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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. Fire, I agree that gm is a bit advanced. This said, my third batch ever was a 3-layer one with half & half in each layer. Heated up like a mofo but I still have a bar that I LOVE.

    Scent - mmmm what are our choices? WE do get to choose - right?

    Well I have over 70 scents

    I'm probably going to go with OMH but I also have Grapefruit/Watermeon from Green Leaf that I've never even opened.

    But then of course I also ordered Patchouli from Peaks to go in soap too. I ordered it Just for soap!

    I have a good strong Lavender too but it's not an EO, just a F/O and I have no idea

    if it will accelerate the way I know floral scents will!

    Finally I could also add Mambo for men! I love the scent and it's from Green Leaf too. And finally I have Cool Water for women, Cool Water for Men and Indonesaian Teak!

    Hmm, Lavender/ Patchouli?

    The reason I ordered the Patchouli is because I'm aquainted with Ricky Skaggs son, Luke and he is a MAJOR Patch fan and begged me to make him candles and soap in Patch. He's coming back to our area in April so I have to make a straight Patchouli for HIM!


  2. Souythern Scents, maybe a good place to start would be a soap swap. We have a swap area of the boards. Your soap needs to be judge by those who KNOW! (And NO, that's not ME) But I know that if you have normal skin, what about someone with very senitive skin? What will your soap do to them when they shower with it?

    A soap swap is a great place to start because people who are in the know, know what to look for and how to properly judge a bar of soap.

    One of the ways I learned to improve my candles and melts way to be in four or five swaps and allow others to review my work. I learned a great deal! Many of the reviews were good, some were not so good but everyone was honest, including me!

    Something to think about.


  3. This is a great recipe. I've tried it, and loved it.

    I would add the sugar - it adds bubbles. The salt adds hardness.

    Both very cheap components, but they do add good qualities to the finished product. Be sure and post a pic, soaping is so addictive, I tell you. ;)

    Okay. I'll add the sugar and salt but avoid the GM as this will be my first batch of soap. Later I'll try this with GM as I have a friend who raises Nubian Goats for milk!:D


  4. This soap will be my first recipe for soap but I will be using distilled water and not Goat's milk. I also will not be adding the salt or sugar to the mix. If kept in it very basic form, it should do nicely for a first soap. I just have to decide what to scent it with.:D


  5. Ya know Doris, if you click on Southern Scent's name and read some of his post, you might get a clearer picture as to why we are all up in arm about this arrogant brat thinking he knows it all! Go ahead and read some of his posts. You'll back away from him too!

    He can still hurt someone with the soap he's making but he won't care because he'll be moving onto the next idea for making milliuons of dollars!:tongue2:


  6. Southern Scents, you really need some COMMON SENSE!

    You are not curing a candle, you are curing soap that is still filled with the lye water. It needs to cure a minuim of four to six weeks!

    Hope your parents are so understanding when you get sued for having burned someone with uncured, untested soap.

    I also hope on you next batch of CP you run into major trouble!:angry2: It might serve you right and give you a swift kick into reality!


  7. I understand your concern but I am confident in my products and feel that they are ready to sell. I had already tested my formula and simply had to work on coloring, I had been using liquid colorants that were just running together and making the bars look horrid. After using oxides all of the coloring problems dissapeared.

    Man you are really a piece of work! What happen to curing the soaps What happen to testing> You've made less than a half dozen batches of CP/HP soap and you already are selling them?:shocked2: SCAREY!!!!!!

    I know that me personally, I will be making over 100 + batches of CP soap and still will NOT be selling to the public! Test, research, test some more, revamp revamp recipe and test some more!! Listen, research, test, test, test!!!!!



  8. When customers smell my soap... 90% of them touch the soap with their nose and just hold it there... sniffing. Do you really have to touch the bar of soap with your nose to smell it? It just really bothers me. Keep your nose off my soap. LOL I just think it's way gross. I get home and spray each one with alcohol. LOL

    At my last craft show, I had to tell a mother that her 6 year old daughter couldn't lean down and smell all of the candles because she had a snot issue that wasn't being taken care of by her mother!:angry2: YUCK! I told her to please clean the kid's nose before allowing her near the candles! :o They walked away in a huff!:undecided

    I also take issue with people (adults) who insist on running their fingers on the tops of candles to feel the wax and then run the same finger in another scent and cross contraminate candles with colors and their dity fingernails!:angry2: I have to pull all of those candles off and set them below the table to be cleaned and rezapped with a heat gun when I get home!


  9. Well just keep in mind that there are many of us, myself included that will be jumping off this cliff of CP soap very soon as well. I'll be joining you in a few short weeks. I still have a few basic suppies to get and order my oils and butters before going at it. I've already got the lye so I WILL be doing this.

    I've picked out what I will be soaping, I think. I need to go back and read the thread again but it very basic with no milk or anything that would accelerate the trace.

    I was REALLY hoping to do it late next week but the orders for candles keep pouring in! I came home from setting up at my last show, to four orders over the phone. And they're all out of state!:undecided Also one of my wholesale accounts just got the new Mulberry and they need 14 of them on Mondaay! They've got a waiting list!:shocked2: Came home to that phone call too! I just dropped a free candle for the stores to burn right before going home to load up for the show!

    When the candles settle down, I be doing the CP!

    Please keep us informed! We'll encourage each other!:D !!!


  10. Take them the first order in person and inform them that they will have to call and make an appointment to pick up their orders from there on. Unless it right on your way someplace. And it depends on how big an order it is. If it's small, tell them to pick it up themselves. If it's large, deliver it.


  11. I have my last show of the season as well tomorrow. I'm going in a little while to set up. It's a smaller, one day show but it's still a pretty good show for me.

    Restocking the stores on Monday so I can pay some bills and buy a few more soap supplies. Found a good buy on a stainless steel stock pot a Walley World so I'll go there Monday and pick it up along with a good quality stick blender.


  12. I've been making candles and selling them for seven years now. I did about the same as last year although sales are improved this year. But still, I have months where the wholesale orders just are not cutting it for the winter, Jan, Feb, March, April are very hard months to live solely on a candle business. So I'm looking to add CP soap and a few other things like Lip Balms and lotions., linen sprays and shower washes.

    No whipped shea butter or scrubs. I want to keep everything very tight in looks so that I keep the costs down.


  13. I sent her an E-mail from her site, Eugenia, but haven't heard from her yet. I hope she's okay. We haven't had her glorious designed creations on here in over eight weeks!


    I got an e-mail from er last night and she's okay. She says it's a long day teaching kids all day and that she has other chores at home. I guess she gets up very early in the morning.

    She also said she was going to try to stop by this weekend to visit the boards.

    I'm glad everything is okay!


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