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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. Well, I just got a batch of wicks that would pull out when I straightened them. Too much of a pain to check every time. Called the supplier and bitched so they replaced them. She had the nerve to tell me to squeeze with the pliers just in case. If I wanted to tab each wick my self I would buy them separate and I don't. So call your supplier and tell them you want them replaced. The new batch I got are great. You can even see the difference in the crimp. But if you do want to just go ahead and crimp instead of complaining, just get a jewerly crimper, it works great.

  2. Well I got my wax in but my mold was bent so got a replacement today. Also was checking some storage containers I have and found 4 more seamless molds. so about the bent one they said to keep, anything I can do with it? I don't see any way to straighten it out, has a dent on the bottom side and is oval instead of round. Do you all know how much wax a 4X4.5 will hold?

  3. Hi CC,

    The Classic jar is about 2 and 3/4" in diameter and I only use 1 oz pp FO (6% fragrance load), No problem with Indonesian Teak with this wick and this jar.

    Don't have any CD wicks but will get some and do a side by side burn test with the CDN and see if there is a difference in how they burn.

    Debbie I have some CD12's with beeswax coating if you want to try them. I also have some with a coating that I'm not sure what it is. Let me know if you want a few.

  4. Hi Sharon,

    Thanks for the response. Where do you get yours? Do you use it right out of the tube? Gee, I sure wish I could stick with the stickums. I is so much easier to eyeball it with stickums than glue and not as messy. I will give it a try.

    I know it would be easier and I hope it does. I get mine mostly at WalMart, use the kind with a calking gun. Last for hundreds of jars. They also make one in a tube like calking a bathtub.

  5. Just got my 4045H in today but the mold I got to try it in was bent. Darn. Maybe it's best that I have to wait to try it till you all get the kinks out.

    1. Melt wax add color and scent

    2. pour a little wax into mold that has no mold release

    3. sloch wax up sloppy on the upper sides

    4. pour some more wax.

    Not clear on what you do if making a solid color rustic. Do you sloch up the sides then pour the rest of the candle cooler? Is there a tutorial on this wax?

    Also don't add any additives, right?

  6. Got the wax coming but before I pour? I just wanted to make sure FO does not stop the mottle effect. And if the wax I am buying says it's for mottling then should I still add steric? (Mottling Wax for Pillar/Votive Candles - 4045H)

    Thanks and I ordered Vybar 343 & Palm TP Stearic - A-25 just in case I need it. Hope I bought the right thing. TIA

  7. I use a micro to melt soy way all the time and have for at least four years. I melt my wax in the Presto pot then pour into a plastic 2 qt. pour pot, have a pot for every scent(100+). Then pour into a smaller cup size pot for smaller jobs like pouring embeds, votives, tarts or t-lites. If the wax cools off too much or if some is left and I need to melt it I always use a microwave. My pots only cost $.90 each and some have been used almost every day for all these years. They have a tri with a 5 inside on the bottom. I first used the pitchers to make Mirco soap with the lye and all. Doesn't take long to melt soy about 2-3 mins for a lb. Seems like fresh soy that has not been melted before takes longer so I don't do that much. I would not melt paraffin couse everyone says not to, I don't have any experience with it. HTH

  8. Need something to filter the air I'm working in. Some of my scents are gagging me. Anything out there that will filter the smell fast? I have a mask but since I wear glasses it just doesn't fit well and when I'm done pouring the smell is still there. TIA

  9. I had a problem last week was burning a candle I was messing with, same jar and wick I always use. But added some Votive blend chunkies, looked great but it was burning really hot. How could it be? Votive wax is harder to wick, needs a larger wick??? Oh no I just got my 1000 wicks in and they are all already in the large order I just finished. Stop, don't deliver, I'm gonna have to test. I think I'll be sick, did they send the wrong size wicks. Checked wax and they gave me two dates, darn, which one is good are they both good. 12-13-05 and 3-21-06 I use 435/415 with cotton seed. Anyone have trouble with these dates? My tester candles were ok so it had to be the votive wax that messed it up. It's just I start to get so depressed and want to quit..... Wouldn't it be nice if let's say CD wicks had a different color thread running through them to tell size.

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