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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. Maybe they want you to send it back because UPS would not honor the claim if they failed to pack it correctly.:confused: Even if the box is smashed, any shipping company will try to say it was the shippers fault if there was not 3 inches of padding.

    Having the UPS inspector come out to your home should be enough.The replacement money comes from UPS insurance for the damaged box, not out of candlewic's pocket. It sounds like they screwed up. I wouldn't threaten them with a chargeback thou, I would be nice and calm about it.

    Whatever the size of your order regardless, if there was that much damage they can't just send you out replacements at their cost with out getting the product back. In a perfect world they should just take your word for it and make the customer happy by fixing your issue. Unfortunatly we don't so I understand that you are very mad at not getting your stuff that you paid for and can't use.

    I would sit tight and let them handle it, they have been around forever and will fix it. It will just take a little time.

    Call the UPS hub that would have delivered it and ask them if they took pictures poir to sending it on to you. I worked at a UPS hub for a year and anything that was damaged or leaking when it arrived, pictures were always taken of the damage so that the hub it arrived in was not blaimed for the damage. They should have pictures!


  2. I found that mixing different peaches together creates a much stronger throw. It took me years to figure this out but I finally did when none seemed to throw well alone. Just order from the best suppliers and start mixing. I use five of them to make my Peach and I can't keep it in stock.

    BTW~ Nothing from Natures Garden threw well in my pure soy. I've ordered dozens of there scents and NOTHING threw well for me! Just a thought to consider.


  3. I do a great many shows as well as have my candles in Tobacco shops. I'd love to have more wholesale accounts but they're had to get around here.:confused: I've tried candle parties as well but they never worked out because hostess were not willing to put forth the effort.:undecided

    So it's basically shows that get my name out there.

    BTW~ You need to be in business 3-5 years selling before you generally break even or see a profit. I've been in the business for 7 and see a profit but I am costantly out there pounding the pavement with my product as well.


  4. Have a small but very busy show Saturday afternoon. It's a car show/craft show and last year I did pretty well. They were all new customers so I hope they all repeat plus tell all of their friends!

    Tuesday is the day I will be placing some orders for scents needed for my biggest show of the year! I plan on having 800+ candles there and I have one month to order and pour them! I'm going to have about 250 candles at this show tomorrow and all of my clamshells as well!:tongue2:


  5. Well I need the floor spinner racks due to having so many scent of melts. I personally can't spare any room on my tables for baskets and displays. I like the spinner racks due to the fact that they are easy to set up and look great filled with the different colors! I can put a sign in the top saying what they are and the price. People see it from far off and are drawn by the many colors.:D


  6. So sorry to hear that your show was filled with nosey people! I've started making up cards with this website on it and when people ask too many in-depth questions, I hand them a card and tell them that the show is not the place to discuss it and they can go to this forum and ask away!!! I think we should only have to answer questions about our products to customers and the people running the show. JMO!!

    I say one sentence! "Learn to do your own research and stop asking me questions I have no intentions of answering!"

    I hate it too because it happens all of the time. So one thing I will tell them is that they need thousands of dollars to begin with! That will quickly shut them up and they will leave me alone! If it doesn't I tell them they need liablity insurance as well. Thewy most certainly leave after that!:lipsrseal

    I had a lady from Candle wealth ask me if I learned to make my wonderful soy candles from their program? I laughed and "NO!" I told her I learned how to make candles the RIGHT way and not the dangerous easy way they claim! She immediately turned on her heels and left in a huff!:laugh2:


  7. I did a festival this weekend and it was dissapointing due to the heat and my location. It was over 92 degrees and nobody was going to buy candles in that heat! But the soy candles held up very well! I was shocked! Sure some sweated but most didn't. I got a great many compliments on the scents and such and I DID get a new wholesale account so I was happy with that!:yay:

    The Festival was not all that well attended but I made my booth fee back and some profit. I learned how to setup a EZ up in a DOWNPOUR and alone as well as got to watch my prefab fake wood table top fold when I set the cases of candles on it! LOL!

    Praise God my church had a table I could borrow in a pinch to get me through the show.

    Have to buy another table tomorrow and yes, it will be plastic!:laugh2:


  8. I did a three day show this weekend. Setup in the pouring rain and one of my tables died but my church one I used.

    VERY hot and humid but my candles held up pettry well for soy and that made me happy. Didn't male a lot of sales but I got a new wholesale account on the my clamshells so I'm happy!:yay:

    Now to pour for the next show which is this coming weekend. Another 3 day show!


  9. I don't date mine but I Know that the longer they sit, the stronger they get. I've got several customers that LOVE the older candles and will ask for those first.

    I am currently burning a Brownie candle that I made a mistake with the color. It's five years old and I had to blow it out after an hour because it was SO strong! :lipsrseal


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