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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. Some times if I pour too cool when the wax is thick it will look like you are describing. When you melt the tops it will look like bubbles popped/holes. I would melt some wax and top them instead of the heat gun. While the tops are drying you may have some bubbles but the heat guy will work on them. I try to keep the gun handy and keep running it over till the air is out. And don't stir after the initial major stir, seems like that produced a bunch of bubbles when I stirred when it had cooled off. hth

  2. topofmurrayhill and ChrisR, thanks for all the infomation, good to know. I can see where this would be a great way to get the same color everytime. I misunderstood, I thought they were non smelly super concentrated liquid dyes. Never could understand the weighing thing till now, ChrisR, thanks you did a good job getting through this thick head. I'm sure I'll enjoy them along with all the other dyes I have. Now what about frosting, does this dye help prevent that? Do you still have to pour cooler?

  3. Thank you, I just ordered. The Pink Sugar is the best.. Also ordered samples of Lavender orchards, Tihitian flower, Bay Rum and Sex on the Beach. Any of you all tried them. Looking for a good Sex OTB, have several but just not what I'm looking for. How can one drink/scent be made so different??? I'm not a Lavender lover so hope the is a different smell than the true EO type scent. The only Lavender I have ever liked is English Lavender from that soap company, can't remember the name off hand. So soft and nice, everything else, yuck....

    They're having a sale right now for $10. off order if you use this code


    don't know how long it is going on.

  4. Sharon if you follow the directions with the Pryme dyes you will get great colors without compromising your burn with too much dye like other liquids. It's a totally different dye system than normal liquids and if you don't weigh it out, you probably won't get the results you're looking for. I measure everything in grams now and my scale has both grams and oz., so I don't have a problem. Put them on the classifieds if you don't like them, I'm sure they will get snapped up!!

    I don't know if I will like them yet but I will sell if I don't. What I'm saying is I thought the Pryme was super concentrated. So 1 drop/gram from them should be much stronger/darker than 1 drop/gram from any other company. Am I the only one that reads it this way?

    Are you saying that you pour the color into your wax instead of using the dropper squirt top? Therefore can't count the drops it takes to weigh a gram or what ever amount you use???

    As for directions for amounts, nothing came with my color and nothing is on the bottles. So how much weight wise would you use to get a true black in one lb. of wax?

    Or are you saying with these colors that they are no stronger/darker, just do not require a different wick if used in large quanities to make a dark colored candle? Since I don't usually make really dark colored candles I haven't had that problem.

  5. I just got the Prime Colors in the other day and well I don't know... First I don't get why you have to weigh instead of counting drops. I am not buying another scale, drops are good enough for me. Got the black out to make some raisin imbeds, Clean wax. 8 drops in 8 oz wax barely did a thing, doesn't seem that concentrated to me, at this rate it would have taken 30 drops or more. Got out KY's black chips and added several, very dark. Then I tried yellow, making Grapefruit Sage so I wanted a light yellow. 3 drops in 4lbs of wax and you can not tell I added any color. I use Rustic Essentials liquid dyes and would have used 2 drops and it would have had a yellow tinge to it. I don't like squirt tops for liquid dyes, JMO. How many drops are you putting in to get a dark red, approx. To get a good red I use the chips from KY and they really work great. The only thing about chips is it's hard to get the exact color every time. If they came in uniform shapes like maybe the pellets some wax comes in that would be great. Since I can't picture grams compared to drops could some one please give me an estimate.

    Still want to get the light colors in this dye since someone said they are beautiful. But how many drops will it take to color one lb of wax to a nice soft pastel?

  6. Every glitter I have seen just sinks to the bottom of the melt pool, doesn't go near the wick. I have bought from a lot of suppliers, Jones Tones, Michaels and Hobby Lobby. Have tested by sprinkling directly into flame. I am a glitter freek, love it. Haven't tried the craft glitter because I just don't like the looks, too big, I just love the iridescent glitter. But would love to find the sparkly stuff they put on some candles. It is not glitter or glass and it sparkles so much. I'll have to buy one and post to see if anyone knows what it's called. It is more the size of large sugar or salt and glitters more than any glitter I've seen.....

  7. I hardly use mine either. First they have to be on a shelf or something high enough to put mixing pot under. Then it's just higher I have to lift the wax to fill. Next I can't tell you how many times I would turn the spout on to fill a pitcher then cause it is so slow, I would start doing something else. Naturally all the wax would spill all over before I would get back to it. I think just scooping out the melted wax into the pitcher is much quicker and cheaper in my case.

  8. What kind of wax are you all using to get 7-8 hrs out of them? And please give me some pointers on how you pour them. I put mine on a tray and pour but they drip all down the sides and are messing looking. Hard to get them looking good after that. I bought some molds but the wax doesn't fill the cup all the way. I tested and got about 2 hrs less burn time with the ones where I used the wax from the mold. When I pour straight into the cups I can get 5-6 hrs but yearn for more. If your going to get less time then why bother pouring your own????

  9. Candle Wick has longer wicks when you go to the wick making part. You pick the tab size, stem size, wick type, size and length. I think 500 is the least you can buy but it maybe 1000 for $35. to $40. for the cd wick. I always get them longer in hopes of tabing the cut off. Use to tab the left overs all the time when I had a job waiting for a customer to come in.

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