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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. I'm way over the 100 mark, with so many samples it's a sin. And that is exactly why I DON"T HAVE ANY MONEY :cry2: I just need to keep off the web and off the checkout page. I had a fellow candle lady that was really good at telling me "YOU DON"T NEED IT" but now she's as bad as me. A good thing, I now buy mostly samples and not 1 lb bottles.

  2. I have a couple by Velamour, bought from Levin's several years ago. Never sold well for me but then again they were not cheap back then. Paid about $10 or $12 for them wholesale. Testing the temp. and it has been a steady 150* for over 6 hrs and the bottom is barely warm. I just bought one from Micheals and going to take back. No use in messing with it. I'm going to get the candle/tart warmers from Irvin's instead.

  3. What are some ways you all tip your molds/jars for the slanted effect? I place two pieces of wood on the counter and leaned them on the front with the back piece keeping it from falling. I've heard of sand but that would be to hard for me to store. So how do you all make a bunch at a time?

  4. Sometimes you can ask your local hardware or grocery store to get them in. I had the same problem but found I could order from a supply co. with shipping and pay about the same. Where are you? Maybe someone can direct you to one so you can drive and not pay shipping.

  5. Saw the jars today at WalMarts and got a few. Now I want to get a good wax for wickless. I think a Paraffin would be better and was thinking maybe J33. Want something that looks good and can take being melted over and over. I have tried Confort blend before and did not like it at all to work with. Looked good but just too messy for me. Any recommendations ? Use soy for my other candles but don't want it for something that will be hot for such a long time.

    Thanks for the info on the jars, I love them.

  6. I wasn't a chef and have no ideal what she said. Let's talk wax and see if I have it sume what right. First melt wax to 180? then add FO and color stir well. Now add plain wax flakes, the correct amount as per FO, and stir till melted. Then did she say you heat up again then pour. Please correct me to the right way.

  7. I have done that before, last night in fact. Was making 4 lbs of wax and used 55oz hot wax, mixed color and scent, stirred well, then added 5oz of flakes, stirred again. They melted and it was a little cooler. Sat in front of fan and within 10 minutes or so, I poured. Workes great, just don't remember to do it all the time. Plus if I'm pouring tarts I have to pour hot. But since I have more candle orders this time of the year I'll have to do it more. Thanks for reminding me.

  8. Well since I have a pour pot for every scent I just go on and mix the next several scents. Also I pour tarts hot so I'm pouring them while the candle wax is cooling. I have a fan on my counter blowing right at my pour pots to speed things up. And I always do a second pour, no mater what because I want to make sure there are no air pockets. I use the end of my spoon and poke a hole next to the wick. I also pour very full and decorate most tops so I always have time to wait for the wax to cool. Funny my candles are looking really good right now, but a few months ago, same wax, they had a lot of problems. Glad the hot weather is on it's way out.


  9. This is what works great for me. They're called Zots, brand name, clear adhesive dots, paper thin. I think they were about $4.00 for 300. They are paper thin and will only work if you have the small 15 mm tabs that fit in the indentation that is in the bottom of the t-lite tins. I just touch the bottom of the tab to the glue dot and stick in holder, sometime I have to use two because my aim isn't good. Look in the memory book/photo albums isle at WalMart, that's where I got mine. HTH

  10. I think by loading up it still would not be over 1.5, could be wrong. I'd say she has a t-lite warmer that is too short. there are alot of them out there where the pot is too close to the flame and the cheap t-lites are too hot. This happened to me when I started making tarts. Would test in a warmer that was cute but small, saw some smoking, put my finger in wax for some stupid reason. And the wax was so hot it burned my finger. I use Waxcessories Warmers now and they are about 6" tall. I have also made t-lites with soy container wax with a LX8 wick and they burn nice, no huge flame and last about 7 hrs. Cut back and make sure she has a decent warmer.

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