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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. I made tatrs in a silicone mini muffin pan and they pop right out. They don't seem too soft with the C-3. I wrap them individually in small bags and label them with scent name. I will be selling these at my craft fair, do you think 2 for $1 is an OK price?:D

    Add 1/3- 1/2 of the votive V wax to the C-3 I think it's call V-1. I make clamshells too and the c-3 alone is a mess! Customers will complain when they don't pop right out of the clamshell. Add the V-1 to the mix then pour into clamshells.

    I learned this when I got into a tart swap when I first made clams. V-1 made all the differance!


  2. I am just gonna say, they are not my favorites. I like FO with the real name, then I might try to rename. I just found their scents not as good as a few other comapanies.


    Have to agree with you! I ordered over eight different scents and not a single on threw well in soy. That was money flushed down the drain! Sad but true.:lipsrseal


  3. Has anyone used a spinner rack that has wheels? If so, is it stable? The one I am looking at is about 6' tall and has I think seven rows of 10 hooks, which would hold all of my clamshells and cardboard car tags. I was told that it would hold up to 100 pounds so I am guessing it should be better then the one with the cross bar base that someone posted was not stable. Thank you.

    Are you buying it off the internet? Can you give a link to the site and a picture? I'd LOVE a larger stand for my clamshells. I have over 60 scents and must have two stands instead of one!:sad2:

    I have a floor spinner rack that is fine in level ground but when I put it on grass, as I have to next weekend, I will place a brick at the bottom of the legs to keep it steady. That or a large plastic bag of sand.

    I had my stand in some stiff winds outside and it never tipped over!:D


  4. Finishing up some candles for next weekend.

    Labeling and sorting clamshells~ got 600 to do!:tongue2:

    Gettting a wholesale packet together for gentleman who is coming up to the show to check me out for a possible wholesale account.:cheesy2:

    Getting all the little odds and ends in order for the show as well.

    This show runs three days from 9-9 and it's close by but it's also the biggest show I do every year!

    I also need to find show people to work a few shows for me afterwards because I have three shows on the same day and I'll have to hire two other people to do the shows I'm not going to be at.:shocked2: I'll have to pour triple the stock and then split it three ways. I also will have to set up for the three shows all on the same day so that frieday will be a killer!:tongue2:


  5. I wanted to explore this craft this winter and I googled it and came up with a bunch of sites that sell them but very few that actually sell the supplies. This may be the wrong time of year to buy some of the supplies to begin exploring this idea but I thought I give it a try. I want do the reseach and then build a few. I got sever good size craft shows that will not let me in with the candles so I'm trying to find something else.

    I'd love to explore some wholesale places on the net that sell the bowls for the bases as well as the stones and pumps

    Thanks again,


  6. I continue to pour for my largest show of the year. Still trying to figure out and fix my Cinnamon Bunn candles. If it turns out to be to color then I will need to repour them with very little color and rename them!:undecided

    I have to order in my Balsam Fir and pour that as well. But at least I have wax this week!!


    Key West

    Chocolate Brownie

    Apple Pie

    Brown Sugar & Fig



    White Tea & Ginger

    Montego Bay

    Thunder River


  7. I don't even think a minor would be able to do all that. Which is why I sure hope his parents are more on hand and they need to get a handle on all that he is offering or wanting to offer. A lawsuit will be fastly approaching with that list of offered items and I sure wouldnt' want to be in their shoes let me tell you. Because it won't be the minor that will have to pay, it's gonna be the parents.


    P.S. he certainly couldn't make laundry soap in his NEW kitchen that also produces jams and jellies..major major breaking of regulations right there rofl!

    YOU & I KNOW that but I guess maybe this kid thinks he KNOWS it all! I have a friends who made Goat Milk Fudge for years and not only had to build a new kitchen seperate from his other kitchen, he had to have is goat milk parlor inspected once a month too! All of the milk gathering equipment had to be stainless steel too. He spent thousands and thousand bringing everything up to standards to allow the fudge to be made and sold to the public!

    Then he he spent years making and selling to pay for the upgrade. When it was all paid off, he sold the business because it was too much work!

    This kid is jumping around because he is easily bored too but a lawsuit can happen down the road!

    I wonder if he is making sure the scents are skin safe????:shocked2:


  8. This is what I was leaning toward. I didn't have any problems with making her case because it's one of my most popular fragrances, so I was pretty sure I could sell it if she didn't pick it up. I'm just such a stickler for doing what I say I will that I hate the thoughts of her showing up for her candles and me not having them.

    Thanks for your verification of my instincts.


