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Everything posted by ebcandles

  1. This is KY's Pillar/Votive blend. The FO is my own blend of peppermint and pine. The candle measures 4.5 tall by 6 wide. Thanks for looking:yay:
  2. Go to directnic.com Then type in the name you want to use. They will let you know if it is taken or not and if it is, give you an alternative name. Good luck. I've been using them for the past 3 years with no issues.
  3. Ive been called several times. I dont mind at all. I always ask where they got my name from so I can give proper credit.
  4. My best promotion hands down has been free shipping. It began on 12/11 and runs till 12/18. On the first day I had 2 orders. I just wish I would have started the sale earlier on in the month, I think I would have caught more Christmas shoppers. What has worked for you?
  5. Sure you can! I made one last week and Im testing it this week. Its a three wick 4.5 inches high and 6 inches wide.
  6. Has anyone been able to locate the manufacturer for the wax melt clamshells that WSP carries? They have six cavities, hold around 1.9 oz wax and come in two pieces. Here is the pic.. http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/ProductDetail.aspx?Tab=2&CatalogID=3&CatalogTitle=0&ProductID=3602 TIA, Carmen
  7. Wow, is that your main business doing fundraisers?
  8. How professional looking! Great job girlie!
  9. congrats girlie. why am i not surprised? Your candles rock!!!
  10. I use to bevel every bar. It took alot of time and in the end, I had a ton of scraps that I couldnt figure out what to do with. It really a matter of personal preference. I dont know about anyone else but by the time I was done beveling, my bars looked alot smaller than the unbeveled bars.
  11. 150.00 is not steep at all. Once you start adding items up, that 150.00 would be covered in no time at all. It would be easier to make your minimums per your batch size. If you can make 8 votives per lb of wax, make your min of votives at 8 per color/scent selection. If you think thats too little, increase it to 16.
  12. I would sell to them at wholesale prices and then let them go out and resell them at retail. I wouldnt offer any of the accessories because you wont be making any money on those.
  13. I dont use a wholesale contract. I simply typed up my terms and conditions and email them to any prospective wholesalers. They must agree to the terms and conditions prior to making their first purchase.
  14. I do and havent had any problems with the arrangement:)
  15. Minimum per order and minimum per item. Usually your batch size. Like my batch size per 9oz balmoral is 8 - so my wholesale minimum is 8. My batch size of soap is 12 so my minimum per scent is 12. Make sure you get your terms down on paper before you go committing yourself to wholesale orders. Good luck with your new account!
  16. I like the way the cart value "follows" you as you scroll down the page.
  17. Aha! Thats what a frame is. I agree, it would look better without it.:smiley2:
  18. Try calling them, maybe somehow their cart has been disabled or is simply malfunctioning.
  19. I got a free sample with my co-op order and this one is GREAT! I made a Olive Oil body butter using the scent today and lemme tell ya, this one is a keeper! Only one problem, the scent name is too darn long! Has anyone renamed this scent? Can anyone help renaming it?
  20. I like her Pink Sugar and White Tea n Ginger. Both scents rock in bluegrass soy wax.
  21. Do any of you remember your first fundraiser? Im wrapping up mine at the end of this week. A high school spanish club located about an hour south of me sold 150 of my candles for a total of $795.00 The coordinator wrote me this morning and asked me "Did we do good as far as comparison to other fundraising groups" Being this is my first fundraiser, I dont have anything to compare with so I figured I would ask here. I know there are alot of other things to take into consideration but would anyone be willing to share and compare their "first" fundraiser figures with me? TIA, Carmen
  22. I've done two Thursday night "Moms night out" type of craft shows this month. The first one was from 6:30 - 10 and the 2nd one was from 7 - 10. Large groups gathered for both shows:yay:
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