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Everything posted by Sally

  1. MMM they are goooood,& the photos are cool too. I like the way you've got them set out. Sally.
  2. Candle Man you are a genius, I'm only just getting to grips with my digital camera & getting pics up on here is something of a minor miracle. Sally. Rsvlbrat the candles are unscented, I just wanted to play with the rustic technique first. The roses are a dark purple but my photography skills aren't up to much yet, I need to learn to use photoshop or something.
  3. Hi charmed one, thanks, take a look at my other post..."let there be light", & you'll see what one looks like in a clear glass shade. Sally.
  4. Hi Sharon, the paint is just as easy as any other to use , just don't put too much on your brush at once or it runs., just like the pebeo. I suppose you could just dip a bulb in it but you'd have to have a large container & a lot of paint to do a good job, far easier to just use a brush imo. Eventually the paint gets flaky & rubs off on your fingers but I only come across this when I'm, changing the bulbs so it's not a problem for me. Deka is a German make & is not as easy to find as the pebeo but I much prefer it. Sally.
  5. I couldn't get this pic in with the other so here's some of the single reds with extra silk leaves & the onion grass.
  6. Been playing with wooden roses over here too. The posy isn't quite finished in this pic but I'll post some others soon.
  7. How pretty they are, you soapers are so clever. Sally.
  8. Well I wouldn't mind washing with that it looks great. Sally.
  9. Here's some rustics I tried making last week, not quite right yet but such fun trying.
  10. OK lets see if this works
  11. Just for you, Sara, some unlit lightbulbs. bum that didnt work ....try again!
  12. Lovely pillars & great to see you back in action. Sally
  13. The last pic is fabulous but I prefer the one before it....looks like a ballerina doing a pirouette to me. I love seeing what you've created, thanks for showing us. Sally.
  14. Wow they are all gorgeous Donita, the whole package looks great. Sally.
  15. Thanks folks, Yes I do sell my painted lightbulbs & my other painted glass but not so much just now, it's not a great idea trying to do craft fairs with a 3 yr old in tow so until Lili's older I'm kind of off the "scene". It never ceases to amaze me what a simple little lightbulb can do with the right paints & a wicked shade. I will get more pics up asap todays been a bit hectic with rosie posies to get ready for the w.e Sally. ETA Hi Moonrose, I don't do stained glass but as you see I get some pretty cool effects with the paints. I have a couple of friends who do proper stained glass work & they are awesome so I think I'll leave it to them....& the skinned knuckles & glass cuts..ouch.
  16. Sure can, I'll take some pics in daylight tomorrow & get them up here. Sally.
  17. Moonlight sonata Moonlight melody/ies Midsummer moonlight Moonlight magic Moonlight mambo Sally.
  18. They are all good but that emerald green is gorgeous. Sally.
  19. It's worth a try Ruby, even if you got 3 packs to try out it's not going to break the bank. The other thing would be finding something to cover the tops to keep dust & fingers out. Full Moons sell plastic covers but I'm not sure of the sizes off hand, & they're probably a bit pricey like most of their things. Sally. BTW have you got the snow cos we haven't
  20. I grew up in London in the 60's what does Oh de London smell like? Occassionally my mum would take me & my sister up the west end & we'ed go in the Indian hippy shops, I remember the beautiful colours & the music but most of all the smells of the incense. I guess she was a frustrated hippy at heart & I've got her to blame for getting hooked on fragrances now! Your packaging is great & so many things to choose from, your mum must have been delighted. Sally.
  21. Wow Carol, they almost look edible. Oh I wish we had scratch n sniff monitors. Sally.
  22. That's real pretty, I ordered samsara from the solas co-op, hope it works well cos I'm running blind with those fo's. Sally.
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