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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. Two days before my show, I got an email from the supplier of my Blueberry scent to inform me that they had reformulated it! I think the new one they have is awful and so I on the hunt of a STRAIGHT but AWESOME Blueberry! I don't want any bakery in this scent. Just a straight blueberry that kicks butt!:drool:

    I looked up the thread on this same topic a few weeks ago here, and noted one from Souther Scents Sensation however I don't see them on tha abbrev. list at the top.

    I am working with pure SOY!

    Thank You again for your help!


  2. I've been selling candles at a local festival since 7:30am on the 4th! It's a five day and nigh fest that begings early and end late at night for five days.

    Just got in and sales were brisk for my candles!:yay: tonight! Very good show but it was slow starting! I have tomorrow and sunday to get through before we tear down late Sunday night!!

    Monday It's go pay bills and buy tons more suppplies because I have a long festival next month followed the week after by a large show!:shocked2: :shocked2: :P :lipsrseal


  3. I use strictly blocks for my color in my soy candles. I and my customers LOVE the deep, deep jewel toned colors. New customers always comment on the color of my candles. BUT I get the awesome colors by spending HOURS and WAX experimenting and playing with color.

    A color block IS NOT a crayon and if you are learning this just now, you are certainly not ready to sell to the public yet!

    One of the ways I judge how long a chandler has been making candles IS by color! You need to remember that the color IS the first impression that your candles make on a customer from a distance!:confused: If a customer reads~ Cinnamon~ on the label and the candle is PINK, because the chandler doesn't know how to make a deep red, they'll walk right by without selling! THAT IS A FACT!:tiptoe:

    I had many a chandler ask me to surrender the seacrets of my deep, rich colors in soy and I can honestly say, it is NOT Crayola Crayons!":laugh2:


  4. Yeah, I plan to offer at most 10 scents per fundraiser and probably at most 7 products. Yeah, I am getting my contract written up.

    NOT that I have done them, but you might wnat to limit the scents that you do for a fund raiser to just six or eight of your best selling scents at that time of year! To off 100+ scents or even half that amount will kill a customer and the kids who have to take the samples for the orders.

    If you limit your choices, you will be able to control things better once the fund raiser is turned into you for production!

    The same goes with the coloring of the products! You will be pulling your hair out and going crazy when it comes time to pour a fund raiser because you offered too many choices! Limit the choices to the best sellers only!

    I personally would never try to combine a wholesale and fund raising materials in one brochure. It IS very confusing to everyone!

    What happens of you have several large wholsale orders to get out as well as a huge fund raiser to do all at the same time? How is your workspace setup? Do you have a large melter for the wax? If you don't, and your just using two presto pots, lookout!!!

    You have to have the proper professional equipment to do any sort of mass production! If you don't have it, don't attempt to do wholesale and fundraisers without it because you will work yourself into the ground!

    How much research have you done on doing fund raisers? It's good to know what you are stepping into.

    Do you have the capital in advance to buy a pallet of jars and have them shipped? How about 1/2 pallet of lotion base? You need to have to supplies there before starting the fund raiser. What if they turn in a fund raiser for 2000 candles, you call for the jars and they are out????? YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE JARS BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO POUR!

    JMO~ Until you have fully researched and know what there is to know about fund raisers~ don't do them. You only get one chance to make a first impression!

    The people around me are begging me to do fund raiser topo but I won't do them because I don't have the capital to buy pallets of jars, wax, and F/O. I KNOW my limits and though they are growing, I will continue to work well within my boundries.

    JMO and 0.2 cents.


  5. I'm still pouring for the show next week. Will pour tonight, all day tomorrow and Sunday. Then Monday, pack all of the candles for the show and move them, clamshells and my tables to the park for setup! I'll setup the clamshells and the tables but plan to leave the candles in their boxes until the morning of the show! Last year they had a storm come through the night before and it wreaked havic on my displays but my candles weren't out so I didn't lose anything!:highfive:




    Sage Lemongrass

    Brown Sugar & Fig

    Cinnamon Carmel Cappucinnio


    This is a five day show from 9:00am til 11:30pm. Very long indeed but I can't beat the booth fee~ $40.00 for a 10X10 booth under a solid roof for 5 days. It's good money but I will not have any help this year:lipsrseal !!!!!


