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Everything posted by Sally

  2. Using the melted dye technique...thanks to Dariablue for the idea....I tried adding emerald green (inpex dye squares) & red (concentrated dye in a tub) as the fragrance is watermelon crush.....it didn't come out too well & I found the green inpex dye didn't run through nearly as well as the red concentrate. Although the green ran through a bit, lots more stayed on the surface. I used another inpex dye with a rasperry cobbler pillar & the same thing happened...with less streaks which don't show up in the photo I took so I haven't bothered include it here.....it smells fab even if it doesn't look the way I wanted it to.:undecided Anyone got any ideas as to how I could get this to work better, I don't have any liquid dyes & aren't planning on getting any. Thanks for looking. Sally.
  3. I think these are better than my last lot....still a way to go tho, again they are unscented. Am still leaving some of the rustic layer behind, this time on the 3x4 1/2....I'll get there in the end!
  4. Lovely as ever....they put my latest to shame. Sally.
  5. Someone recently told me about some candles he'd had that were made only with stearin, he said they burned like the one in the pic. & left a lacy shell. I've not found any pics of stearin only candles yet but I'll keep looking. Stearin is pretty expensive over here tho' so I don't think I'll be giving it a try just yet. Sally.
  6. You can fund paypal via your bank account easily, it doesn't take long to set up. Sally.
  7. If I ever get to make soap, Grumpy, I hope I also have a fairy to help make such "ugly" creations. Love them all. Sally.
  8. Thanks Daria thats a brilliant idea that I'm going to have to try out tomorrow. Most of the dyes I've got are concentrated blocks that come in tubs so I just scrape off as much as I decide is enough....not accurate for replication but I like the uniqueness. I've got some old spoons that I don't use for food but being the hoarder I am I haven't thrown them out. I don't usually dye my soy, I like it natural, but I really like that effect so coloured soy may well be on the list for me. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. Sally.
  9. Thats a lot of layers & a great job. I love lychees so I bet it smells gorgeous. Sally.
  10. Thats a cool effect, I was thinking the same as Top about the stearin. Sally.
  11. They'reall great, love the stripes especially.... & the moggy. Sally.
  12. Thats fabulous, how do you do it....liquid or block dyes? I've achieved something like it in pw pillars but only using solid dye...I've never tried liquid dyes. Sally.
  13. Yup you got it, many folk buy their wicks ready primed, I usually buy raw wick & prime it myself. Sally.
  14. I like that effect lots. Sally.
  15. I like the part you got there. Half my frosting stayed in the moulds with my last batch, as with everything else in life I guess practise makes perfect. Sally.
  16. Wow I love each & every one of them. Sally.
  17. MMM looks great, I wish we could smell it. Sally.
  18. Thanks all for the lovely comments. Hi E, they were all poured into room temp moulds & cooled on the counter overnight, the tall one went in the freezer when it wouldn't come out then I forgot about it for too long...lol I've got a brain like a sieve sometimes. I only seem to have problems getting the narrower ones out not a clue why. Sally.
  19. Thats a good looking chunky, I've been playing with the undyed soy so much in the last year I kind of miss the colours( hence the rustics). I must dig my sack of chunks out & play with them too, trouble is they just haven't been selling very well so I end up with tons more than I can use or give away for birthdays etc. Not complaining tho cos it's all good fun.
  20. Thanks Scented,I'll try pouring warmer next time. I rolled the tall one loads & gave up in the end & stuck it in the freezer, I knew it wasn't the best idea but I was getting so frustrated with it! The frosted layer is actually loose in places on most of them but they're just experiments for myself just now so I'm not too bothered. I know they burn ok. As I don't dye my soy I like playing with colour in the pw rustics etc. Judyvega, I'm using a British pw, melt point 57-59* & I'm adding 3 tablespoons stearic, once the frosted layer has cooled enough I added this batch at 145f which is too cool I know, I was doing other things at the time. I'll have another go this w.e,pouring warmer this time. Sally.
  21. I love playing with rustics but sometimes they just don't work right.....like this bunch I made at the w.e. I think the 3x3 is the best tho' its not great. Some of the rustic layer got left behind in the moulds, the 2 1/4" diameter ones were a PIA to get out of the moulds even after leaving them overnight. I think I poured some of the layers too cool (around 145F) which is why the rustic layer didn't stick very well in places. Can any of you rustic experts give me some help here. Are smaller diameter rustics always more difficult to de-mould? I don't use any mould release stuff either btw. Sally.
  22. The flower is lovely but the others are good too. Sally.
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