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Everything posted by logcabinmomma

  1. I'm burning Passionate Kisses from NG at 1 oz. pp in 464 right now, and it's not a super strong thrower. You may want to go up on this one. I love the fragrance, but the strength is not "knock your socks off", at least in 464. And, for the record, this one has cured for about 3 days. -Kristi
  2. Mix the candy cane with a chocolate and go from there! -Kristi
  3. 464 has soy based additives and takes a smaller wick than other soys. I haven't used EZsoy, so I can't compare. So you can pick up AT Alabaster without a tax ID? Good to know! -Kristi
  4. I think it's from those additives that are in the blended waxes. C-3 and 464 both do this, although C-3 was slightly worse. My C-3 candles would sweat in the "sunny rooms" in the house... or when we would have a house full of company and be cooking and the temp's would go up... I started wiping them off with a piece of paper towel... lol -Kristi
  5. Having not used Alabaster yet, if you pick up, do you have to file your tax ID number with them since technically you're in state? I'm guessing so... unless maybe you could place the order online and then pick up? But then again, you're supposed to be charged taxes based on where the items are actually delivered TO, which puts you needing to bring your info with tax ID with you when you pick up- right? Alabaster is on my way to my inlaw's new house in Pensacola.... (I already have people picking up for me all over when they go out of town lolol)... -Kristi
  6. CAREBEAR'S got WICKS!!! Hooray!!! -Kristi (feeling a tad bit silly today)... But, hey, I've seen your soaps, now I want to see your candles!
  7. You might want to try Aztec out of Knoxville for your wax. They have great prices on their tins too! http://www.buywax.com -Kristi
  8. Yes, seconding NG's- my picky SIL loved it too (and my brother loved the name lol). It's fruity with a wiff of something almost a pleasant body odor smell??? I joke that I can smell the butt in it.... It smells great and it's very fitting of the name. -Kristi
  9. Tangerine Lemongrass- NG Lime Cilantro- NG Sage Sweetgrass and Cedar- BnL (at BCN) Iris and Fern- BnL (at BCN) Tangerine Lemongrass is a little on the sweet side, but very clean smelling. The other two are greener smelling. SSandC is a GREAT clean scent. So is Iris and Fern, but a little bit sweeter (but not as sweet as Tangerine Lemongrass). -Kristi
  10. I'm in sticker shock over the prices that they have listed for all the items you buy... I never pay anywhere near those prices and I'm typically buying in even smaller quantities!!! How much do you have to charge just to cover your expenses? I'm part of the struggling $1 an once club, and am just doing this for fun. I can't imagine what you have to charge to try to make money doing this with those kinds of costs! Seriously, at $144 for 100 lbs of wax and $10 for 4 oz of FO, they're makin' some serious money- way more than any of their "candle makers"... wow... thinking *I* need an MLM of my own! -Kristi
  11. Yes, the throw from C-3 is phenomenal. But I couldn't get over the looks either... I'm thinking it would make AWESOME dipped "stuff" because of the amazing cold throw. I have some sugar cookie dipped (drizzled?) pinecones from Thanksgiving in my living room that are still STRONG. I would recommend this wax for critters and 'cones and tarts all day long! I didn't like the bubbles when burning- it was crazy. And I didn't like how high I had to wick with it. -Kristi
  12. Bermuda Triangle reminds me of fruit cocktail syrup- I love it!! lol Now, the name makes my dh think thongs..... but that's another topic altogether... Suffice it to say that he LOVES that one, but most people do... -Kristi
  13. What's your wax? And was it a heavy or light FO? Inquiring minds want to know lol.... -Kristi
  14. Here's one for ya- I DO fill containers for people BUT they have to be fairly straight sided (no big flares) and it's just for people I KNOW. I also charge $1 an ounce for their container because I test it first. I let them know I have a 2 week turnaround so I can pour and test (don't worry about testing for throw since it's in wax and with fragrance and wick types I've already tested). People really like it, even though they could get a different candle from me for the same price that includes the container. Since I'm anal about burns, and people really want their containers it works for me. I also instruct them to wash and dry their container on the heated dry cycle of their dishwasher first. That gets hotter than my soy wax and wick would. I also only do this "small time" and would never offer this (due to the time involved) if I had more to do! It works out well that I can test popular containers on their dime AND I can see what containers people would pick if they had more to choose from, which helps me for purchasing my larger lots of containers. It ends up that I don't make much doing it (due to making at least 2 candles for every 1 I sell lol), but I'm not losing money and I'm gaining lots of experience this way. Just a comment from the other side of the fence! :smiley2: -Kristi
  15. C-3 does NOT like being poured cold. It sounds like the ones that are crumbly everywhere are most likely the ones you poured below 150. Melt wax to 175-180 and add fragrance oil and color, cool to no less than 150 (and that wax does like it warmer than cooler!). Cover with a box or styrofoam cooler and leave it set. I didn't warm my jars with this, but had no problems. I did get some circle cracks around the wick and rarely got a smooth top. Heat gunning this wax ended up with too much frosting for me. In fact, I didn't like this wax much lol, but it's workable! -Kristi
  16. I use silicone caulk to glue wicks down- works GREAT! And soy HATES cold... -Kristi
  17. Yeah, I forgot to mention, my *perfect* pours at 150 are in a 70 degree room that doesn't have any drafts!!! -Kristi
  18. I do this because I homeschool my 6 young children alllll day long (love it, but draining!) and this is a great hobby. I'm home all day and burn candles and HATE the fact that I was paying so much for such crappy candles. I sell to friends and friends of friends almost exclusively through home parties which is an awesome excuse to get out of the house and have fun. Every "season" I am just trying to break even, maybe get a little bit ahead for the next season... but not even trying to make money here (although I'm priced at 3 times cost for retail- I just sell 1/3 of product, plus enough to cover testing and "R&D"- aka- just buying new fragrances lol- and have lots left over for gifts and to keep if it works out that way). I love approaching it this way cause I'm not rushed and I'm just having fun with it. I looked into doing our city's farmer's market this summer, but I just don't want to commit a full day each week to selling yet- I have babies at home and want to take advantage of my weekends as a family. :smiley2: -Kristi
  19. Maybe they're 3 votive sized wicks??? I know I typically use 1 CD 12 in that exact jar. BUT I don't have beeswax, shea, cocoa and vit e in my candles! lol And looks like they aren't colored either. -Kristi
  20. Any chance of you being done pouring before the sale goes off? I'm getting my order together still- I have a friend who I'm waiting for to give me a list of what she wants (cause she'll pay for hers lol). If anyone has a list of "can't live withouts" and "throws so hard it knocked me over" for soy, let me know!!! -Kristi
  21. Spiced Cranberry and blends with it were my bubbliest with C-3; not a foam, but a froth almost. Looking forward to more answers on this one! -Kristi
  22. Seconding Passionate Kisses from NG- I've done it in candles, soap, and butters and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Lovespell is great too (NG's), also Cinnamon Red Hots (NG) -Kristi
  23. Keep testing til you get to the square part- it takes longer to burn by far than the upper circular area! Oh, wait, you're having a HT problem... thought you were talking MP lolol... I should learn to read the whole thing... I know that I don't do as well with zincs and veggie wax, but I haven't used your wax either. -Kristi
  24. Got a pic? C-3 does get LOTS of bubbles in my experience, but not a beer foam look. -Kristi
  25. verrrrrry fruity. It's not a clean tea scent, but a sweet almost jam scent. It's a touch toward the bakery side, which would give me pause putting it into B&B.... -Kristi
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