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Everything posted by Sally

  1. I knit but not them....I would think chenille would be too soft & I've always found it loses the little threads & goes bald after a while. If you have a yarn store nearby maybe they have something which you could use thats a bit stronger/ rougher texture. I'm sure you could crochet something which would be just as good. Sally.
  2. I've been testing the LX 24 in my 3x3 pillars made with my own soy /para blend. The first 3 burns went fine at around 3 hrs each but the 4th burn was longer at around 4 hours & it ended up with a blow out in the side. I've melted it down & replaced the wick with an LX 22 to see how that goes. I tried straight ecosya pb with eco wicks but always had blow outs on longer burns which is why I'm experimenting with my soy/para blend for more stability.....I hope. Sally.
  3. I use Ecosoya 135 & don't usually dye it, works just fine for me. On the occasions when I do dye it it's just for my own experimenting & it doesn't worry me if it has a bit of frost. However I am getting a little frostop to try out in case I decide to produce a dyed range in the future. Sally.
  4. Well my lovely quartet finally came out of the moulds today but my god what a set of disasters! The colours are great & the layers all stuck perfectly but the rustic caoting leaves a lot to be desired. I need to take some pics before I burn them & ask the rustic experts for hints. Sally.
  5. Ruby I pour mine at 95-100F, repour when they've set up enough, let them set up again & blast them with my heat gun if needed, even at the temp I pour I don't often get bubbles, & the heat gun smooths the tops beautifully. Now I'm wondering if my thermometer is registering the right temp. Sally.
  6. Nice work, I'd be very happy to get a basket as nice as that. Sally.
  7. Very pretty, hope mine that are setting up just now look as good. Sally.
  8. I've got a quartet of rustics setting up as we speak, the temptation to get the small one out of the mould is GREAT but I'm resisting! I'll leave them all til the morning & hope they come out nicely. I just tilt the moulds at a different angle for each layer & hope they look ok when they come out. Sally.
  9. Don't give up just yet, everyone has to start somewhere. Keep practising & before long you'll be making fine candles. Sounds like you needed to do a repour on the sunken top candle. As the top of the wax is setting up you need to make holes in it, I use a skewer & wiggle it about gently to make the holes a little bigger, then pour in some more of your wax at a temp. a little higher than the setting wax, til its level with the original level of your candle. You may need to do this more than once.....that is if you're making pillar candles. If you're making containers a single repour is usually enough, though the waxes I use don't usually need any repour in containers. Try using the search at the top of the page for tons more amazing info & good luck. Sally.
  10. Thats great, one to keep away from the kids. Sally.
  11. Perfect in every way, love the plate one is sitting on too, a great match. Sally
  12. That's very pretty, I like it a lot. Sally.
  13. That's gorgeous, hope you get what you want for it. Sally.
  14. OOO I got the Sandalwood Rose too, it's coming with some other goodies soon....can't wait to try it. Sally.
  15. Well I never thought a soap bar would leave me feeling hungry! You got me there carol it looks wonderful. Sally.
  16. I prefer 2 oz as a rule, that way I can make at least a 3x3 pillar & couple of votives & have enough left for a small container. Get to test out all my waxes & get a pretty good idea of how well the fo's perform. Sally.
  17. Love the colour, bet it smells great too. Sally.
  18. Another one of your edible looking soaps....you're so good at that. Sally.
  19. They look wonderful, hows the drilling? Sally.
  20. Hi Anjie, Welcome! Yes Ikea sell all sorts of things you could use for making candles in. As for good UK suppliers well they are few & far between & most have a minimum order. Wax, wicks etc can be found on Ebay if you want smaller amounts, tho it can be pricey that way. Also try using the search at the top of the page here, I just typed in UK suppliers & got 2 pages of info. It may take a bit of time reading through but I know there's tons of really helpful info. Hope all that helps. Sally.
  21. Not come across this one but I know so many people who would buy it for the name alone. I must look into it for next christmas season. Sally.
  22. Dunno anything about soap making so ash is another mystery to me. They look fab & must surely smell gorgeous with that blend. Sally.
  23. MMMMMMM soap porn! They are truly gorgeous. All thats missing is a cabana boy to wash my back, front...... Sally.
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