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Everything posted by Sally

  1. Lovely site, clean, clear & simple, easy to use & all the products look wonderful. You've done a great job, hope it does well for you. Sally.
  2. Is there no end to your talents.....the bunny's great, reminds me of the power puff girls. Sally.
  3. Very pretty bracelets, you've got some gorgeous beads there. Sally.
  4. Way to go Nat. It's good to have you there as an alternative for us Brits. Sally.
  5. Both look fab, they must smell lovely. Sally.
  6. They all look gorgeous. Sally.
  7. I think they all look great, the packaging ties in nicely with your name. I'd buy them. Sally.
  8. They are all so pretty you did a great job. sally.
  9. They are gorgeous, I love purple & green together & they go perfect with the white. They are a winner for sure. Sally.
  10. I'd love to give that a try, I can almost smell it from here. Sally.
  11. Well you can send it my way....lol I love sandalwood & your soap looks just as earthy as the scent. Sally.
  12. Thats so simple its perfect, classy & elegant, who wouldn't like it? sally.
  13. Another set of gorgeous rustics, not a bakery scent fan either but I think your colours are great. Sally.
  14. http://server.com/WebApps/db-view.cgi?id=71493 Try this link, its a huge list of wicks,waxes,container combos, there may be some help for you. Sally.
  15. Height doesn't matter in this case as it's the width of the candle that determines the size of wick needed, that & the wax, fo, dye combo of course. What wax are you using? & please tell us your results cos I've been trying LX's in my soy/para blend but haven't found the perfect wick yet for my 3" pillars. Sally.
  16. You have a perfect model for your creations there & the wrap is lovely too. Sally.
  17. WOOHOO they're some real fancy pants! Sally.
  18. Nat, have you tried them in PW or only soy? If my memory serves me right when the co-op was running some of the scents were named as working well in pw, tho my memory being what it is I can't remember who it was that said it. Sally.
  19. They all look great, rather classy. Sally.
  20. Wow you did it again GG, I don't think I've seen any of your soap that I would not want to use. Sally.
  21. Hope that glimmer shines bright Nat, you've worked hard for it. Congratulations, Sally.
  22. OOOOER now you've got me worried I bought 4 lbs of different oils in the co-op & haven't tried them yet. I won't be too upset if all they need is a longer cure time, I'll use them, cure them for ages, sell them as special offers but not stock them again. Then again if they really aren't good in soy I could always sell the oils on Ebay. Sally.
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