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Everything posted by Sally

  1. You could try selling them as unique "one offs"....for a "failure" I think you've done a great job. Sally.
  2. Very pretty chunky's, I haven't made any for a while but I'm tempted now. Sally.
  3. Hi Lisa, This village might be ok but it's the attitudes I really can't handle anymore. I'm desperate to get me & the kids back up the road to Findhorn, up on the N.E coast near Elgin. Spent the afternoon doing the garden with my 3 yr old,Lili.....& no jumper on! I love days like this. Sally.
  4. I didn't even get that far... the price of the moulds made me want to spit! Sally.
  5. I mix green apple & raspberry 50/50 & it sells so much better than either one on it's own. Sally.
  6. Bloody hell they are sooooooo expensive!!!!!!! Now I remember why I've never bothered with them. Welcome to CT Lisa, I'm in Scotland too.....a horrid little village called Letham near Arbroath/Dundee. And yes Nat's great for supplies. Sally.
  7. That is such a pretty effect, lovely colours too. Sally.
  8. That's lovely, I'm sure they will both love it. Sally.
  9. You'll not get a full melt pool so your scent throw probably won't be as good. I let my soy cure for a week before test burning. You got some pretty coloured candles there, when you get the wicks sorted I'm sure they will burn beautifully. Sally.
  10. They are so pretty.....it must make using them even more of a pleasure. Sally.
  11. Beautiful as always, that burgundy is gorgeous. Sally.
  12. Sounds like you're going to be a very busy lady, best of luck Inez, it all sounds very exciting. Sally.
  13. I really like the muted colours & those cones are cute. Sally.
  14. Aren't you glad you didn't give up last year? Hope it all comes good for you. Sally.
  15. I cut the onion grass from the stem & used less pieces taped to the rose stem with florist tape, along with some artificial rose leaves. They look great. I also made some posies & bouquets but I'm having trouble selling any of them despite the interest people show. I posted pics in the candle gallery but I can't find them now. Sally.
  16. I got my first soy wax from Full moon's, they are pricey IMHO & I now use Ecosoya waxes, don't know about their PW tho. I also tried their multi purpose wicks as they are unbleached & I was keen to produce as natural candles as possible.....in my naivete. I've found the Eco's & LX's work better than the multipurpose wicks but that is in soy. Also bought some of their shiney seamed tins.....some leaked along the seal & others have rusted with time, so all in all I'd say try to find other suppliers. Have you looked into British Wax prices ? Sally.
  17. Nice stripes, love those jars. Sally.
  18. Good looking rustics Ange, the coffee caramel creme looks perfect for the fragrance. Sally.
  19. Looks like neapolitan ice cream to me..now I want some! The layers are coming on nicely. Sally.
  20. Looks like spring is here....they are gorgeous. sally.
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