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Everything posted by Sally

  1. Have to agree with everyone else, looks perfect for the name. Sally.
  2. If you're using soy it takes a larger wick for the same size candle made in pw, sometimes 2 sizes bigger, or more depending on your fo. You will need to experiment with your wick sizes as some makes of wick have more than one choice for the same size candle. Initially try testing one size candle/container style at a time as it can easily get confusing, then when you're satisfied with the results move on to the next. Before long it will get easier. Do keep lots of notes as Scented says & above all enjoy the ride. Sally.
  3. I've found the room temp. to have a real effect on my soy candles. If it's a really cold day I don't bother test in my bathroom as it's unheated for most of the day & the cold usually causes the candles to tunnel. Similarly if I have candles waiting to be labeled in my kitchen they have a better ct on a warmer day than on a cold one. Sally.
  4. I can't help you with their behaviour but I've got Happy Heart coming & can't wait to try it. Sally.
  5. Have you thought of trying EO. I'm having some success with patchouli EO in my soy @ 0.5 oz per lb wax. Sally.
  6. Colours look perfect for the scent, rustics are fun. Sally.
  7. They are simply beautiful. Sally.
  8. Lovely little sweater, I love knitting that style, the more cable patterns the better, keeps my brain working! Sally.
  9. Wow Donita, they are just gorgeous. Sally.
  10. Lovely candles, & a great cause, the hang tags work a treat too. Hope you sell all you make & get lots of orders too. Sally.
  11. That looks good, like raspberry ripple ice cream. Sally.
  12. Very pretty, the kind of thing I'd wear. Sally.
  13. OoO they're pretty, are the hearts embeded or stuck on? Sally.
  14. I guess that's what you call them over there...lol or corsage? The idea is for his & hers boutonieres? for weddings or whatever to pin on your lapel, but we're gonna sell them singly too. Sally
  15. I think I've seen their website, must be some months ago cos my memory is a bit hazy & it's not saved on this puter. Sounds like an exciting fair to go. I will get jars etc going this year cos I've got my tins working well now. Step by step I'll get there. Sally.
  16. Beautiful rustics every one of them a winner. Sally.
  17. I've said it before & I'll say it again....you temptress! Can you send me your FO list & I'll print it off this time. I'm ok for wax just now but we all know how quickly that can change. I'm interested in the "fro-stop" cos I've been playing with dye in some tho' nothing serious yet, I still like the soy undyed. I've got a parcel coming soon with the Solas fo's & some from the classys & Peaks to add to it.....runs away & hides! Sally.
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