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Everything posted by logcabinmomma

  1. oooh, I'm in LOVE!! I changed suppliers for wicks, and who can place an order for just wicks? No fun! lol So I got the buy 5 get one free sampler pack! YUMMY! I hadn't tried BCN before and bought... Iris and Fern (BnL)- oooh, I LOVE iris and this smells great- sweet and fresh at the same time! Sweet Pea (BnL)- a little light for me, but it's a gift for my mom's birthday (of course I kept 4 oz in wax for me lol). Smells good though. Sage Sweetgrass and Cedar (BnL)- very green- my daughter told me it smells like blistex only better lol. Definately smell the grass and cedar, but the sage is overpowering on top (cold throw, not burned yet). Spiced Tea (BCN)- to me, this really smells like a Orange Clove only not as orangy. Good smell, but I was hoping for more tea, less spice. Honey Coco Mango (BCN)- OMG! I died and went to heaven and there was a BEACH lol. THANK YOU to whoever recommended this one! Good enough to suck all the juice out of! lol Wildberry Zinger Tea (BCN)- Not sure about the tea part, but the Wildberries are awesome! This is sweet and syrupy good. I've been looking for a scent similar to the Darsee and David (Hobby Lobby) Raspberry Bergamot. This has alot of the same notes and is AWESOME. Hot throw can be smelled OUTSIDE the house in GW 464- at 24 hours cured in a 20 oz tureen (I'm bad, I know). I also got a few free samples (that is why BCN is wayyyy up on my good list right now- I was getting tired of NG's little soaps after all those over $100 orders- even though my girls fight over them. But *I* never got them lol). I haven't put them in wax yet. I got Sea Breeze, Dreamsicle and Tutti Fruiti. My DH loves Dreamsicle OOB, and Sea Breeze is good too- sweet and fresh. Tutti Fruiti is over the top bubble gum (you can smell the powder stuff on the outside of the cheap gum, ya know?). Too much for me!!! -Kristi
  2. I'm glad to see this- I tried NG's and it smells like pollen! Enough to make me sneeze!!! -Kristi
  3. Have you tried BCNs? They have one that smells clean, no spice (OOB). It came yesterday as a 1/2 oz sample, so I haven't gotten it into anything (even though I stayed up late last night and got all the full size samples into wax!!! lol I love free samples!!!! -Kristi
  4. They look really pretty! I love those square tins. How long is it taking you to get a full melt pool on those? Pretty colors too- what brand/type of wax are those? How long had the Fruit Slices one been burning? -Kristi
  5. For small batches, I just use a toothpick dabbed into my red liquid dye and then barely swirled into the wax. -Kristi
  6. Also, if you use too much liquid dye you can get a funky fuel smell. -Kristi
  7. 8 and 4 oz. I tried the 16 and 20 oz containers, and they are just too expensive for most people- they'd rather get a couple of different scents in smaller containers. In general, anything priced at $10 or less gets more attention that those priced higher. -Kristi
  8. nevermind, hangup was slow to catch up, but did by the bottom! (granted, this is 464, not EL). -Kristi
  9. I love the GW 464... it's been SO easy to wick for me. C-3 I'd get major hangup or clogged wicks or no throw, depending on the wick (HTP- hangup, LX- clogs, CD- no throw) and was pulling my hair out to wick it well. 464 has NONE of those issues so far. I haven't used anything but CDs so far cause they work *so* well. Great throw, no mushrooming, no hangup, just perfect burns every time so far. I've wicked wineglasses, 4 and 8 oz tins and 8 oz hourglasses no problem. I have other containers to test still, but getting all these down in all scents first. Helps that my closest supplier carries it too! But I think I'd pay to have this shipped, I like it so much! -Kristi
  10. Not my kids' rooms!!! This is a light floral with alyssum and violets, just a little powder mixed in. Good smell all in all, but Doodlebug (bubble gum and candy) is much more realistic for a children's room smell!!! I mean, it's a good smell, but the name threw me! That's the first thing I did when I smelled it- "not my kids!!!!". lolol Beach baby is another different baby smell. Kind of ocean, suntain lotion and a little powder.
