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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. EOU is great, and I also like Liberty Natural, but that's further from you. You can start out with EOs that are in the price range of FOs and do wonderful things with blends.

    Cedarwood is nice - it's a base note. Patch is getting so darned expensive, and I expect the FOs will increase in price as well. I've heard that many of the FOs have the EO in them, so they will have to follow allow. I should auction off my 5#s of EO - what I paid $150 for is now worth about $500 :) Better than a fine wine!

    Lemongrass and Litsea are usually pretty reasonable as well. The 5x orange, or even the sweet orange in a blend.

    The nice thing is with a good selection of 10 EOs you can make lots of different blends.

    I fully agree with you Robin. I also noticed that the prices depended on how they extraced the oils as well as the grade. I went through everything at New Direction and found they carry seven different types of Lavender E/Os but the one strictly for scent value~ 40/42, is the best value for scent. The same with many of the other E/Os on many sites. That's the sort of thing I was studying because Knowledge IS power!

    Maybe I don't think some of the prices are so outragous because when I buy regular F/O, I buy at least 2-3 lbs at a time and sometime more. With E/O it would work out to be about the same price only for a single pound but you use less as well in the soap. But that's also why I was studying the "Synergy" blends as well!

    The other reason I asked this question was because of a thread on the Dish about a company that was selling E/Os and many were NOT happy with the oils, though the prices were good! I needed to know who NOT to purchase from as well!


  2. I don't think it's wise to buy all e/'s in pound increments as it will cost you a fortune. Buy a few in 2 oz bottles, learn to blend them and see how they work for you in CP soap.

    I would say that most CP'ers have some e/o soaps as well as soaps that are made with fragrance oils. Unless you plan on kicking out soap at a good volume where you can purchase the e/o's in lb bottles it will be an expensive endeavor. Some e/o's are better done HP.

    Actually, I was looking over the "Synergy" Blends! Some of those are a very good investment.

    And I almost fell over when I looked at the price of Patch E/O! No thanks, I'll use Peaks Patch for now! Many of those I can't afford, but many of them I can.

    And after looking and studying some of the prices, the prices are not nearly as bad as one might think.

    Um, yes I'll be a soapin' quite a lot, although MOST of my soaps will be made with regular F/O. I will not be adding the E/O til I have a good recipe down pat and well rehearsed! Several months away!

    And I would imagine some soaps will have no scent at all because many people don't want a scented soap.

    I've done some combining of E/O in candles as well so I have a little experience, though not much, but that's why I always take tons of notes! LOL!:tiptoe:


  3. I posted this question in the F/O section of the boards but nobody bothered to answer so I'll post the question here.

    I've been reading these boards and the soap boards at the Dish and have discovered that about 40% or more soapers use a large percentage of E/O when scenting their soaps.

    This is something I need to read up on at the different sites that sell E/Os. I'm basically looking at the prices.

    I was looking through Bramblberrys selection. Many of their prices seem good while others are extreamly high.

    What are great E/O to have on hand for making soap?

    I'm looking at:



    Black Pepper


    Clarey Sage

    Lemon Gerainium


    I'd like to buy in pound increments instead of Ozs as the savings are better.

    What are some good sites besides Brambleberry and Scent Works that I can explore?

    Thank you,


  4. Your soap is absolutely beautiful and I hope when I do my first soap in a few weeks, it turns out as great as yours.

    I've been reading these boards for months and months in research for CP and have run into your posts in the B&B section. It's very good to see you back and I'm sure we all hope you will post more often!~

    Congrats and I hope the adiction grows!

    Fire:wave: :yes:

  5. I already had two close friends tell me they will never use my CP soap because they think it is dangerous! I did my best to explain how it is made but they refuse. Now if I make lotion or whipped Shea butter, they certainly want some of that but NO home made soap.

    One of them claimed she WILL be allegic to every oil and butter in the soap! Granted, she has some allergies but since she doesn't know what's in it yet how can she say?:undecided And she claims she's allergic to Shea Butter in soap but NOT whipped shea butter. Imagine that?

    Oh well, their loss, not mine.


  6. I'm finished with making candles for the year. I am working off of the stock I already have. The shows are over and it's strictly wholesale right now.

    I've got a few orders to ship out and then I can turn and concentrate on getting my final supplies for making CP soap!

    Research and development will mostly be the soap but I plan to look over my candle scents and thin out what is not selling and NOT replace it with something else!:tongue2:


  7. Yes the wick candles are very popular but the tarts and clamshells are growing for me too. Kids who are headed off to college can't burn candles but they can melt tarts and clamshells. Same goes for people in offices who want to add scent to their work spaces. I see the tart market growing as we get busier in or everyday lives. No open flame is a big draw.


  8. For me, I'll be making soap in my basement, which IS cold but I will be firing my large wood burner down there when making soap. I will fire it first thing in the morning and feeding it throughout the day. I will soap in early afternoon and continue to keep the basement very warm until I go to bed, putting the last wood on the fire at about midnight or so. And I'll put a lid on the mold as well as at least on blanket. I've got everything I need including a stove & oven and a sink for making soap in the basement.:D


  9. Please correct me if I'm wrong but are there not SOME F/O that will abandon the soap only to return weeks later in the shower? I know I've read a few posts were that has been the case. However, this may not be one of them!

    How dissapointing for you.


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