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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. Okay, I can tell ya, it soaped like a dream, Vio.

    Here's the recipe I used it in: It was a 2 # batch of soap!

    Dawn's Basic Bar:

    Palm Kernel~30%

    Mango Butter~20%

    Coconut 76~ 20%

    Olive oil~ 15%

    Sweet Almond oil 10%

    Castor oil~ 5%

    Hardness~ 50


    Condition~ 45

    Bubble lather~36

    Creamy lather~ 23


    INS~ 166

    I had lots of time to play with the stick blender and get my raw soap for color seperated from the main batch. Did another ITP swirl and poured at a medium trace!

    It smells awesome and from all I've read, the scent sticks!:cheesy2::D

  2. :shocked2: I certainly hope this is a joke!:embarasse I welcome everybody's input into this odd letter. Most everyone on this board knows more than I do! I have never seen something like this before so I submitted it to EVERYONE for comment. If you read the whole thread, you know that nobody else has ever gotten it!

    Carebear is welcome to answer and question I put to these boards. Her knowledge and wisdom is welcomed by ME!

    I'm not angry but I am slightly shocked by you odd comment.

    Off to make more soap!


  3. I'll give that a try, VIO.

    I unmolded my soap and tested it for zap and I have NONE. I checked it in five different spots on different slices!

    I'll have to fire the wood burners and make my second batch. I just have to find a different recipe. No castile for me. Takes too long to cure and I've tried someone elses and the slime factor was the pits!

    I want to do a goats milk but not yet. Need to get a few more regular batch under my belt first.

    Thanks Mystical for the great dancing babies! I DO remember those from the old boards!:wink2:


  4. When making soap, always wear sturdy shoes and don't soap in bare feet, flipflops, or just socks. If for any reason you spill lye or, heaven forbid, raw soap, you might burn either the tops or the bottoms of your feet!

    I soaped today and I had a drop of raw soap land on my shoe. Had I been wearing flipflops, I would have been burned on the top of my foot. Also if you measured out oils and butter for your soap, you have less of a chance of slipping on a stray drop of oil or butter.:cheesy2:


  5. congratulations...so glad everything went well on your first soap..:yay:

    Thank everyone! We'll se how it turns out tomorrow when I unmold it!

    I'm working hard not to peek but I'm still waiting for it to gel. I looked about an hour ago and it still hasn't gelled but the mold is warm to the touch. It's wrapped ina towel and a blanket and tucked on the hearth~ not close enough to cause a problem but it should benifit from the warm stone hearth.


  6. There won't be any pictures because I don't have a digital camera!:( But I'll be sure to discribe everything to you guys!

    I got a portion of the mess cleaned up but the soap pot is still soaking!

    Yeah, I'm already planning the next batch for later. Yes, I'm totally addicted and the Lye water wasn't as scary as I though it would be.

    Maybe next week I will get up the nerve to soap Goat's Milk since I have several cans but right now, distilled water is working good for me!


  7. I just finished putting my first 2# batch of Oatmeal Milk and Honey to bed!

    I measured out all of my oils last night and got everything ready for this afternoon. Did my lye water last night too!

    I never did find my new whisk so I made due with a spatula and my stick blender was used to incorporate the oils together before adding the lye water. I also added my F/O then too!

    My mold was lined, cocoa was set aside and mix with a teasoon of water and a few drops of SAO.

    I wasn't expecting it to trace as quickly as it did so I'm very glad I only blasted of a second with stick blender. Just one quick pulse and I could feel the trace. I went back and grab the cocoa cup, took so raw soap out and set it aside will I went back and restirred the pot.

    I was quickly to a medium trace and then finished mixing the cocoa cup which was a little thicker trace. Raised the cup high over the pot and poured and brought in back down and around!

    Then I poured it into the mold. It filled it to the very top!:shocked2: Put plastic over and gently laid the top on after tapping it on the counter to get any air bubbles out!

    I'll check tonight to see if it gelled!

    I like these log mold I bought and I've got several of them!

    I have a large mess to clean up later but I'm addicted!


  8. I didn't say you were a nobody! :shocked2: ...

    And I'm looking forward to seeing your soaps!

    I'M SORRY! LOL! What's a NOOB? A novice? I certainly am THAT!:P:laugh2:

    I won't be showing any soap because I don't have a digital camera. But I will be certain to discribe to all of you. I'm going to try an ITP swirl with Cocoa powder

    Lye water is in the sink cooling. Hard oils are measured and melted, soft oils are measured and in the soap pot.

    Now if I could just find my brand new whisk that I bought a minth ago. I thought I placed it in my soap tote but it must be outside in the truck. Will have to find that before I begin tomorrow afternoon!


  9. I'm going to go for a standard soap scent. OMH.

    I've never done the scent in a candle so it's new to me and it doesn't accelerate so I'm going for it! I will do an ITP swirl with some cocoa powder!:tiptoe:

    Thanks very much, scented. I've already weighed out my oils, both hard and soft. I'm getting ready to mix my lye water and set it up over night.