    Jane, I think you have been more than understanding and have given her more than enough time to pick up her products. Take it to the show and sell it and if she shows up tell her that you can make it again but that you want the money up front! Then she will either pay or walk but you are not out anything. We are not in this business to make friends, we are doing this to try and make some hard earn cash! You and your family come before other poeple's feelings.


  9. I hope this KID has great product insurance because I've been reading his post for awhile and having a great laugh. Maybe he wants to make the laundry detergant in his NEW stainless steel kitchen where he is going to make and sell jams andjellies as well!:shocked2: YIKES!!!!:tiptoe: And let's not forget all the permits either!:confused:


  10. Call Bolek's and ask what size it is, he has told me the gel wick sizes before ..those are HTP's by the way. The CW's are paper but I don't know the sizes. Although I do know that the wick you are using is a torch! My guess is that it is a 60p or 62P.

    :D How are you, Amish Ragdoll? LOL! I use the 4s because when I tried the 3s they weren't cleaning up the wax on the sides of the jars! Even when I was burning them for ten hours or so. I figured it would catch up but it never did.

    Yeah, I'll ask Chris. When I called, I got his son or someone who didn't know.

    But I will try backing off the color first and pray that that is the problem!


  11. Fire and Ice ... what wick size are you using?

    To be honest, I really don't know because of the way my craft shop labels them. They are know as a W-4 but that's to say the mesurement of the mouth of the jar. It's the largest wick the sell.

    When I get some wax in, I plan to pour the candle with 1/4 the colorant. Just a tester. I now know it's not the oil because I had this issue last year with Cin Bun and so I switch to Peaks. I'm very glad I did but the problem is still there so Ir's the wick or the color.

    Since the color is easier for me to try, I 'll certainly try that first.

    Seems funny that Cinnamon Carmel Latte can use the same wick and burn fine and it's a much thicker oil!:tongue2:

    I been making soy candles for seven years now but I alays have something new to learn here. Even a newbie and teach me something!:yes: :yes: :yes: :wave: That's why I love these boards, and all of you who come here!


  12. Yes I do use color~ but it's not an exteamly dark brown.

    I can add cinnamon to other scents as a mixer and I don't have a burn problem with those.

    As I said, the throw is AWESOME but I can't get it to burn right and I have a huge show in 3 weeks!

    I can try pouring it a lighter color or no color and see if it helps but I still think I need to wick up.

    Just need to find the next size zinc wick.


  13. Hi all

    I am having some major issue with my Cinnamon Bun candles burning right.

    I use the standard Golden Harvest Pint size mason jar and a zinc core wick. I want to wick up one size but right now I'm using the largest size my supplier carries locally so I need to have some larger ones shipped in.

    Here's the problem~ I pour my candles all the way up through the throat (threads) of the jars. The candle does fine through the throught burning and it takes about 1-1/2 hours to reach a full melt pool. It will burn totally clean until it reaches the shoulders of the jar and then the wick struggles and there is quite a bit of hang up.

    I use a wick for four inch wide jars to insure that the candles burn clean. I also use the E-Z wick setter to insure my wicks are properly centered.

    I have nearly 75 scents and NO other scent does this. Even the heavier oils like Amish Harvest or Vanilla have this problem. I add no additives either and my wax is C-3 straight.

    The throw is excellent but the burn is very poor so I need the next size of zinc wick but I don't know what size I would order nor where.

    I've never, in all the years of making candles, have I had this issue. I thought it was the oil so I switched to Peaks and I still have the problem.

    I want to stay with the zinc core wicks as well.

    Thanks for advice,


  14. My candles are colored very deep Jewel tones and are very bright! The color attracts the customers as they walk by. It can also show other candle makers how experienced you are. I go to a great many shows and can always tell the brand new chandler by their colors. Newbies tend to be afraid of deep rich colors and have things like pink Cinnamon Bun and very pale blue Sea Breeze. When I ask how long they've been making candles their answers will tell me one thing while their colors tell me another. Generally they are honest but a few have not told the truth and I just point out the PINK Cinnamon Bun and walk away.

    If I had to do it again, I would go with no color at all except Ivory but I think that throws some customers off.



  15. Type of Soy or Soy Blend you use? C-3

    Additives if any? None.

    Preferred dyes? Block dyes.

    Preferred wick (Not sizes)? Zinc core.

    Pouring temp you recommend? 180

    What you do to prevent frosting? Nothing. My customers LOVE the frosting!

    What you do to prevent rough tops? Do two pours. 1st pour and second pour for tops 12 hours later.

    Do you do anything to prevent wet spots? Do not have much of a problem with wet spots.

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