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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. I just tested some J300 and it worked great. I poured some wax in a foil cup and placed an embed in it. Bright red that bleeds in my soy container so bad it looks alfull. With the j300 after 2 weeks it still is perfect. Now I am going to try a mix of soy with it to see if it will work. KY Perfect wax did not work. I have had this was for awhile so don't know if it is still being made. I'm pretty sure it was made to use in layering.

  2. What is the name of that stuff they put in those paper envelopes? Says to sprinkle in valcume bags so they smell good. They are kinda like foam pellets. Been looking for it at Walmart and Pet stores but can't find it. Cellulose or Permalite something like that. Anyone know where to buy it online. Tired of looking....

  3. The mold I have is for the burning candle but I don't want to mess with all the testing. So I am putting a votive glass in and including some t-lites. Or better still do they have a glass insert/holder for the tealite cups. That would be even easier. I made up a sample with the Glow and some wax I got a long tiime ago from Clean Wax. Don't know what it is cause I ordered Clean Wax but they called to tell me not to use it because it wasn't the right wax. Looks like it and it's very hard opaque wax pellets. Like the looks of the opaque better but the translucent glows better with the t-lite. Now to find a pretty paint that will stick to the wax, maybe some pink glitter.:cool2:

  4. I make embeds with clean wax but will be running out in a while. The thing is they bleed into my soy wax and I want to look for a wax that doesn't bleed. I make soy candles and tarts but if I have to use a Paraffin for embeds, then so be it. I only have a couple of dark shapes this affects. Cherry and blueberry cause the container wax they go in is so much lighter. Also my soy bleeds when making two or tri color candles. Maybe a thin layer of another wax so I would not be changing my whole candle. If anyone knows of a wax that will not bleed please let me know, thanks...

  5. I'm doing one for a school band. They ordered 45 candles, not many but that's ok. 4 scents one will be a two layer with their school colors. I'll make a hand tag for them with something on it bandish and thanks for sponcering our band. They said they will do the wrapping. They want to be involved. Going to start them this week but it shouldn't take too long. I sell to them wholesale $5.50 and they will sell for $10 or maybe more. Last couple of years they sold Partylite. I have only done a couple of these and they have always ordered ahead and sold already made candles. I could not do the other way cause I need to set time aside to make them along with regular orders.

  6. See if this is right, please. I average my FO at $20 per lb. My candles have 9 oz of wax and I put 1.5 oz FO per lb of wax. I figure it cost $1.08 per candle for FO alone. Jars are sq. Mason at .33 each; bottom sticker is .02; lid is .10; hang tag is .03; fabric to hang tag about .03; wick .05; wax .36 for 9oz; .25 for miss. supplies and electric. So $2.20 my cost, wholesale for $5.50. And I think I get most this at a fairly good cost but not good enough..... Need to bring down the cost of FO, my goal for the future.

  7. I have some soy wax in my pot and I add a FO from #1 supplier and it throws like crazy then why won't the same FO throw in my Paraffin? Yet this FO from #2 works in both. Why does it depend on the wax????? What chemical makes it throw? Why can't they find out what makes a FO throw and fix them all so they will work with any wax, wick, color or jar out there? It's a crap shoot everytime you try a different scent.

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