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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. I really wish you wouldn't post these things about me! LOL :P

    I have worked really hard for years to get my post count where it is ... just so people would think I KNOW EVERYTHING ..... and now you're gonna go and blow it for me! I have the @ss to prove how long I sit on here everyday .... hell people should be able to tell I know everythin just by looking at my @ss! :laugh2:

    On a serious note: Carebear .... I have had the pleasure of using your soapies several times now and I really enjoyed them. I enjoy your posts and have learned a lot from you over the years. :wink2: Thanks for always being kind enough to share both the good and bad sides of soaping with us.

    LOL! Ya know I basically messed up when I made that really foolish stement about the post count! Yeah, it all my fault! Sorry I mispoke! I just know that Carebear knows way more than I do and she knows it through experience, not post counts! :embarasse


  2. I have already printed it, and will try it on my next GM batch..:D

    Always remember to grab a WHISK and not the stickblender once you add the milk. JMO, that's the trick. It gives you several more minutes to incorporate everthing. Also, soap as cold as you can.

    But I thank AJ for her great experience and passing it along to US! Thank you AJ!:wink2:


  3. For me 4# but I've been soaping less than a week! The reason I ask this question is because of reading over at the Dish. I am just floored by the amounts of soap people like Banicoot(aka Pattie Flynn) put out in one day.

    They have some big time soapers over there and I'm think we a few over here as well. I respect Everyone because everyone has done more than me! I'm just learning the ropes but I have enthusiasm!

    So what your biggest soap day and how much soap did you crank out??????


  4. Naw - it's in the trash. Lye pockets. And it didn't smell good enough to rebatch...

    It's my own darned fault - I did all the things I tell new soapers NOT to do!

    I'm so very sorry this happened to you. I wanted to make soap today but found I was in a poor mood so I passed up the urge. Had I given in, I think I would have messed it up big time!

    We will all have bad soap days. Even the most experienced soaper and chandlers have those. It's part of life.

    We can never appreciate the peaks of the moutains unless we have been in the valleys first!


  5. Silly me, I thought you were a newby soaper. My, how time flies!

    I hardly think with her post count you could have thought that. If you have nothing to do with making soap, why are you over here trying to give advice and contradicting YOURSELF, as you did in another thread??


  6. Vio

    First of all, if you read Crafty's goat milk recipe, you will find that it is VERY simple and easy to follow. When you are ready to do a goats milk bar, this is the one I would try. I tried it as my third soap and didn't have any of the usual problems of dayglow orange color or ammonia smell. I did it but followed my own insticts as well as the direction. I explain my experience in the thread about this recipe in this forum the other night. Read it.

    Secondly, sign up at the SOAP DISH and read there for a few weeks or months. I started in the very back of the soap forum and read foward! It's an amazing site with soapers who have been at it for 15+ years. There are people from around the world not just the USA. Pay attention to a woman named Banicoot from Australia! She make 1500 bar a day in her soap barn Is KNOWS tons.

    Just read, read and read some more! Several regulars here are over there as well. I'm over there too because I learn so much! Everything you can imagine asking is over there! I'll ask questions over here because it's smaller and I trust this crowd but I have HUGE respect for many over on the Dish as well.


  7. DONE! and it soaped GREAT! No odor, no orange color, no curdling of the milk! It all stayed very smooth but I also knew that once I added the ice cold milk, you couldn't stickblend! There's the magic!

    Soap as cold as possible! I made my lye water and set in snow on my deck, away from animals! I left it out over an hour and it was 90 degrees. My oils were measured and melted.

    I combines hard and soft oils and stick blended them to make sure everything was incorporated. Opened th can of milk but kept in the fridge till I needed it! I carefully added my lye water and stickblended some but not a lot. I began using a whisk when I saw a very, very light trace. I grabbed the can of milk and slowly added it, stirring as I went. I stirred several minutes and felt the trac thicken slightly so I added my F/O and ground up oatmeal. I continued to stir with the whisk and in minutes was at a medium trace. I poured it into the mold, put plastic on the top, left the lid off and put it to bed in my fridge at 9:00pm.

    Crafty's recipe soaped like a charm with no misbehaving Goat's milk!:cool2:

    I'm happy because it's been a great weekend of soaping! I probably won't be soaping during the week but that gives me time to dream and create!

    Gran, if you want to try an easier goatmilk way, I can tell ya, this is IT!


  8. IMO~ that is a perfect recipe for soaping with GM, especially because of the simplicity of it. GM can be challenging in CP. I wouldn't recommend leaving it outside. It's still raw soap, and animals can get into it. I don't insulate mine, I just leave it in the basement covered in Saran Wrap. The frig might take a little longer to saponify, I've never tried that before. Good luck!

    I would do the basement too but I would be carrying raw soap down a spiral staircase and I really don't want to do that!

    I'll stick it in the fridge for the night I guess!

    Thanks again!

  9. I've read it, printed it off and gone to the Soap calculator to figure out the lye. I've had goat's milk chilling for several weeks now and would like to soap it.

    I have a four pound mold to do it in too

    I'm wondering if I'm better off putting it outside for the night rather than my fridge.

