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Everything posted by ebcandles

  1. Pomegranate Olive Oil Soap recipe using Pomegranate and Rosewater FO from Kangaroo Blue. Swirls are burgundy oxide also from Kangaroo Blue.
  2. And when they put a lien on your house and garnish your wages?
  3. 10oz Balmorals. They fly off the shelves. I cant "give away" anything larger than that.
  4. Thanks! The fragrances that I have used have worked out great:yay: Yup, I've used many of them in soy and they throw like CRAZY!!! I will be switching a bunch of my current oils for Gemlite. NOt only do they work well in soy and CP soap but they are very inexpensive.
  5. Those look fantastic. Is that Peaks Mandarin Plum? yum, yum!!!
  6. And last but not least. Sweet Pea from Gemlite. Red mica was used for swirl.
  7. Second is Black Cherry. Black Cherry FO from Gemlite. Swirls are black aussie clay and burgundy oxide.
  8. Three of my olive oil soap batches from this week. First is Olive Blossom made last night. Olive Blossom from BNL. Green oxide swirled with uncolored base.
  9. I use my business account. If I had one strictly for paypal payments I would go insane. Thats just too many accounts to keep up with!
  10. Send out at least 100 of the 500 postcards I ordered for the wholesale site.
  11. Thats awesome! If you type in olive oil lotion in google, Im on page 1 (number 3). I think thats pretty good but how many people would type in "olive oil lotion"
  12. oooh, are you gonna find out the specs? Im definitely interested in splitting an order with ya. Im in IL:yay:
  13. those are adorable - but out of stock:cry2:
  14. You KNOW i will take you up on that offer.
  15. Thanks everyone. Nope, its an upland. I bought it off Jen - thanks again for the mold girlie!!!
  16. I heard they sell a "pusher" you can use to push the soap from the dividers.
  17. I would contact a packaging company and not a candle supply company.
  18. MSN search results today. If you type in soy body butter....Im #5 AND #7 on the First page baby:yay: If you type in soy soap...Im #4 on the First Page!!! If you type in soy lotion...Im #3 on the First Page!!! Woooohooo. Now if I can get the same results in google, I would be set:shocked2:
  19. No matter which process you use, you still need to let the soap cure. Soap is like wine, the more it ages, the better it gets.:smiley2:
  20. Titanium dioxide or a buttload of white oils such as tallow or soy shortening.
  21. I would love to find some investors.
  22. I cancelled because they dont cover wholesale. I went and found another company who would cover wholesale bath and candles. I had no idea they do not offer refunds on a policy. How is that possible? How can they keep your money for a policy that i only had for less than 3 months? I paid for a full year up front and cancelled after 3 months. Had I known I wasnt going to get a refund, i would not have cancelled.
  23. Im testing out a new recipe that is soy/tallow based. I was given a sample of Grapefruit Peppermint from BNL and it smells so darn good that I just *had* to soap it. This is for my personal use. Colored with mica.
  24. Thanks everyone:yay: Nope, those are freshly cut. I dont polish at all.:smiley2:
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