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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. Although it doesn't sell well for me and I don't know why cause it smells so good. The one from Scents for Soy although I think they have another name now and I can't remember is great. This scent last for days in soy tarts.

  2. Got to where I check my pouring pot before I add anything to see if there are any pieces in it. I use a paper towel clothspined on and strain through it. Some towels work better than others. The new Bounty Basic strain really fast. Started using them all the time cause they rip off good.

  3. I bought 2 lbs of Coffee Butter awhile back and gave it away cause I couldn't get past the stink. I could not smell coffee just that smell that some oils give off. This co-op SYR, says Veg. oil, I would think that would not have a smell. Has anyone smelled the one from this co-op? Or better yet how would I make a coffee smelling butter using real coffee, oils and butters I like.

  4. I have made one tart before when I'm in a big rush. Color is a problem so if you are making colored tarts I would forget the small amounts. But for one oz wax use .1 oz FO that works out to about 1.5 per lb, which is what I use for my soy tarts. I have a pitcher for every scent I make so there is usually some wax left in the bottom, so I just heat and pour.

    I use to store my tarts in the plastic shoe boxes unwrapped and they were fine. Sometimes they would turn or dry out but that is a soy batch thing. Now I go ahead and wrap each tart before I store in the plastic boxes. Just a little less messy and they are ready to go in case I get an order.

  5. I hate Lavender and really hate the way it smells when you add vanilla. And vanilla is my favorite scent. I have Lavender Basil from B&L, it's so much better than Lavender alone. Also several years ago someone said to mix Lavender and Pumpkin PIe soooo one day I was making both and poured equal amounts together to make a votive. Believe it or not it smells really good. Who'd have gessed????

  6. Who knows what happened. I have a square container candle I poured at least 5 years ago, one of my first candles. Don't know what kind of wax, just a paraffin. Some kind of apple pie scent with a very bright red. Still adhearing to the sides, still smells great, never burned it cause it was just to look pretty in my kitchen, jar has an apple shade. The other day it had the oil on top, after all these years. Wish I had kept notes back then, and now, cause this candle has the best cold smell. If you want to remelt try putting in the oven on low heat melt all the way then let them harden up in the oven very slow. Might work, who knows.....

  7. Have been try to buy some KLP scent from BCN for almost 2 months now. Keeps saying " Out of Stock..check back soon" I think 2 months is long enough. Already email Doneen, no answer; asked on message board, no answer; left message with online help, no answer. So now I'm checking here.

    Have tried ICS and Bluegrass, don't like as well so who else has a good one? Just hope it is someone I already buy from....

  8. Party lite use to have votives like this. I loved them and bought several along with the pretty votive containers to burn them in. They are paraffin, what kind I don't know. The flame was not big either, no zink wick. I have three holders that are different hights with long stems. The clear wax looks so pretty when they are all melted and just a hint of color. Maybe some of the wax companys could tell you which wax would melt clear and a low melt point. They are smaller votives, maybe 1 1/2 oz.

  9. I think the sand candles look really neat and always wanted to make them myself. I have read "how to" awhile back, but cannot remember where. Maybe it was in a book. Seems like you have a lg. bowl? of sand, pour a bunch of high melt point wax in and let it glue to the sand, push another sm. bowl? into top of heap of sand. When all is hard take out small bowl? and pour in container wax after adding a wick. After dry, turn over, may have to heat a little maybe not. Then smooth with hand to remove loose sand. Anyway something like that, I can see it in my minds eye but my mind and eyes aren't that good anymore. Good luck and let me know what you find. I also remember the sand being different colored layers.

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