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Everything posted by TeriM

  1. I was wondering that too... I love the looks of them but was thinking it would be hard to use
  2. very pretty.. it reminds me of black jack candy...
  3. has anyone soaped any of their FO's.. ? I was thinking about a couple and was wondering how they hold up.. Thanks TeriM
  4. I've been using JS and the throw is wonderful... I love it... I use KY's Perfect Blend..
  5. I line mine... with a garbage bag.. then just pull the sucker out - it takes a little work to get it out.. but you can reuse the can - we don't eat alot of Pringles so.... I've used the same can 3 times already
  6. I didn't spray mine.. but I did line it with a trash bag - it was a little hard to pull out.. but I still have the cans... I've reused them a couple times..
  7. I'm having a couple made from the one that I bought... it had a hole drilled in the bottom to help release... like everyone else... I just pull on the freezer paper...
  8. you guys are killing me... ! I was looking as it seems alot of his do well in soap... I've been having issues with some not lasting and figured I try some that you've all said work well - looks like a lot of his do... now I'm off !!!
  9. am I missing something... do they have a sampler pack..... ?
  10. the thing I like the most about them is all but 3 of their FO's are sking safe... I can't wait to soap the Pumpkin Vanilla.. !
  11. Nature's Garden is in Ohio.. as is Just Scents...
  12. how cool are those... just adorable...
  13. I have some shea at home & grapeseed oil.. I'll CP it this weekend and see how it turns out... now, what scent.. ?
  14. my Ace Hardware still carries lye.. I bought about 10 bottles last time and they still have more... from what I understand you can get a lot of oils from Super Walmart also - I think someone has said they carry coconut oil... I have a health food store that carries shea & mango butter - it's a lot more expensive than ordering.. but I bought a little when I first started.. didn't know if I was going to stick with it so I didn't want to order a lot... you are going to be so addicted.. ! have fun !!!
  15. thanks so much... I'll try the stick blender with the next batch. I don't really care that it's not "true" liquid soap.. it's just for family & friends that have asked... I shook the crap out of it last night and it didn't separate when I looked this morning.. but that was then... we'll see when I get home.
  16. beautiful.. I love the stamp and sounds like it smells wonderful !
  17. first - have any of you done this.. ? I found a recipe and made some last night.. it went well, but this morning I looked and it had separated.. anyone have any ideas as to why or how I can fix it.. ? thanks !
  18. here's the funny part... the OM&H did fine... used goats milk.. the second batch was Soothing Lavender and I used water .. it's the one that went nuts....
  19. I just bought the same thing the other day... !
  20. they're not - they are teflon .. got them from Kitchenaid
  21. okay I bought the metal ones ... washed them and sprayed them with Pam cooking spray.. the first batch came out, not that easy but it did... don't ask about the 2nd - it was really, really stuck.. what do you all spray yours with... ?
  22. I'm going to try low.. it was until it started growing.. LOL it was only a 3lb batch and the first time went fine... guess maybe I left it to long before stirring it down.... I've never seen soap grow.. but this did.. !!!
  23. I only have a low/high setting and I can't take the insert out - maybe I should invest in another crock pot... ? or would it work the same on the low setting ?
  24. well - it started out fine.. I did a OM&H batch on Saturday... it was a little weird as I wasn't sure what to expect - I had the tutorial so followed it - wasn't exactly the same but it worked.. so Sunday I go to do another batch.. and let me tell you I had soap everywhere - it boiled out of the crock pot all over the counter, on the floor, in the sick.. I think I lost about 4 bars... I'm not really sure what happened.. and not sure I want to do it again.. !!
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