    I'll soap early afternoon tomorrow!

    Thank you again!


  10. I got my oils today so I'm ready to start soaping tomorrow.

    Here is the recipe I will soap: It will be a 2lb batch! Distilled water will be without a discount. Superfat at 5%

    Michelle's Shortning and Shea bars!

    Crisco~ 40%

    Coconut76~ 16%

    Palm Kernel Flakes~15%

    Castor Oil~ 12%

    Rice Bran oil~ 10%

    Shea or Mango Butter~ 7%

    Distilled water~ 12.16 oz

    Lye ~ 4.51oz

    Crisco~ 12.8oz

    Coconut76~ 5.12oz

    Palm Kernel Flakes~ 4.8oz

    Castor Oil~ 3.84oz

    Rice Bran Oil~3.2oz

    Shea or Mango Butter~2.24oz

    Hardness~ 40


    Conditioning~ 55

    Bubbly lather~ 31

    Creamy lather~31



  11. That was an odd email, IMO.

    Someone probably questioned if their oils could be used solely for perfume application. They may be sending this out to new customers. I wouldn't take offense to it.

    Damn girl, that oil comes out to over 80.00 a lb, in 4 oz increments!

    Yikes. Better to hop on the mailing list and wait for a good sale.

    Well that's with shipping, Sweetie!

    I'm on the mailing list. I have heard so many people say wonderful things about this scent, I just wanted to try it! I only plan to use it in soap. I don't make lotion or other things yet. Maybe later this summer. But for me, learn one thing at a time and give your full undivided attention! I'll concentrate on CP soap and in four months, once I've made 60 logs and slabs, I'll look into the rest of the B&B things.

    But CP owns my attention right now!

    I finally got my oils so I can soap now!:yay:


  12. Odd indeed. You didn't ask them anything before becoming a customer did you? Could be they sent that to the wrong person too and just don't realize it yet.

    I asked no questions of any sort. I made no claims either.

    They had my email address and shipping info attached to show that they had routed it correctly. They just assume I'm stupid!:confused:

    I DO know that F/O that go into any kind of soap have to be body and skin safe.:rolleyes2

  13. I ordered it, paid with PayPal. I only told them to send me my order that I had paid for.

    I don't plan to use it in anything but CP soap. Their prices are too high to waste the scent in a candle.:shocked2:

    What upsets me is that they assume I know nothing!

    Yet they have how it works in CP soap.:confused:

    Yeah it's my first order with them but I personall don't think they should assume I will use it in the wrong application!:angry2:

    I mean, after all I'm paying, with shipping included : $20.80


  14. Thank you again for your order, copied below, which has been routed to me for disposition. We are concerned regarding your purchase of the highlighted fragrance oil product.

    Our fragrance oils are *NOT* perfume or otherwise wearable oils but are industrial-grade products used by formulators. These products are NOT intended for direct use on the skin.

    If you are not a formulator or professional perfumer, you should not be ordering or using these products. Please advise by return e-mail (no verbals, please) and, if necessary, we will delete the fragrance oils from your order. We will continue to HOLD your order until this matter is resolved.

    Awaiting your kind reply, I am


    Very truly yours,



    Customer Service


    ----- Original Message -----

    I ordered 4oz of the Tonic scent to use in my soap. I find this a very odd email. Why do they assume I know nothing about F/O????


    I replied for them to complete the order and send it!

  15. Want to never forget to add your F/O to you soap before pouring? Place the F/O IN YOUR MOLD. You will see it before you start pouring the soap into your mold and you will remember to add it!

    Always wear you goggles and rubber gloves, even when cleaning up after making soap, if you cleanup right afterwards. Raw soap accidents can happen when cleaning up just like when making soap. If you can leave the mess until the next day, it will be soap and you have no worries.

    If you opt to use a garbage bag in your mold, make sure all print on the bag is not facing the soap. The printing will come off and show uo in the finished bars!

  16. Wait a minute, is it a "concentrate"? If it's a base that is not a concentrate, but rather ready-to-use, maybe you weren't supposed to add the water? (I don't know if that would have anything to do with it.)

    I was about to say the same thing. Once you intoduce water to any product, you have to also add a persevetive to it.

    All of the shower bases I've seen, you just add F/O and no water unless you bought it from the gal who sell strictly concentrated bases. But I read on here she closed.:confused:


  17. My candles sell themselves. My setup is very simple. The one lid of each scent is removed and the candle placed up front. I also have theree candles burning at different levels of the jar to show how clean the jar is as the candle is burning and to prove the scent is still strong even on the last 1/4 of the jar. I'll tell people they are 100% soy wax and the price. I don't say much else because the demo says it all. If they have question, I answer them but really, the display says it all.

    I just stand by to wrap and bag candles and take money.

    I'm sure this will change once I sell soap next year but for now it easy on me!


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