  11. I've had very good luck at 1 oz pp on most everything from NG so that's where I start. I haven't tested this one yet but will this week when my wicks get here (along with some samples lolol.... BNL and BCN- insert evil laugh here). -Kristi
  12. Someone on here says that it smells alot like BBW Sun Ripened Raspberry. I totally agree with that after smelling OOB, I'm waiting on more wicks, so I don't have an in the wax review yet. It's a kind of clean, raspberry cream kind of smell. It's good, but more about the name than the smell. If you called it Raspberry Romance, it wouldn't sell as well. -Kristi
  13. I'm in the process of switching to GW 464 from C-3, mainly because I was having to use torch sized wicks to get a good burn from C-3 and I'm loving the ease of wicking of 464. I was having to double wick all my widemouths and then not getting a good burn anyway. For example, a 20 oz tureen wouldn't burn evenly with 2 HTP 104's... like it needed triple wicked. Anyway, I have a close supplier of 464 and I'm absolutely loving it- not even ONE complaint so far from me!! I just finished wick testing 3 containers and bunches of FOs and the burn time is awesome too. About 35-40 hours from a 4 oz tin. Oh, and with C-3, I really couldn't go over 1 oz/lb FO without serious seepage and yet more difficulty burning. I'd cut back on the FO if you're having any problems with the burn. -Kristi
  14. Actually, at the moment it looks like ALL products on the site are wholesaled from Gelluminations. -Kristi
  15. OK, I've figured out that you've set up a wholesale agreement with gelluminations to have them drop-ship for you. Are you gonna make your own candles or just wholesale? How did you get them to agree to selling below their retail price? I thought that typically wasn't allowed... -Kristi
  16. 12/29/06 You were beginning to make candles and wanted to sell them and needed to know what a flash point was. 12/30/06 You were asking for the top 5 scents cause you wanted to start selling them. You're gone for a week and now you sell candlemaking supplies, B&B supplies and already made candles? Who are you getting them wholesale from? You have every scent under the sun available for purchase immediately. You also have a website that is shotgun wedding- like with numerous misspellings and oddities.... I'm just missing something (obviously). How did you get your business information and liability insurance set up so fast? -Kristi
  17. I got frosting like that with C-3 if I even SHOWED it the heat gun. I ended up using my finger to rub the tops down where the wax creeped up the wick and any circle cracks appeared. I'm using 464 now and I heat gunned a dark red and got NO frosting afterward! -Kristi
  18. :tiptoe: I think it's gonna be like 4th of July 'round these here parts, fireworks an' all. -Kristi
  19. My cinnamon red hots I'm testing at the moment is running about 2 wick sizes higher than normal (4 oz tin with GB464, normally CD 5, but this is between a 6 and 8 (testing that now, but I'm thinking since it's tin the hangup will catch up at the bottom with a 6). -Kristi
  20. Passionate Kisses is a MUST have- and get a big bottle. I just soaped this last night and will be putting it into wax later. AWESOME scent. -Kristi
  21. Use brown with red to get a deeper red. If you use black you get mauve. I did an 8 oz merlot scent with 2 drops red, 1 drop brown, 1 drop black and got a fantastic deep burgundy and no burn issues. -Kristi
  22. I test for burn myself, yes, every single scent/dye/wax/container combo (ughhh), but AFTER I get that right, I'll let family and close friends test for scent throw and test to make sure it burns right in their house. Everytime I come by (local family and friends only lol) I check to see how it's been burning! My friend's house is sooo much warmer than mine, candles at her house burn alot differently. So I test my own as much as possible first and then *I* check their testers lol. Now I test 6 or 7 fragrances at a time, so testing isn't as slow as it sounds. I have two going in the basement, 3 on the main floor and 2 upstairs. AND I test all the sizes of each scent at the same time in the same room. I've been testing new containers, wicking and wax (what the heck, it's a new year lol) and my house smells like a candle shop!!!! -Kristi
  23. I have one group of people who buy every melt they get their hands on (great for freebies and samples btw) and another group who glances for less than a second before moving on (if that). And they all live in the same area, just hang out with different people. The group into melts are much younger than the group into strictly wicked candles. But you should have seen the faces of the people who were into wicked candles when I told them they could use a candle warmer with my candles... the looks on their faces!!! Like, wow, what is THAT? lol -Kristi
  24. I've started doing my glass jars dye free with a ribbon the color the scent would be. I am doing travel tins that ARE dyed since the sides don't matter if they're frosty... I have the clear top tins so you can still see the colors. I also hate frost and try to avoid it at all costs (so far so good on my Merlot wine candle-tester in a Libbey wine glass- with 464 and liquid dyes, poured at 145- my C-3 would have been bloomin' everywhere by now). -Kristi
  25. You'll probably get more response from the Fragrance Oil section, but I'll tell you that NG's Bay Rum, Cool Water, and Ginger Bergamot are good. The Ginger Bergamot has an awesome throw and my kids call it "Daddy's Deodorant" and are always blowing it out cause it's too strong for them. -Kristi
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