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Posts posted by firstlady

  1. So sorry your show didn't go well. i think it was the charge fee too. this place here is small community, and every darn supermarket, dollar stores and walmart have candles, so i can't see me selling enough for my time to have a show if there was a place to go to around here, the schools has things some times but they are mostly like yard sales. i do better by letting people from my dh's fire dept. bingo place, the players buy from me, the only tart sale place is the dollar store and i keep one of them handy to show people the difference in them and mine , even if they are 3 for $1. so i guess its a good thing i don't want to havre a business from candl making.

  2. Thanks Shary, they look better , than picture shows. the full view of baskets are better looking but you know how you have to make everything small to put on here. I figure i have about $8 in the small basket

    $2= Basket

    $1 = santa

    0.50= shredded paper

    $4= tarts

    figureing out what i have in tarts gets me, i get 13-14 tarts from a lb of wax, i use 1 1/2 oz of fo in most of my tarts. i put 4 tarts to a bag. so i say $2 for wax and $2 for fo. i get my wax from kyccandle and it costed me the other day to ship a 50 lb bag plus 3 - 8oz bottles of fo was only $14 amd few cents. so i kinow i'm probably figureing wrong, just haven't took time to figure it all up. The med or larger basket == $4= basket

    $1- santa

    $5= candle warmer


    $1= dish for tarts

    0.50- for shredded paper

    so i figure i got $15 in it. i don't charge for like the flowers because, i they were from walmart and a whole bunch was about 88 cents and i just cut a couple off the bunch. so is $30 for this med basket and $20 for smaller ok. thought maybe i would see how they go over first. thank you all

  3. I fooled around with 2 baskets for my dh to take with him tomorrow because some of the ladies been asking if i do a basket for them, well i'm so afraid i'll charge to much or not enough, i'm a mess and wishing i never agreeded to do it, selling them tarts are easy. i made one small basket from dollar store ($2) and put 4 bags of tarts in it with a santa as a decor, and i made a med size basket ($4) from dollar store. put 4 bags of tarts, candle warmer with dish and santa as decor. dh says i need to ask enough to get something besides the $$ i put in them. I thought maybe $20 for small and $30 for med. that only gives me a few dollars extra. but i'm not sure anyone will pay more. i guess i just have to see. i still will have to get wrap to put on them if i get orders. will post picture later

  4. Jordon you do like them don't you, LOL! i love trying new scents, boy i better get some more orders in for tarts and baskets this week LOL! lots here to test, i like the way she explains each fo, so many i don't didn't have a clue what they smell like,. now i know. i also like the way she says they do or don't throw good in soy. i use kyparsoy for tarts and candles. boy, i hope her shipping is fast, i'm so excited:yay:

  5. I'm going start with one sample pack, if i like them , will order another one later, staying away from vanilla, i gotten to where i can't smell it, nor cranberry, i made the cranberry spice from peaks and its a very unusual scent, not sure what i thought it would smell like LOL! but thats the fun of testing scents you find out how they smell and if you like them.

  6. I like it, very unique and has a wonderful story behind it. and people will ask about an unusual name. my dh took some of my tarts to a lady over at his fire dept. bingo place, this other lady saw my name and asked why i had First Lady on my tarts & wickless, hubby told her about how one guy in fire dept. started calling me that, now they all do. and the guy that called me that first, over heard her , so of course he started saying all these wonderful things about me LOL! i wasn't there but dh was telling me about it. so keep your door, its very nice. clean cut and neat looking not cluttered.

  7. I'm just now learning howto use my print shop program, it has lot of good border and such, more than i'll need. i just been putting them on the avery address label. on labels , it has avery templates. it was just $10 . i also got one by mistake that was for a puter that had dvd on it, so if anyone buys one they better check. i have dial up so my son said it would take a long time to download the avery on my puter.

  8. I bought a candle at family dollar store , just to get the jar . its looks so pretty and i want to make candle in something besides jj. even if just for gifts. i took the wax and wick out and threw them away, either was any good. but i been testing 3 or 4 different sets of wicks , and i'm pretty happy with the ones in it now. was hoping for one wick. its 3 1/2 inches tall, just a tad over 3' wide but the middle is close to 4'wide. would love to find a place that sells them .


  9. I think they hurt their self when , their prices kept getting higher and the last candle my son bought me, was so bad. it had no scent. smoked & sooted the jar, which was real thin. he had paid about $22 for it. i told him to never do that again. today i went on their site. the tart is $1.59 for 0.8... not even a ounce. mine are 1 1/2 oz and i sure don't charge that much for them. if i did nobody around here would buy them, heck i wouldn't pay that much for them even if i was rich.

  10. Yes , i have started making the wickless, not a lot at a time , because i'm just selling people i know or at my hubby's place where his fire dept. has bingo. but i make them for my daughter because of health reasons. i sold 6 last week. i don't use the big jars, i use the 8 0z flat , Ball Elite jar, being with , it melts fast. i have been selling these and tarts.

  11. I have for my self that a candle or tart has a stronger smell on a candle warmer. i have had a couple of fo's that did have a full melt pool, like in the 8 0z jj , yet didn't have a good strong hot throw till i put it on the warmer. last week at flea market , a lady was selling candle and i bought a tangerine scented jj, wanted to see if i liked the scent. i had bought candles off her before and knew they were good. but this one, wasn't strong at all when i lit it, but did have a full m/p within 2 hrs. so i thought i would as least save the jar. i put it on the warmer and once it melted, the smell was good & strong . so i think there is a different in a candle with a full/mp about an inch deep, even wicked correct. than a warmer with a tart or in my case a jar with 6 ounces of melted wax. also in my tarts i add more fo. because of no wick, these are just a couple of things that might make a difference. it will be interesting to see what others think. but it has been my experience, that a few candles that i have had without a good strong thow in jar, has been strong on warmer.

  12. I'm no help to you, i got a print shop label maker, and i can't figure out how to make it do what i want, have to wait till son comes back home i guess. in mean time i will just keep printing my name on cardstock and cutting out then folding in half. which is ok for me, i;m not selling candles as business , just a few to people, tarts and wickless.

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