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Posts posted by Corence

  1. I hope I didn't offend anyone with the "extra credit" comment. I myself, am not much of a people person. I sorta blend in with the crowd (or the wall) and at times people can forget I am there. ...that is, until you get to know me.

    I would love to meet anyone from this board, and it may sound funny coming from a man....but I am kinda shy.

    Maybe next year I will get to meet some of you, that is if it's okay with all of you.

    Oh by the way, what types of things are put in the Goodie Bags?


  2. I was really wanting to go to this, and I even had permission from the misses....but when I went to sign up, it said I would not be gaurenteed a goodie bag, so I am GOING to go next year.

    So if anyone doesn't mind....how is it? Is it worth going to?

    I don't care about the "extra credit" activities you all do, I wanna know about everything else.

    Thank You

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