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Everything posted by logcabinmomma

  1. Febreeze is actually almost no FO. It's tons of water, some isopropyl alcohol and a "special ingredient" to help with odors (think baking soda, dissolved). I refill my bottles with water (almost to the top), a slight bit of rubbing alcohol as a preservative and the slightest drop of FO. Since it doesn't incorporate like Febreeze, I have to shake it first, but it works SO much better than febreeze did... You might be able to find a dupe for some of the actual scents though... although my favorite Febreeze substitute scent is actually not one of their dupes... it's Sage, Sweetgrass and Cedar from BNL via BCN.... -Kristi
  2. My only one that did it in bunches and bunches was a Cranberry Balsam (NG) in C-3 colored red with black in a 20 oz container. None of the other ones had problems. I did others the same scent and color that are fine (from the same batch even). Just one of those things... -Kristi
  3. I sold out of Gardenia at Christmastime last year! You never know! -Kristi
  4. Candlebuddy, I poured Pumpkin Souffle a few days ago and I also smelled your "burnt note"... it's not really burned, just really cooked lol... I make pumpkin muffins all the time (with cream cheese in the middles) that smelled alot like this scent. To me, the almost burned smell it had at first smelled like the edges of the muffin in the pan... ya know, where it's not really burned, but it's cooked a little longer? Anyway, that part is there at first, but it mellows back out to the creamy, little spicy pumpkin... -Kristi
  5. TCS Amish Harvest and TCS Spicy Apples and Peaches... I'm to the bottom of a square mason with the spicy apples and peaches and it burned perfectly... hooray! -Kristi
  6. I tried it in Joy (quite some time ago now) and was very disappointed in the throw. It's fine for my powder room, but if it doesn't scent half my main floor, I'm not happy with it. Went on my weak list. -Kristi
  7. But tell me how you REALLY feel!!! :smiley2: -Kristi - who loves to read the chemistry posts and hopes to eventually test her own blends, but for now will stick with the preblended waxes of the world...
  8. My 4- 5 oz containers do really well. I've used 4 oz tins and I'm going to use the 5 oz ginger jars from Aztec. -Kristi
  9. I actually didn't take it as a mean comment! C-3 can be a pain! It has weird tops and bubbles like a bowl of hot soup while it's burning... I personally didn't like the quirks of that wax (even though it threw great with the right cure time). That's why I switched. I needed something a bit more.... stable lol. I know some have no issues with it, but I did. And out of about 30 stored containers, I only had this one that mutated like that. I hadn't seen it like that before and was just floored that bloom could be that big! I haven't heat gunned it yet, but if I get any funky regrowth at all afterwards, I won't put it out. I will however figure out what I can dip with the 20 oz of wax. No, those of us who've used soy a while are pushed over the edge to borderline insanity... that's why you'll see some crazy remarks! We've been driven to the edge! -Kristi
  10. That's why I switched to 464... C-3 was a pain (for me)... 464 is so much better behaved... -Kristi
  11. Let me know how it works out! The BBW line with Orange and Ginger is an EO line, so I haven't seen a good dupe of it. I'd love to have one though! The warm orange gingerbread is nothing like it . -Kristi
  12. I haven't tried Peak's, but TCS is AWESOME! Very strong... it's almost like a creamy cinnamon bread pudding. -Kristi
  13. Last year I was using C-3 (but changed to GW 464 around the beginning of the year this year). I go to get my extra Christmas stock out from last year (just a few odds and ends that I kept stored. Now mind you, this was stored in room temperatures with NO extremes at all, 74-78 degrees year round. My Cranberry Balsam 20 oz Tureen had MAJOR cauliflower head!!! Like, I went to press down on this enormous puff of candle wax and it fell in to itself! YIKES! I'm gonna heat gun it, but I have a feeling no amount of work will make the top pretty!!! I was glad I looked though! I'd hate to set that out and have someone open it to see what I saw!!! I thought my old C-3 stuff would be awesome because of the looongg cure time, but um... that wasn't what I was expecting to blow me away when I opened the lid! The outside is still perfect with no frosting though! So just a PSA, check last year's product THOROUGHLY before setting out!!! -Kristi
  14. Life is catching up with me this weekend... I have two middle schoolers with activities to shuttle around, a mattress to pick up (my waterbed was suddenly a little TOO wet), company over for a HUGE rivalry college game Saturday night, and I'm finishing up pouring the rest of several types of containers that I have left before I order more... so some oval hexes, some 20 oz tureens, some 8 oz tureens, some 8, 6, and 4 oz tins.... basically I'm making room for more so I can REALLY get busy. I have 3 shows lined up and need to make some phone calls about a few more. I also need to put together a hostess packet for parties/open houses for the holidays this year, including full scent lists, prices, and what they can expect that I deliver to them a week or two before the party. Oh, and my laser printer is out of ink, so I need to shop for that too... -Kristi
  15. http://www.candlescience.com This is an excellent supplier that uses ecologically friendly packing materials and packs FOs better than any other company I've ever seen. They ship IMMEDIATELY and with no snafus or glitches. I can actually trust that I will get what I ordered before I actually expect it, pretty much every time! Love it! -Kristi
  16. Maybe you should sell it as poison ivy soothing soap? It'd do really really well here (says the woman who owns 3 inaccessable acres due to MAJOR poison ivy growth)... It looks good to me though! I bet it's just ash. -Kristi
  17. Maybe she just wanted to make sure it wasn't from a bad place on ebay? -Kristi
  18. It REALLY depends on your wax... I had to use a much bigger wick with C-3 than I do with GW 464. The lower the melt temp, the smaller the wick... I would imagine all natural additive free soy would require a much bigger wick... -Kristi
  19. Yes, this is a strong one... watch out for fuely smells based on wax and wick combos though! -Kristi
  20. Hmmm, Forbidden Fruit might work... I don't really want it *too* churchy, and In the Garden makes me think of a Basil/Tomato leaf blend lol!!! -Kristi
  21. I would contact the manufacturer for the max FO load on that wax. It's a new one that even Swans says they're still testing and it's not even listed on the manufacturer's site... try this number (888) Wax-Pro1 for the corporate office and ask the FO load... my guess is that it's not blended to hold that high of a load.... -Kristi
  22. I can't even get people to open this candle... I know I live in the Bible Belt and that most of my shoppers are church-goers, but this scent is fab and no one ever gets to smell it! What is a good rename? Scent description: Candied apple and pomegranate with oakmoss and ivy... It's fresh and sweet and green all at the same time... -Kristi
  23. My two are Christmas Cabin and Country Bumpkin... -Kristi
  24. Great info as usual, Stella! One thing I would add, C-3 had a very long cure time. The longer you can wait to burn, the better your candles will smell. You may want to wait a minimum of a week to test how strong fragrances really are! -Kristi
  25. WOW! I poured this on Saturday morning and my poor dd (4) thought I had made pancakes with the Butter Pecan Eggo syrup on them!!! I did a side by side sniff test and they are VERY similar. My 4 yo had a fit, but thankfully I had a few leftover pancakes in the fridge from a few days earlier!!! Smelled JUST like it! It would make a great coffee mixer too! I'm waiting on Wildberry Mousse, Pumpkin Souffle, Cranberry Relish, Mistletoe, and Lavendar Vanilla and funny thing is that I didn't get any of those except Lavendar Vanilla during the last $1 sample sale! My 2 yo is having Lavendar Vanilla withdrawal because that was his cocoa butter soap fragrance and his shea butter fragrance- makes an awesome baby smell!!! Would be perfect for a new baby basket! -Kristi
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