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Everything posted by Sally

  1. MMMMMMMMMM they look good, bet they smell great too. Sally.
  2. It's sooooo good when it all works, makes the time & effort all worth while. Sally.
  3. Sounds to me like you need to use a larger wick. This is what I'm getting with an LX24, I'm using my own Ecosoya/para blend which I've found to be more stable than the soy alone......I've got some soy alone candles curing just now I'll send you a pic when I've got one burning ( just hope it burns well now I've said that....lol) This is after it's 4th burn of 5 hours. Sally.
  4. Oh they look like fun...might actually encourage my boy to use soap once in a while. Sally.
  5. Lovely pink & the cocktail glass is cool. I'm so jealous...we don't have that wax here. Sally.
  6. I have yet to see a dud with that wax, it seems to take colour beautifully & always looks so pretty......& from reading the posts it throws well too. Sounds like a winner to me. Sally.
  7. Top is right about the metal tape for sealing the wick hole too, I don't know about that brand (I'm in Scotland) but I use something I get here & it is sooooooooo much easier & cleaner than mould seal....& if you are careful when you remove it you can use it again. My kitchen tiles have strips stuck on for re-use. Sally.
  8. That's really good of you, I'm numerically challenged at the best of times so any help is wonderful. Sally.
  9. Love the heart votives & the way you curled the wick. Sally.
  10. Does anyone use them in soy pillars too, the curling wicks just don't burn evenly cos of the curl. I've tried Eco's & now I'm trying LX's with better results, but that's in my own soy/para blend. I've been asked for soy only pillars with EO's so I'm experimenting again. Sally.
  11. Everyone's palm containers are so pretty, & Jami, yours are no exception. Your colours are beautiful & I love the feathering effect. I wonder if we can get any of that over here. Sally.
  12. What kind of dye is it? Generally if I'm wanting a lighter colour I try experimenting with less dye. Sally.
  13. Thanks Twoscentsworth, I'm not in a position to trademark anything but I'm in the process of setting up my business over here so I'm looking into things like this for future reference. Sally.
  14. Try looking at this http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33137&highlight=crackled+candles I just put crackled candles in the search.....at the top of every page & came up with a whole load of threads. HTH Sally.
  15. Please excuse my ignorance here.....does the trademark mean that us small fry have to put tm or type beside the fragrance name if we happen to use a fragrance which Jaqua or whoever now own the name of. Also can we call it something else entirely & still be legal? I'know I'm in Scotland but with a global market I don't want to fall foul of some greedy bas**** big company if my products ever do sell overseas. Sally.
  16. Wow what a lot of pretty rustics. Sally.
  17. Ecosoya CB135....cos we can get it easily over here, & the CBA is a PIA Sally.
  18. Blackberry Sage, Black Raspberry Vanilla & Mediterranean Fig are all yummy. Sally.
  19. Looks ok to me, what's the wick? Some wicks curl over as they burn & this can cause a slightly uneven burn. I've found any hang up on the glass melts down into the melted wax as the glass gets warmer. Sally.
  20. I feel your pain! I tried Ecosoya PB but couldn't get the results I was looking for so I'm now adding a small amount of PW to it which has helped to stabilise the soy beautifully tho it's no longer a 100% veggie wax candle. I haven't given up tho I'm playing with another combo which is soy only, the candles are looking good but I haven't burnt any yet as they are still curing. I'll tell you how they turn out when the testing is under way. Sally.
  21. I'd like to see the clear label on a different colour product too....she might end up looking a bit nauseous with s green product. I think they're both great tho & your friend is a great artist. Sally.
  22. I really like them & 2" pillars are so elegant looking. Sally.
  23. oooooooooooooo:D ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sally.
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