's Pie Crust (a Bubbles N Lights oil). It does require two wicks up than normal for me, though. It is fantastic!!! Very good throw in EZsoy.

    Liz D.

    Love it and a great mixer.

  10. ;) Have you tried Ecosoys Pure? That's what I have been using and I did a two-toned dreamsicle candle, orange on the bottom and white on the top and it turned out great, no bleeding. I did let the bottom set up for about 4-6 hours to ensure it was fully cooled. Hope that helps.

    I haven't heard of it but will go check it out. I made some layers last year and they are great for awhile but as time goes by..

  11. One thing I have noticed is JS FO's are so thin, almost like water. Yet when I get oils from every other supplier they are thicker, more like a syrup. A few are really thick. I have always wondered why so thin, what do they use different as a carrier oil than everyone else? Not saying they are cut cause I have tried many different suppliers scents I don't think throw and they were thicker.

  12. When I make CPOP, I cut next day and use on myself. No zap cause they have already cured in the oven. Same as HP, just a different way to HP.

    Anyway as far as salt bars go use all Coconut oil and the same amount salt as oil. Pour into mold at light trace. Place mold in 175* oven for 1 hr., remove and cut right away. The salt and heat speeds up the process and they are ready to go next day. Hard as a rock and no zap, sudz, creamy and easy. Use all coconut for the most suds and it is not drying in this process.

    Check out the soap dish forum and search salt bar, you'll find lots of different threads.


  13. To scrape the wax off the top of my molds I use an old credit card. Works best if the wax has set up just a little. Also a parin' knife. and if it is too hard use a heat gun to heat the wax a little and scrape some more. Love the coffee beans. I have a few yellow silcone molds and can hardly get the wax out. Also have a couple of white silicone and the grubby one ripped. The type of silicone seems to make a difference on the ease of use.

    A business card works too for scraping then just throw away....

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