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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. I have one and love it. I thought it was too expensive but went ahead and got one. Well it is a mindless thing to wick now. It takes awhile to put wick in plunger then glue wick tab but they are always right. And my 13 yr. old granddaughter did all my wicking a couple of weeks ago. She said "it was easy" so now I have someone else who can take that over. Can even have friends who stop by to wick a few.. Love it and can say I hope they make a millon with their invention cause it sure is a big help.

  2. You do not mix Peppermint and Vanilla to get candy cane. You mix Peppermint and Strawberry for candy cane. Vanilla and Peppermint is a Butter Mint completely different. Bluegrass Supply has a great Candy Cane or Peppermint Stick. Ky has a great Peppermint. I have mixed but preferr the BG scent better. IMHO...Have not tried any others.

  3. by the skid too. I get GF135 from Golden Foods. And love it when it's good. This is the second year in a row that I have gotten a bad batch in April. And last years Aug. batch was great, it's Aug and I need wax. I'm trying other brands but haven't got all the testing done. Has any one got a batch from Aug yet? Been trying to add things to this wax just so it will burn good with out going up on the wick. I't been hard and when you are working, making candles/tarts at the same time, I start to get dizzy from it all. Got a sample of the EL Milliam?, a box of Soya 135 and the EL 135?. At least that what I think I have plus adding some of KY's Perfect in the soy to make it burn easier. And when this is gone I'll have to do it all again???? What a joke.. JMHO

  4. I have been asked to make floating candles from my son. He has a pool and thinks these would be great. Never made them but have plenty of paraffin and extra wicks. Just don't know what to do. Tried to put a wick in some tarts but if you move the water around the water sits in a pool on top of tart and puts it out. Any thing around the house I could use for molds. How thick should they be and since this is for a pool and not a punch bowl I'm sure they could be lots bigger. What do you all think? Any one done these and have some advice/tips for me. Thanks

  5. Maryann, I have made container soy layered candles and they do bleed. I have had some sucess with doing a thin layer of uncolored/white wax between the layers, slpwes it down a little. A thin layer of j300 might work since it is suspose to be a good layering wax. I have made a carrot cake candle and topped with a white icing and after awhile the brown from the carrot cake turned the icing wax brown. So I tried soy pillar, clean wax, that white color stuff, UV, and now I'm mixing Perfect Blend to see if it will keep it from bleeding. Nothing else I have tried worked. I have some j300 maybe I'll try that next.

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