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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. Here are some links for wooden molds. There is a thread on wooden molds two pages into this forum. I have four wooden log molds coming from Candles and woodcrafts. Very resonable prices on all of their molds but I personally stuck with standard size log molds without pins or hinges. Just look under STANDARD LOG MOLDS.




    This site actually has some very neat gisplays as well as molds to save this site and study it! They have standard, hinged and pegged wooden molds and all of their prices are reasonable.


    These are not wooden molds but they have great soap molds.


    ebay soaper who sells molds.


    For Craft's Sakes is a nice place too study. They have some great soap cutters as well as very nice molds. Place this site into your favorites if you know you want a great soap cutter later on!


    Great molds and cutters. Save this site!


    Nice molds. Well made and a knife that can be used with all the molds!


    Again, not wooden but a siye to save for the future


    They have a soap mold building plan so you can build your own.



    Very nice molds here too.


    I really like this slab mold but I would line it with freezer paper myself. I don't like the look of the soap on plastic

    Unfortunately, I don't have Pauls TOG mold site saved. I do but I can't find it but it's on ESTY. He makes wonderful hand made wooden molds that many rave about.


  2. Have you already purchased your foudational equipment for making a large amount of candles? Be sure to have some sort of a business plan written.

    Attend several shows and see where you'll stand with compition in your area. Buy and test some of their candles, This will give you an idea of where you are going to settle in when you debute to the public.

    Look around at shome of the shops and who is carrying candles and what brand.

    Watch the prices of your supplies and make sure you are able to survive the increases in price of wax, jars, F/O.

    Keep in mind that we are not in a good econemy right now and people are holding tight to their money.

    These are just a few things to keep in the forefront of your mind. Do the research and then decide.


  3. Buckets? My last order of no stir palm came in a box. What a PITA.

    I'm with Top on the no stir, it's so much easier. I order enough around April/May to get me through the summer months because they won't ship it after the temperature gets high... which makes no sense if they're now shipping in buckets. Humm...

    Anyhoo, I've been taking mine out of the box and putting it into huge locking top bins for ease of use. I do this for just about every hard oil/butter I use including coconut oil. I like the bins and they store much easier than the original packaging.

    That's a great idea. Would you mind sharing where you purchased your bins?



  4. Nothing happening here because it way too cold to pour soy candles in my basement late at night. I have so restocking to do but it won't happen until the temperatures come back up by about twenty degrees.

    Waiting for my soap molds to arrive. I ordered 2 two pound molds and 2 four pound molds from Candles and woodcrafts. They just ent them out so I hope they will be here by Friday!

    Just trying to stay warm and exploring soap recipes on line as well as playing with the soap calculator.


  5. Perhaps the confusion is arising from country of origin. Tupelo honey, for example, is my favorite and is becoming increasingly hard to find because of the destruction of the habitat of tupelo trees. Expensive, specialty honeys are sometimes mixed with generic honey from many different countries - Brazil, Mexico, Argentina come to mind - to reduce the cost. Still all honey, but not all the same origin.

    I have not seen any honey that wasn't 100% honey, but it wouldn't surprise me... only solution is to read the label carefully. ;)

    That's interesting because at several craft shows I go to, we have local bee keepers who sell the honey they harvest throughout the year. As most of these bee keepers have more than 100 hives, I gues it would be 100% real honey. Maybe the stuff in the store is not but I would imagine a bee keepers honey is.

    Fire, who doesn't like the taste of honey so never buys it.

  6. Those are beautiful! I've always liked CK fragrances, and my hubby just bought me Euphoria for Christmas, just love it. I bet those soaps smell as good as they look!! (I admit though, I do prefer CK's "men's" fragrances as opposed to "women's"...even on me...LOL)

    I agree with you, Suna. I love men's scents over most women's scents as well. and CK really makes of the best! E~ it's nice to know it didn't accelerate of discolor~ I's a beatiful soap!


  7. You're a braver person than I am, I can tell you that.

    I've been asked in the past to do candles in glasses like that and I've flatly refused. Both would be very top heavy and prone to tip over/spill at the slightest bump of the surface they're on when burning. The glass they're made from is usually delicate and not tempered for use with the heat ranges that a burning candle produces.

    The liability issues just give me the screaming heebie-jeebies ...

    I fully agree! That's a lawsuite waiting to happen. Martini glasses are for drinks, not candles!


  8. It's JMO but I would make absolutely sure that what you heard is true before change a tried and true recipe of your own that you have used foor years. It probably took you quite a while to come up with what work for you and your customers. Have the facts and not heresay of others.

    That said, could you go with PKO Flakes? I know both Palm oil and PKO Flakes bring totally different things to a recipe but it will add hardness to the bar as well.

    Have a good day,


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