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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. It's ok, but not a big seller for me. I'm going to carry it again this year and think I will add some to layered candles. Maybe change the name for the candles. Some people love it but since I don't like eggnog I would never try it. So I'm thinking a name change it a good thing since I love the way the FO smells.

  2. I wish I knew what to add. My tarts are turning and feel dry. It's funny cause if I remelt this wax it will look great. I have even got this drying in the pouring pots that have left over wax. Just seems like the oil in the wax evaporates. If it were the same as chocolate then why would some turn and not others in the same environment? If you find some answers, please let me know.

  3. I use GF 435, soy/cotton seed, for all my candles and tarts. This time of the year they dry out and get chalky looking and feeling. Can't figure it out and have not been able to produce this on a regular bases so maybe I could add something to prevent it. By the time it would show up I'm on a new batch of wax and still don't know what's causing it. Really don't want to add paraffin to the soy but pretty sure it would help. Has anyone had this drying out when they add paraffin or Bees wax or additives to their wax?

    I have read many times on this board that some have never had this happen. So guess it can be done.

  4. If there is a comment section then they should read it. Most suppliers read what I have asked but one company is really bad and ignores it completely. I plan on testing other suppliers as I order from them to completely drop this place. I would call right away and tell them about the problem. Tell them you did not want the scents if they were not on sale. They might say to refuse the box and it will be sent back. Maybe they will resend without an extra cost to you. JMHO.

  5. I have liquid dyes from Pryme, Evo, Peaks and Rustic Escentuals. Rustic is by far the strongest and I like the shades the best. Now get some of KY chips and you can vary the colors to make them darker. Their orange is so bright and a true orange no brown. And the reds are so nice. I am always buying cause someone says this or that place has the best. But I should have stuck with Rustic, which does have an odor but it does not come through to the candle. Evo takes 4x as many drops and has no smell and Pryme well, might as well pour the whole bottle in and it does have a slight smell to it. I use them just to get different shades so they are not going to waste. I usually don't color my soy candles very dark so can't say if you could get a burgandy. I get what I call burgandy with about 4 drops per lb of RE. Good luck...

  6. I order wicks and FO from CW, every now and then wax, molds, t-lite cups and get votive molds free all the time. Wish they had the wick thingies that go with them free sometimes. If I ever have a problem they have always made it good. Will deffinently try more scents now that they are get 1 oz in. Hope the prices are not out of reach. Hurry I need Storm Watch.

  7. Has any one tried Grandmother's Toddy from KY? I got a LB and it's not what I was expecting. It smells like something baking and nothing defined. Just something, know what I mean? What is in a hot toddy so I know what I'm looking for?

  8. I use Diamond Dust glitter. Just paint mod podge on the candle and sprinkle with the glitter.:

    That glitter looks bigger than the glitter I use. Where do they sell it. I have just about all the glitter RE sells. But it is fine almost like powder. It would not give a sugar look.

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