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Everything posted by ebcandles

  1. Wow...That is so AWESOME:yay: Congrats!
  2. Congrats! Hope the orders continue to come in!
  3. No discounts here either. I always throw in free samples no matter how large the order is. Now if its a large order, I throw in full sized bars of soap.
  4. I use to put up a sign on my tables at my market and craft fairs. If they joined my list, I would give them a free bar of soap. Well as you probably figured out, people took advantage of this....I was giving out free bars to everyone and their mother with no return customers. I no longer put the sign up at my booth. Now when someone asks me where will I be next, I ask them to join the list. I dont give anything in return. I also have one on my website. I generate more names during shows/markets than I do online.
  5. Take some FBB add some soybean oil and some sea salt and you've got an awesome exfoliating facial wash.
  6. THE WINNER IS CITRUS EXPLOSION. You can view it here... http://www.ebcandles.com/specialtysoap.htm Here is another bar I just cant figure out what to name. Its my 2nd ever EO bar of soap. I just threw in some of this and that and came up with an awesome smellin soap! Here are the EO's Lemon, Lime, Rosemary, Patchouli I know you are probably thinking YUK, but let me tell you, this one smells devine! Almost like a citrus explosion! It is colored with alkanet root powder for the swirl. Let the best man/woman win a free bar of this soap.
  7. 10/11/05 - Drum roll please......The winner is Marbella. It was a tough decision but this one just rolled off my tongue. Thanks to all who gave their wonderful suggestions. How does the description sound on the website? http://www.ebcandles.com/oliveoilsoap.htm Its a mix of peppermint, ginger fig and pomegranate. Smells AWESOME!!!! If someone can come up with an interesting name, I will send them a bar:D
  8. Wow, how cool is that. Congrats!!!!
  9. I've only sold my soy body butter in an 8oz low profile jar. I've never had anyone ask for something smaller.
  10. Thanks! Thats exactly what I was looking for:yay:
  11. Has anyone come across a site that runs online surveys? I would like to be able to email my customers a survey for the month and in return offer them something for completing the survey. Does a site exist? TIA, Carmen
  12. Im proud of you girlie. Even though she is an evil witch to you, you didnt stoop down to her level. You are a professional and acted as such. You go girl:yay:
  13. Couldnt you just say "shipping will be billed seperately" and bill them after you get the correct amount?
  14. OMG, I cant believe I signed up for two craft shows on the same day. Just goes to show how unorganized I am. Does anyone want to pitch in for a personal organizer? Hubby said he would work one show while I work the other:yay: Okay, im off to pour more candles.
  15. very pretty. Looks like a wave!
  16. Wow, thats horrible. After reading a few lines, I thought you were going to say you got 2 tables. That would have been awesome!
  17. I use their oils for both candles and B&B.
  18. Why dont you wait a few days. The FO might change into something more pleasing to the nose.
  19. Fantastic! Wow, that looks soooo perfect. I hope you sell out! How much inventory are you taking?
  20. Best of luck to you. You will be back soon!
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