    Gotta decide before I get started. It's pretty cold out but I don't want the soap to freeze either.

    Is this recipe pretty easy? Does the goats milk accelerate the trace once you add it?:tiptoe:


  10. Well, since I'm going for the world domination thing, here's who I get:

    Johnny Depp, Mel Gibson, and Keanu Reeves. :whip:

    This is not negotiable (refer to page 92 in the World Dominaton Rules :read: )

    You gals can fight over the others. :tongue2:

    So you're leaving Brad Pit out of this as well?:shocked2:

    Where is Mystical Angel? She should get in here and stake her claim as well!!!! Oh Mystical!!!!!!!! LOL!:D


  11. Well I'm jumping in on this too. I want Keanu Reeves and Chris Klein. :naughty::drool:

    HOT! Hehe...

    Er.. we were talking about soap, right? I can think of a couple things involving soap and those guys! hehehe...

    Oh my! LOL! I have looked at this thread from beginning till now and saw me ask a question, two pages of answers and then several come in to try and stir a bickering session so we decided to take it in a bit of a different direction and Vio put us in the gutter. I was only talking about joining world domination movement and stealing two wonderful Cabana boys for my own needs and pleasures! Then we got into weapons and such over the sexy hunks and now we're back in the Gutter again and it's not my fault!:embarasse :lipsrseal :P LOL! Yeah, in a month I'll need Josh and Jonny to both test my soaps! However I might have to get in the shower with each of them to show them how to test it. I'm sure they don't have a clue about testing soap!:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2::grin2:


    Fire~ Whos getting ready to make yet more soap for the J&J testing purposes! LOL!

  12. Egads you do!! LOL! When you dream about swirling I'll have you locked up :wink2: !

    I just love that Tonic fragrance and since you've brought it up me thinks I need to sneek in a batch too!

    I'll bet yours will look tons better than mine!:drool: No, I haven't dreamed of swirls but I've had more than a few soap dreams!:D

    I need to thank you ALL for giving this new addiction LIFE!


  13. Fire, well, with Josh and Johnny, I'm sure you'll be getting more than a wild hair :wink2: . I don't think we'd be able to trust you with lye while you're :drool: over them, cuz remember, the lye goes INTO the water.... not the water into the lye. ROFL!

    Oh yes, I had forgotten my whip in my world domination announcement. Now, where did I put that thing. :whip: :whip: :whip: Ah, there it is, I'm happy now :D

    Oh, and Fire? You can't have BOTH Josh and Johnny, so I'm taking Johnny off your hands. Greed is not a good thing, you must learn to share.

    Well you could have Matthew Maconahey, Richard Gear, Mel Gibson, Beckmen, and many others in the same field.

    Besides Josh has to sing for his supper so he will not be touting candles and soap so I need Jonny to do the lifting of the supplies and split all the wood for the fires!

    I will be creating, Josh will be singing and Jonny must Bust a move for me. After all, YOU have world domination! :D

    See how easy this all works? I'll let you select any of the "other talents" in Hollyweird but leave Jonny and Josh with me. They will be well looked after. And you can visit every other Month!

    Keep in mind that I am also COOL!:cool::meditate: And I have a real sword too! The Braveheart sword! My sword can slice you whips! LOL!

    Night all! Fire

  14. I'm definately a night soaper! I spend my day working when I'm employed and daytime is when I'm out of the cabin doing stuff like splitting wood or delivering candles or just basic running around.

    Night time is when the cabin is really warmong up from the wood burners and I know I'm either making soap or pouring candles! I think better at night.:D


  15. Well I finished my second batch of soap about 3 1/2 hours ago so I'm hitting the shower and headin' ta bed. I'll see what I come up with tomorrow night!:wink2: Oh, I soaped TONIC!

    At some point I'm going to have to look into this Dragon's Blood but I will change the name to Drangon Tears!

    Fire~ Who is now having dreams of stick blenders and soap mold. Yeah, I got IT bad, people!

  16. Woo hoo!!!! Soap on Fire and Ice!!! :D:yay::bliss:

    Congrats and can't wait to hear more on your soaping!!! It makes me want to whip out some oils and lye when I see your posts. This is very hard. To watch others soaping when I'm not. It's a very strange feeling. This soaping thing is extremely hard to control. :laugh2:

    It's all that power one assumes when they get behind the controls of a stick blender!!! All those attachments, all that power in one's hands...What's a person to do??? LOL!:yes: :wave: :laugh2:


    Who will be looking for an interesting recipe to soap tomorrow night. I guess I'm a night time soaper.

  17. Well I have to tell you this now, I was just browsing the news and the Oscars are tomorrow night, Johnny Depp is up for Best Actor in Todd Sweeney. I don't have high hopes he will win against the competition, but I will watch to see :) I think he got passed in previous years when he deserved it!

    I would REALLY LOVE to see him win an Oscar! He's such a gifted actor!

    And the movie is called: Sweeney Todd. Hey ya got the name right ya just gotta such it around a bit! I haven't seen it yet though! Please let me know what happens because I don't have my cable hooked up! There were more important things to pay for like 58lbs of soaping oils, butters and new log molds!

    I told you all I had my priorities straight!:wink2:


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