    I'm waiting on the Cool Citrus Basil & the Downey Fresh to setup so I can move on to the next two scents!

  6. Wholesale Supplies (WSP) has an awesome pine, forest scent.

    Unfortunately, WSP F/O are not all that strong and fail to work in my soy wax~ C-3. I've tried many of their oils and had similar results if not worse than Just scents. NONE of their F/O thre well in my soy so I won't spend good money on their scents.

    Here are the ones I will be trying.

    Asakin Wilderness~ AH

    Christmas tree~ Green Leaf

    Balsam Fir Natural Artisians

    I look at a few others as well. I was hoping WYW @ Bitter Creek had one but they don't

    However I will try BCN's Christmas Tree though I've never used their scents before. I will look at all the ones recommended as well but I also sell Home for the Holidays so I want just a straight tree scent but not a straight Pine. That just get plain boring, which is why I LOVED Peaks scent but it was just not strong enough for customers. That's the scent I'm after only stronger!:embarasse


  7. Neither of those suppliers is listed on the top of this board. I hesitate to use an unknown supplier. Is there a link and do they accept Pay Pal?

    I'm looking at testing Just Scents Christmas Wreath but I generally have trouble with her scents being too weak in my soy although it's a best seller. I've only found two out of 50+ scents that are any good.

    I'd rather have a Balsam fir scent or a conbitation on pines combined. Nothing else in it just the forest scent.

    Off to look at Green Leaf



  8. I personally have found, through UPS, the further the supplier, the better the shipping rates. I have a few supplier in state and their shipping is out of this world! Luckily I only buy two scents from the one! Unfortuantly, the scents are very popular.:rolleyes2


  9. Better hurry and buy before the price goes up then! LOL. Seriously though, I just can't imagine paying so much (I had thought the price was a typo, just like the other spelling errors), especially when the most expensive department store brand (chanel?) only charges about $30 per lipstick.

    LOL! This is really funny! I don't care if I had a million dollars to blow! I'd take one look at that site and keep on moving! I thought the price was a typO too.:grin2:


  10. Though I adore Peaks Blue spruce F/O, it's just not strong enough for my customers. I have to agree though it's an awesome scent!

    It's time to search for another OUTSTANDING balsam/spruce,Fir scent for the coming season. I use soy wax. I love to find one that as good as Peaks but MUCH stronger and no other scents added in, just the tree or forrest scent. Basic pine is too boring but balsam fir would be great!

    Thanks for the help,


  11. www.bolekscrafts.com

    This is my local supplier of several very nice quality oils. They are NOT complex oils but they are excellent for the price. They work well in soy too. They carry C-3 and test all of their scents in soy. I've tested about 2/3 of their oils and they throw well.

    The reason I continue to use SOME of their oils is because I haven't found better at a higher price and I don't pay shipping!

    Wild Cherry

    Cool Water for Men

    Tommy for Men

    Love Spell

    Sea Breeze

    White Tea & Ginger( strictly a floral)






    Chocolate Brownie

    Lots and lots of other that I've tested as well. They have a fairly nice selection!

    Many say to avoid craft stores but it depends on if its a chain like Michaels or Hobby/Lobby.

    Boleks is a private, family owned business and they've been in business for over thirty years. They are wonderful people and very knowledgeable about the scents and the waxes they carry. Tell them Amy sent you! They know me very well!

    They have some of their scents on sale right now so have a look!


  12. I went today to my supplier to pick up some color blocks and told the I'd be ordering more wax and pree paying it after my big festival and she informed me that the price has risen AGAIN! for one month, the price has increased by $5.00 per 50lb box because shipping costs for them have increased 15% on a pallet of wax!

    I was vascilating whether to raise the price of my candles next year. Now, I have absolutely no choice but to raise them!:embarasse


  13. Yeah, I read the reviews too. No matter how good their oils are, if Customer service and shipping suck, they are not worth it! Yet I still want to try them at some point. I guess if I like their scents, I'll purchase in bulk and buy less often! It's too bad though if Customer Serive and shipping orders out is a hangup for them!


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