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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. Yes it is a bit pricier but because of all of the other cool stuff they sell, I'd thought I'd pass the link on. You might someday find something there that looks interesting that you want to get. It is also nice to have back ups for ordering. I've never had any problems with my orders for there. Fast shipping and outstanding CS. :)

    Good to know that they have fast shipping and great CS


  2. I posted this down at the co-op But an FYI SFIC reaised their prices big timwe w/o notice! Just got a letter today.

    HI Barncat. Were you able to submit your order for your co-op without the price increase? Or did the inform you of the new price when you submitted the order.

    If you read the Soapers Choice co-op, we got charged the new price. Granted it was only a small amount that we all pay, but still,.....:confused:


  3. I tried working with a bride or two but gave up when they just couldn't figure out what they wanted. They would say pink and then ten days later try and change their minds on both the color and the scent of the candles. I got the research and development cost up front but walked away both times because the brides refuse to have a clue about the time and effort involved.:undecided

    They also refuse to take my advice about unscented candles as the candles on the reception table. Been there done that. Now I just smile when they ask and explain that I don't do wedding favors or reception candles. Too much hassel with a wishy washy bride to be!:confused:


  4. I am making Michelles Shortening and Sudzy soap. I actually found goat milk at our store. So anyway, I added my lye to the goat milk and it became the grossest thing i have ever seen. It got kinda thick and an orangy brown color and then the odor was unlike anything I ever want to smell again. So I sat it outside as its 2degrees out right now. This was the end of my lye. I am totally at a loss as what to do with it, or is it normal. Honestly if iwould have left it in the house I think we would have suffocated as the fumes were so bad,

    I plan to use this recipe as well but I WON'T be using goats milk until I've made at least a dozen 2 & 4lb batches. I will be making it with water. So many have said this is a great soap. I have the goats milk too! But having never soaped before, I'll ease my way into goat's milk soap with great care. I think I'll love it once I get the hang of making it too

    Hope you second batch works out great for you!


  5. I have it!! ALL of it .... sitting in my living room! :shocked2::P

    :cheesy2::P I was waiting for you to come in and say that Jen! LOL! Yup, Jen probably has everybody's Palm, Olive, and anything else ya mighta lost! This might include car keys and cell phones!:shocked2::laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: ! But because she has excellent eyes and a heart of Gold, Jen will never misplace one of her kids!

    I use to have a neighbor who did that! Of course she had 13 kids too!

    Hope the kids are feeling better, Sweetie!


  6. I have gotten some of their candles. Mine got so hot they broke the glass.

    Ditto that! Good thing I was right there in the room when the jar cracked and melted wax flooded my coffee table!:angry2: But it was several years ago and I will not allow them in my cabin for fear of the cheap jars they use.


  7. Hey, save those bars and put em on eBay as a "haunted" auction, lol. "Teddy Roosevelt - captured in time" :laugh2:

    But seriously, they are gorgeous, love the colors, you rock!!

    For Lavendar, why not have the main part the natural soap color and swirl in a little purple?

    Awesome Swirl. Scented! For Lavender you could do purplr soap with a white swirl. That woulf be very pretty!


  8. It's either not SFIC or someone remelted, added a gob of additives and then sprayed the heck out of it with alcohol (maybe to remove the bubbles?). Also, SFIC soaps are usually more 'rubber-like'...not 'soft'.

    I buy mine from Peaks.

    If you bought in the classifieds, them maybe that's what happen. They messed up a batch with alcohol, remelted it, put it back in the container and resold it. Many times you take a risk when shooping in classies so you learn to be careful. I would order the sample of ALL of the base directly from the website. They have a sample pack for about $35.00 , which is an excellent deal. Don't judge the base on what you bought because it sounds like someone played with it before sending it to you. JMO


  9. Here's another option for you, same type of mold http://www.freewebs.com/duanesworkshop/soapmolds.htm

    I couldn't find my link but someone posted it on another forum.

    Yeah, I've been to his site. I discovered him shortly after joining at the Dish. He makes some nice molds too, very similar, but they are twice the price and you have to buy the knife sperately! But, I will consider him later if MC doesn't return.


  10. I studied up on the Damp Rid and that's what I will use when I cure out my soap on top of mu kitchen cabinets. It will be warm up there since I use a wood burner but the Damp Rid will draw the mosture out of the bars like a dehumidifier.

    In the summer, the soap will be cured in the basement and I'll use a dehumidifier down there.


  11. That is if it's not a Super Bowl party :) Happy Friday - it's gorgeous out. Another 2" of snow made the trees so pretty on the drive in.

    Think I'll celebrate the snow by doing something in eucalyptus. I'm in the mood for something new. Euc/Lemon? Euc/Lav? Anyone ever do anything unusual with euc? I've got some menthol crystals, maybe I'll throw some of that in as well.

    What's up with you this weekend?

    We must be on similar wave lengths, Robin. Last night I finished a new candle scent for my pastor's wife which is Eucalyptus/ Peppermint!

    I got my soap molds today! Yeah!

    I poured some candles during the week so I done for now. Just trying to finish off the bottles of certain scents and get ready for the spring scents again!


  12. If anyone can save, E, you can. Hope you don't have to pitch it! It's neat though I'm sure it's not what you were planning.:undecided But sometimes are mistakes make the prettiest things so thing great thoughs and I will too.


    PS I have now completed reading 170 pages at the Dish in the Soap forum! on 365 pages to go and I will have read the whole forum! Then it's onto the marketing forum over there! LOL!:tongue2:

  13. Your very welcome Cindy!

    BTW, two weeks ago, the tobacco store I spoke of in this thread, cut back their orders by half. One store carries all the candles and the other local store just sends someone to retreave what they need. It totally messes me up when special orders are placed in the Dover store because I have to give them the special order and subtract the candles from the stock at the Phily store!:tongue2: :rolleyes2 :mad: ! It's a husband and wife who own both stores and they compete against each other for the best sales on paper. I'm totally caught in the middle!


  14. If you are talking about a regular mason jar, try Walmart or Big Lots. Filmore is fine but shipping in bulk is outragous even in the same state. Last year, between Walmart and Big Lots, I bought over 100 cases in a month. But generally you have to wait until spring before they get their shipment in. Still, it doesn't hurt to check now in both stores.


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