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Everything posted by Sally

  1. COOOOOOOOOOOOL, your palm pillars are always gorgeous. Sally.
  2. Hiya Wick, Ecosoya PB is fine for votives but they do have a tendency to crack. I'm working with my own soy/para blend now which is much more stable than the soy alone, & the HT is usually great. My blend is fab for pillars & tarts too however I have someone asking for soy only pillars for her shop so it's back to the lab to see what I can come up with. Experimenting is the key!....along with keeping accurate notes in an organised manner! lol Yes, I now have a proper folder or 2 & write it all down as I go.....or my brain forgets! Sally.
  3. Awww Leesters, I'm sorry you haven't got your "stuff" yet, I was looking forward to reading about your exploits. I like your style! I've only tried some of Peaks F.O's which are fab. so I can't vouch for any of their other stuff, but if like others say you'll get on fine with things from them. I'm in Scotland & believe me you will hear many of us UK chandlers groaning about the lack of good suppliers over here. Good luck in your quest & hope you have as much fun as I do. Sally.
  4. They all look so pretty, congrats on a good job. Sally.
  5. That's very pretty, it's always fun seeing how rustics turn out. Sally.
  6. Top perlease! Muff melts.........I'm sure there's a market for them. Scented "the morning after the night before" perhaps? Sally.
  7. Peaks have Tuscan Nights, I have some on the way so I can't tell you what I think of it yet. Sally.
  8. I had the use of an embossing gun until I got myself a decorating one. The decorating one is so much quicker. I got mine for £6.99 in LIDL & love it. Sally.
  9. They are so pretty, another great job. Sally.
  10. HMMMMMM thats odd because I ordered some oils (2 seperate orders) last night & there was no shipping for either order, I guess Stacy will let me know if there are shipping fees to add........rather confused myself now. Sally.
  11. They are gorgeous, I'm going to add palm to my to try next list. Sally.
  12. Thats what it says on the website for orders over $200, but for this promotion it's free everywhere whatever size the order. I emailed Stacy to check it because when I got to the checkout it didn't show any postage for my overseas order. I still have to decide what to buy tho'. Sally.
  13. There is a thread about this special offer but it wasn't clear about the international shipping. I emailed Stacy & she clarified it for me. Now to decide what to try.....not easy! Sally.
  14. For all those international folk here, the Daystar offer is FREE international shipping for the duration of this offer.......OH DEAR! Sally.
  15. They're very pretty, congrats on a great job. Sally.
  16. They have a really natural look that I like. Sally.
  17. Cool pillars, palm has such a lovely effect, you've done a good job there. Sally.
  18. Very impressive, I love the way you got the stripe thing going with the dyes. Sally.
  19. Hiya, I add my FO at 170F stir lots & pour at between 90 & 100F, I don't usually dye my soy tho so I can't help with that. Try different pour temps within the range to see what gives you the best results. I've found some FO's affect the way the top sets up so when I get a funky looking top I heat gun it to smooth it out. HTH Sally.
  20. That looks soooo pretty. Sally.
  21. Very nice....I like that pink a lot. Sally.
  22. And Sabrina, come on now, everyone gets their own special groove! judyvega you have a Grand Canyon not a groove. I've got some of that FO on the way, I hope I can create something gorgeous with it too. Sally.
  23. Looks very classy as it is, I can't wait to see what you do with the inside. Good luck with your venture. Sally.
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