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Everything posted by Sally

  1. Agreed, a wickless section is a great idea. Sally.
  2. Wow they're soooooo pretty, you are an inspiration. I'd love to make soap that looked & smelled that good, Karma's my favourite! Sally.
  3. Don't give up with the E.O's I can't recommend any wicks for you as all my E.O candles have been in 4 oz deep tins so far, & I use a different soy wax. I've had pretty good success with Patchouli, Eucalyptus, Peppermint & Lemon (for sinus problems) Rosemary, Petitgrain...gorgeous,& some others but I don't have my notes to hand. I've sometimes found E.O's work better in tarts than the candles even if the combinations are the same. Pillars are very much harder & I'm still working on them. Good luck in your endeavours & remember to keep notes! Sally.
  4. Really like that ribbon with your name on it, & I agree with everyone about the height thing. Think your set up is great tho, my table is always more cluttered. Sally.
  5. Woohoo poured a 3 x 4 1/2" pillar using Ecosoya pb, fragranced with Woodland Orange Spice from Bittercreek at 1 1/2 oz pp. wicked with an Eco 10 & twisted the wick. Has the BEST cold throw I've achieved with soy yet. I'm leaving it to cure til next week but I can't wait to burn it. Just hope the HT is as good & it burns well. Sally.
  6. I poke my chunk candles even tho I fill the mould well there is still a dip on the bottom as they set up, no problems with air holes tho'. Sally.
  7. They're so cute, wonder if I can find something like that over here. Sally.
  8. The only white colour block I have tried came with a warning that it was not suitable for colouring a whole candle as it would clog the wick. The supplier recommended using it only in wax as an over dip, maybe that would work for you. Personally I prefer my soy candles undyed. Sally.
  9. Really nice looking candles & such a fabulous purple, congratulations. Sally.
  10. Once again I'm green with envy... I haven't found anyjars that pretty here.
  11. Hi Vickie. It is addictive isn't it but it's an addiction I'm happy to live with....still looking for a sugar daddy to help fund it tho...lol. Sally.
  12. I make them & use them too, with sawdust mixed in with the melted wax, packed into paper fairy cake cases, poke 3 little wicks in & top off with cheap coloured pot pourri & a dribble of wax over that to hold it in place. They work wonderfully every time & now I'm selling them too. Sally.
  13. Looking good, hope your sales are too. Sally.
  14. Fantastic job especially doing them in aluminium moulds & not able to really see what you were doing. Sally.
  15. I'm jealous so now I'm sulking!!!!!!!!!!! I can't find fun containers like that over here...even getting different jars is hard going. Those pumpkins look so good. Sally.
  16. I don't make soap....yet, but your mould looks very professional. It makes the job so much nicer when the tools work well. Sally.
  17. Wow I love them, I'd buy them without a second thought. Anyone know if that f.o works well with soy wax? Sally.
  18. Definately a winner, they look lovely. Sally.
  19. They look lovely, I'm into E.O's too in my candles, I love what can be done with mother nature's goodies. Still like my F.O's & funky colours too. Sally.
  20. Very pretty colours, love the swirls. Sally.
  21. That first one looks amazing & the butterflies would be great little girly gifts. Sally.
  22. Nat you've got me drooling again!!!!!!!! Sally.
  23. Gosh did grandma never rest? Made me feel hungry just reading your post. Sally.
  24. Well I just got my first batch of oils from Nattycat & I can't wait to go & play. Wish my tins from the co-op that was running on here would arrive too so I can fill them with my lovely new oils. I use Sensory Perfection too, Jo's a lovely lady & very helpful. Another F.O seller I found on Ebay is MidnightStar, Trina often runs special offers on her 50ml oils & is also very friendly & helpful. Sally
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